
Academic mobility



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«Такого выпускного ни у кого не было!» «Такого выпускного ни у кого не было!» Friday, 26 June 2020 Что такое выпускной для студента? Это главный праздник, когда в своём долгожданном дипломе ты видишь труд нескольких лет и новый виток судьбы. В этом году, впервые в истории, торжественная церемония вручения дипломов в КГПУ им.У.Султангазина прошла в онлайн формате. Поздравили выпускников ректор, деканы... More detail
Congratulations  GRADUATES - 2020! Congratulations GRADUATES - 2020! Wednesday, 24 June 2020 The awarding of higher education diplomas is one of the most exciting events in the life of a recent student, and now a graduate. After all, it marks the beginning of a new independent life and a promising career in teaching. The role of the teacher in today's world is significant. The teacher is a key... More detail
Graduation, which will go down in history! Graduation, which will go down in history! Monday, 22 June 2020 On June 22, 2020, an unusual holiday was held in all respects - a graduation party at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism! For the first time in 80 years of the university’s existence, this holiday was held in a new, dictated by the epidemiological situation, format - an online meeti... More detail
Virtual exhibition of portraits of outstanding figures of Kazakhstan Virtual exhibition of portraits of outstanding figures of Kazakh... Wednesday, 17 June 2020 The Department of arts organized an exhibition of portraits of outstanding figures of Kazakhstan! In terms of the modernization of historical consciousness, the idea of forming a gallery of images of great thinkers, poets and rulers of the past aroused special interest for students of the educational... More detail
About protection of diploma works of students of the specialty «Geography» About protection of diploma works of students of the specialty «G... Thursday, 11 June 2020 From May 30 to June 9, 2020, at the Department of Natural Sciences of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in online format defense of theses was held. Protection was held by students of the Kazakh, Russian, multilingual departments with a degree in "Geography". The State Commission presented... More detail

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4-5.05.2020 TURK-COSE 2020 is the 2nd Annual International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering which will be held in Nur-Sultan (Astana), Kazakhstan on 4-5 June 2020, organised by L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU) and Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University (NOHU), Turkey. TURK-COSE 2020 focuses on contemporary Science, engineering and technology topics ranging... More detail
17.04.2020 Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualikhanov 17 of April, 2020 holds in Kokshetau traditional International scientific-practical conference «Shoqan oqulary-24». download information More detail
12-13.03.2020 «Tourism and Service» SED of Narxoz University organizes an international scientific student conference on topic "INTEGRATION OF EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND PRACTICE: NEW PRIORITIES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY."  The conference will be held March 12-13, 2020 in Almaty at Narxoz University download information More detail
25-26.10.2019 25-26 October 2019 ZhSU named after I.Zhansugurovholds the International scientific-practical conference "Youth-driving force of education, science and society". download information More detail
23-24.10.2019 Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Ecology and Biodiversity conservation”.Dates: 23-24 October 2019.24 October 2019 – excursion to the Head Botany Garden.Location: Dostyk ave. 13, Almaty, Kazakhstan download information More detail

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Academic Mobility at KSPI


Kazakhstan's participation in the Bologna process shows the changes taking place in higher education, willing to meet the requirements of international level. Joining in 2010 to the Bologna Declaration has allowed our state to become a full member of the European Higher Education Area.

By signing the Great Charter of Universities in Bologna in 2008, Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute joined to a huge number of higher educational institutions in the world, which, according to indicated in the Magna Carta principles are centers of scientific, cultural and technological development of society through knowledge and research.

Credit education technology serving at KSPI unifies the system of knowledge evaluation of students in accordance with the European requirements. What it gives us? First of all, the opportunity to compare the curricula in higher education institutions and to consider the possibility for the student to receive an education in more than one high school, and in a number of universities, where training is conducted in related specialties. That means, being a student of the pedagogical institute, you cannot get an education for a semester or a whole academic year at a technical higher educational institution - the difference in the curriculum would be too great. However, to study at the humanitarian higher educational institution in another city or even another country - it is quite real.

According to the principle of students’ mobility between institutions considering the provisions of the Bologna process and Taraz declaration is provided an admission of students to study at the university of another country without taking intermediate or additional examinations.

