On October 17 2015 in Zatobolsk school-gymnasium held a workshop with the English teachers "Preparation for transfer to 12-year education: integrated English language training and special content (CLIL)". The seminar was held by head of the English Department of the pedagogical Institute, PhD Kudritskaya M.I. the Workshop was conducted in English, which also contributed to the increase of language competence of teachers-practitioners

Exhibition "Creativity without borders" of A.S. Sapiev's works and works of the students of specialty "Fine arts and drawing" took place in the library named after Tolstoi L.N. on 15, October 2015. A lot of guests visited this event. G.Z. Balgabaeva, the Dean of the faculty of History and Art, made a congratulatory speech. The students of the specialty "Musical education" presented some musical performances to beautify the exhibition. Wish our future artists further success and having bright colours.

The Department of English opened English speaking club organized for the first year students of the faculty of foreign languages. The meetings will be held every Monday at 12.30. In class, students prepare presentations and discuss various topics of everyday communication. Participation in these meetings will help students to develop speaking skills and practice of communication in different situations in English, will increase the pace and confidence of their speech.

It ended with the words " The Oath of students "at the dedication of freshmen psychology and education faculty which took place on October 3rd. Dedication to freshmen in the numbers of students, according to tradition, it was organized by students of 3 courses. On October 9, 2015 the 1st course students took part in the event called "Dedication to Students". They showed their virtuosity and lit the hall with their dance.

In the memory of each student is the first, and because important holiday – the day of dedication in students. 9 October, 2015 in the Assembly hall an event was held "Initiation of students – 2015", which was attended by all the talented freshmen.

On October 8, 2015 the students of the 1st course of the kazakh department of psychology and education, Defectology, Preschool Education visited the Museum named after I. Altynsarin where the discussion "Abaydin ozimen" was held. Our 1st course students actively participated in the event.

On October 2, 2015 students of psychology and education Faculty held an event dedicated to the Teacher's Day. Holiday celebration started with Psychology and education Faculty congratulations, the student of the 2nd course Sarypbek P. dedicated a poem of her own composition to the teachers, the event continued with a holiday concert. On October 2, 2015 students of psychology and education Faculty held an event dedicated to the Teacher's Day. Holiday celebration started with Psychology and education Faculty congratulations, the student of the 2nd course Sarypbek P. dedicated a poem of her own composition to the teachers, the event continued with a holiday concert.

On September 30, 2015 students of the 1-3 courses of Kostanai state pedagogical institute had a chance to be acquainted withtrhe culture of the people living on the territory of Kazakhstan. They took active part in the institute social activity "Language is the bridge of friendship", devoted to the Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan which was carried out by teachers of the teaching and educational center of language preparation, the faculty of foreign languages, S. Abisheva, V. Plokhotenko and D. Lovtsov. The goal of this activity was the formation of language tolerance through musical, poetic and dancing works of the Kazakh, Russian, German, Uzbek, Korean and Croatian people.

On September 28, 2015 students of FFL have taken part in annual action "Day of health". The purpose of action were promoting sport of youth, the level of sports preparation of our students. Active part was taken by students of the 1 and 2 courses FFL; Akimova Zukhra has sung the song at the opening of the event. This event always takes place with pleasure, enthusiasm, and gives to participants a cheerfulness charge for long time.

The competition of readers "Language – the soul of the people", devoted to Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan, was held on September 22, 2015 by the teaching and educational center of language training. 10 students took part in the competition:

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