Specifics of the international educational programs in foreign higher education institutions


In 2015 sixteen teachers of KSPI have completed advanced training courses on the basis of the largest universities of Spain, Portugal, Germany and Great Britain.
The main objective of courses - to improve skills of teachers of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions in the field of modern technologies of teaching and training for increase of competitiveness of system of the higher education of the country.

The fundamental maintenance of courses was acquaintance with innovative approaches in training and demonstration by means of the training trainings of a possibility of application of modern educational technologies in the course of training. The occupations devoted to interactive methods of increase of efficiency of educational process, class in planning and estimation of results of training, introduction of the innovative technologies in educational process promoting increase of its efficiency, the organization of research and innovative activity of students in the course of training, use of Internet resources in educational practice had the special importance.


Cooperation, collaboration of teachers during trainings, seminars and sessions have given the chance for improvement of professional skills and have rendered assistance to an exchange of professional experience and expansion of an outlook.

Following the results of foreign training within the program of JSC NTSPK "Orleu" - RIPKSO branch on February 19, 2016 in a conference room the methodical seminar on the subject "Specifics of the International Educational Programs in Foreign Higher Education Institutions" had been held.
The vice rector for scientific work and foreign communications Abil E.A had noted that cooperation with foreign higher education institutions gives the unique chance to study features of system of the higher education, to estimate quality of own preparation and to compare teaching level at institute and foreign higher education institutions.
2016-02-19-seminar 4During a seminar lecturers of faculty of foreign languages who had completed advanced training courses on the basis of Newcastle university of Great Britain have shared experience of use of the latest technologies in educational process, have shown the presentations: Kudritskaya E.A. had told about use modern on-line tools when training in cooperation"; Doshchanova B. M., Suleymenova G. M. - about introduction of microteaching when training in a foreign language.
Lecturers of psychological-pedagogical faculty of Aydnaliyeva N. A., Utegenova B. M., Demisenova Sh. S., Smagly T.I., passed training on the basis of the Valencian Polytechnical university of Spain, on the basis of the Highest Technical Institute of Porto, Portugal, on the basis of the International Academy of Management and Technology (INTAMT) of Germany, in detail informed on use of innovative methods and receptions in teaching, have noted feature of inclusion in modular programs of different specialties of the psychological-pedagogical block for improvement of communication in professional activity.
About an intensification of research work through introduction of design technology of training and use of ICT teachers of Natural and mathematical faculty Sukhov M. V., Kobets T.S. have shared experience., Akhmetchina T.A., Belan O. D., Kasymova A.G. which have passed training on the basis of Newcastle university of Great Britain. Kalakov B. A. informed on estimation on the basis of competence., the department chair ФМиОД following the results of professional development on the basis of the Valencian Polytechnical university of Spain.
Information was followed by interesting slides, the presentations.
These advanced training courses had opened ample opportunities of professional growth as a lecturer, had given incentive for application of new educational technologies in educational process, promoted exchange of experience and expansion of an outlook.

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