One of the main learning conditions for academic mobility is a sufficient level of knowledge of a foreign language. As part of the training program "Undergraduate" students take foreign language course (6 credits). Then at the 3rd year of study the discipline "Vocationally-oriented foreign language" is included, where students are given the opportunity to learn a foreign language. In addition, the leadership of the institute provides additional opportunities to develop and improve their professional knowledge to the professional and subject competences. Students are encouraged to expand their knowledge of a foreign language in the elective course. Great efforts were made in this regard by teachers of foreign languages. Modern textbooks, internships abroad and in Kazakhstan, the use of modern methods of teaching, promote quality and effective language acquisition.

Questions and answers

Does a student keep the grant if he studied under the state order?
If the student studies under the state order, he keeps the grant. Moreover, the student continues to receive the scholarship, studying at a foreign university.
Who is in charge for paying if you’re going to study at a foreign university?
In our case, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It pays not only for training but also covers travel expenses (flight there and back), health insurance and pay for a visa and the cost of accommodation and meals. If you are unlucky enough to become a finalist for training in exchange abroad within the framework of academic mobility - do not worry. You are entitled to such training in any case, only the payment of expenses will be covered by your parents, or you need to find a sponsor among entrepreneurs or international organizations that support academic mobility of students.
What will happen with the curriculum in their own institute at the time when a student is absent, while abroad? How will be assessed the academic achievement at another university and whether they will be taken into account in the native or not?
The curriculum still remains an indispensable requirement for graduation in the specialty for which you have entered. This means you will need to complete all the tasks, get a semester certification - admission to examinations and pass them to the positive scores (over 50). Modern means of communication provide opportunities to explore subjects that were not included in the plan of a foreign university, but available in terms of your university, remotely perform tasks for the boundary control and take exams when they return home. Secondly, it is possible to postpone the study of these disciplines in the summer additional semester.
How will be assessed the academic achievement at another university and whether they will be taken into account in the native or not?
Achievements will be assessed in the credits and points, as we have - due to this academic mobility has been possible. And - yes, of course, your progress in the development of foreign disciplines will be included in your transcript - the Diploma Supplement indicating the university assigned you these scores for these specific disciplines. Thus, your diploma will be more competitive with the diplomas of your classmates, not thinking of taking the opportunity of academic mobility.

According to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 30.12.2011 №549 [3], the five best students of Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute from September 1, 2012 were taught at the University of Via Domitia in Perpignan (France) and 2 students at the University of West Virginia (United States of America). Students have a unique opportunity not only to learn from leading professors of these universities, they “from the inside" studied features of the system of higher education, overall quality of their own training and compared the level of teaching in native and foreign institute. Stay in a foreign country, of course, helped to acquire additional knowledge of the country.

Participation of KSPI’s students in international educational programs

In October 2011 our institute conducted an On-line testing for confirmation of German language skills to participate in the scholarship program of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). Today already know the names of students who received scholarships for the passage of the summer semester in one of the German universities. These are the students of specialty “Tourism”, “Foreign language: two foreign languages (German, English)”.

Since 2014 in Kazakhstan runs the state program "Serpіn – 2050" "Mangilik ate zhastary - industriyaga."

In 2014, Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute was approved as an institution that participates in the implementation of this program.

The purpose of the program - to train and employ young people from the southern region of the country with excess labor force in the north, west and east of Kazakhstan, in regions experiencing shortages of personnel. Applicants received a grant under the program "Serpіn" will be provided by the hostel.

Terms of admission

A prerequisite is considered that the participant of the project "Serpіn-2050" in order to become the owner of the state educational grant, during the UNT or CT should specify one of the 69 specialties of 18 educational institutions.

Contacts: г. Kostanay, Taran st., 118, 8 (7142) 54-28-49-Admissions


Head of professional practices

Н. Нургалиева

N. Nurgalieva

  • Room: 223
  • Phone: 8 (7142) 54-58-74 (inn.130)
  • e-mail: ,

Faculties and Departments of the Institute have always paid much attention to improving the quality of training. Much is being done today to update and improve the learning process of students and undergraduates. On a number of departments provides a two-stage structure of education (bachelor - master). The modern curriculum enhanced role of independent work, connection with the practice, the future work of the graduate. Each student is given the opportunity to select an individual learning path in the development of educational programs in the period of study. Much attention is paid to the health of students. The first two courses have obligatory physical education and sports. At the upper courses, these classes can optionally be continued in the sports sections.

How do we teach?

It is believed that the institute is made to gain knowledge, but this statement is only partly true! In today's world of information technology knowledge itself is always available to any person of average readiness to learn. Often you can see the picture when the superbly educated young man does not show himself in the workplace. Therefore, the whole world is talking now not about knowledge and skills, but about competencies - that means motivated by professional abilities to effectively solve professional problems.

However, to implement this just knowledge is not enough, though, it is certainly the foundation. Such qualities as professional mobility, active social position, responsibility and so much more are also important, each specialty has its own set of qualities that would qualify the successful specialist. Our Institute has a rating system of achievement assessment: the level of training of students is estimated to hundred-scale.


What we are proud of?

The Institute has developed and implemented a quality management system. May 4, 2005 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute has obtained a certificate of compliance with the Dutch accreditation PW from Certification Association "Russian Register".

We became the 12th institution of higher education in Kazakhstan passed the audit for compliance with the requirements of the International Standard ISO 9001:2000. Action of QMS covers educational activities in programs of higher professional and post-graduate education, management of innovation and research activities, resources, educational process, the creation of educational information resources. In anticipation of its 70th anniversary KSPI became a laureate of the "Leaders of the national economics", established by the International Business Council. We were awarded the title of "Leader of the National Economics in 2006."

September 11, 2008 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, through its Rector Professor Baymyrzaev K.M. signed the Magna universities, thus we have declared themselves in the international educational space, their willingness to participate in the Bologna process.
Institute on an ongoing basis cooperates with the state, public and educational institutions of Kazakhstan and many other countries.
A good example of such cooperation is opening of the Kostonay French Cultural Center in April 2007. The center is open on the basis of the Treaty on the co-operation between the Department of Cultural Affairs and Cooperation of the French Embassy in Kazakhstan and KSPI signed in November 2006.


Achievements: Modern technology

KSPI has a well-developed information and computer infrastructure, continually investing heavily in its perfection. The institute has created all necessary conditions for employment. The latest computers, audio and video, multimedia materials, free access to the Internet - all this makes the study varied, interesting and comfortable.

Training of students is carried out in specialized laboratories equipped with advanced measuring and technological equipment.
Information resources include a library of educational and methodical fund; book fund; a unique collection of electronic books, secured electronic reading room; fund print subscriptions. Decoration of the fund is a collection of publications of the end of XIX – beginning of XX centuries, numbering more than 1,000 books.

The Institute has a mini-printing press, allowing fully provide students methodological literature and publish scientific papers of the faculty.


Achievements:  Active student life

KSPI focuses on cultural life and leisure activities, sports and tourist activities, research activities of students.
Educational work of the modern institution is focused on the formation of citizenship, patriotism, promoting healthy lifestyles, overcoming the negative effects available to youth.

For this purpose was built the Youth Centre, including: choreographic studio, vocal studio, ballroom dancing, modern and oriental dance, aerobics, shaping, touring club, Club of the Funny and Inventive (KVN), drama club, the club of connoisseurs, student youth labor units.

Monthly are carried out cultural and recreational events and activities, including traditional holidays: Day of Knowledge, Dedication to Students, Festival of KVN, New Year, Valentine's Day, Student Debate Tournament, Intelligent tournaments experts, and etc. and original sensational "parties", "Project outside the city", "Alliance-party", sporting events: tournaments in volleyball, basketball, chess, checkers, backgammon, and others.


Achievements:  Friendly atmosphere

Opinions about the atmosphere at KSPI expressed by the students: "open", "light", "democratic", "friendly", "tolerant" and so on - this is just a small list of students' reviews of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute.


Achievements: Our graduates

Graduates of KSPI are proud of their success in career and in life. They are energetic, self-motivated, ambitious in a good way, armed with modern, relevant knowledge.

Implementing the strategy of development of the institution, based on the excellence of the faculty and staff, following the highest standards of business ethics, integrity and unity of the team, our institute is looking with confidence to the future, for the right to keep a leading university in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the preparation of modern specialist.


г. Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118, 8 (7142) 54-58-74 (111) -Admissions

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110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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