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«Такого выпускного ни у кого не было!» «Такого выпускного ни у кого не было!» Friday, 26 June 2020 Что такое выпускной для студента? Это главный праздник, когда в своём долгожданном дипломе ты видишь труд нескольких лет и новый виток судьбы. В этом году, впервые в истории, торжественная церемония вручения дипломов в КГПУ им.У.Султангазина прошла в онлайн формате. Поздравили выпускников ректор, деканы... More detail
Congratulations  GRADUATES - 2020! Congratulations GRADUATES - 2020! Wednesday, 24 June 2020 The awarding of higher education diplomas is one of the most exciting events in the life of a recent student, and now a graduate. After all, it marks the beginning of a new independent life and a promising career in teaching. The role of the teacher in today's world is significant. The teacher is a key... More detail
Graduation, which will go down in history! Graduation, which will go down in history! Monday, 22 June 2020 On June 22, 2020, an unusual holiday was held in all respects - a graduation party at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism! For the first time in 80 years of the university’s existence, this holiday was held in a new, dictated by the epidemiological situation, format - an online meeti... More detail
Virtual exhibition of portraits of outstanding figures of Kazakhstan Virtual exhibition of portraits of outstanding figures of Kazakh... Wednesday, 17 June 2020 The Department of arts organized an exhibition of portraits of outstanding figures of Kazakhstan! In terms of the modernization of historical consciousness, the idea of forming a gallery of images of great thinkers, poets and rulers of the past aroused special interest for students of the educational... More detail
About protection of diploma works of students of the specialty «Geography» About protection of diploma works of students of the specialty «G... Thursday, 11 June 2020 From May 30 to June 9, 2020, at the Department of Natural Sciences of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in online format defense of theses was held. Protection was held by students of the Kazakh, Russian, multilingual departments with a degree in "Geography". The State Commission presented... More detail

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4-5.05.2020 TURK-COSE 2020 is the 2nd Annual International Turkic World Congress on Science and Engineering which will be held in Nur-Sultan (Astana), Kazakhstan on 4-5 June 2020, organised by L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU) and Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University (NOHU), Turkey. TURK-COSE 2020 focuses on contemporary Science, engineering and technology topics ranging... More detail
17.04.2020 Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualikhanov 17 of April, 2020 holds in Kokshetau traditional International scientific-practical conference «Shoqan oqulary-24». download information More detail
12-13.03.2020 «Tourism and Service» SED of Narxoz University organizes an international scientific student conference on topic "INTEGRATION OF EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND PRACTICE: NEW PRIORITIES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY."  The conference will be held March 12-13, 2020 in Almaty at Narxoz University download information More detail
25-26.10.2019 25-26 October 2019 ZhSU named after I.Zhansugurovholds the International scientific-practical conference "Youth-driving force of education, science and society". download information More detail
23-24.10.2019 Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Ecology and Biodiversity conservation”.Dates: 23-24 October 2019.24 October 2019 – excursion to the Head Botany Garden.Location: Dostyk ave. 13, Almaty, Kazakhstan download information More detail

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Kostanay state pedagogical institute from October 13th to 17th 2015 successfully passed the institutional accreditation up to 18.12.2020, and from October 14th to 18th successfully passed the specialized accreditation up to 07.11.2019 at Independent Quality Assurance Agency (IQAA).

Institutional accreditation is official vocation of a certain level of development of the higher educational institution and quality assurance of given them educational services that contributes to formation of positive image of the higher educational institution. Moreover, this is the step to the international recognition of documents of undergraduate and graduate education issued by the institute.
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According to the state program of developing education in the republic of Kazakhstan for 2005 - 2010 years, established by the order of president of RK from 11th of October 2004 № 1459, the work in developing and establishing SMK on the base of international standard ISO 9001: 2000 was started.

During the period from January 2005 till now the Representative of leading the Quality was appointed, the department of management of quality of education was opened, Politics and Aims in the realm of quality were stated and their realizing is provided. According to the demands MS ISO 9001: 2000the identification of common processes was hold, 30 documental procedures were created and established, instructions for all the staff of the institute are developed.

10 auditors from the pedagogical staff are prepared for inside checks on the subject of possible not correspondence with the demands of the Standard ISO 9001: 2000.


On September 11, 2008 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, through its Rector Professor Baymyrzaev K.M. signed the Magna Carta of universities, thus we have declared themselves in the international educational space, our willingness to participate in the Bologna process.
The Magna Carta of Universities initiated the formation of a single European educational space and determined the development of such positive prospects of higher education as university autonomy, democratic governance, academic freedom of students, freedom of scientific research, the inseparability of teaching and research, etc.

The introduction of the QMS has enabled the Institute to improve internal processes and to work under controlled conditions, to set realistic goals for personnel, providing for their achievements creative freedom within a defined responsibility and authority to implement a mandatory analysis of the achievements of the goals for continuous improvement of activities of the institute, organize paperwork, proper accounting use and storage of documents, greatly enhance the responsibility for training.

2014 the institute passed a successful certificational audit. It got a certificate of correspondence with Holland accreditation RWI from Association for certification "Russian Register". Now KSPI is in the reestrs of State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Russian Register, MOKA and IQNet. The sign of IQNet tells about work of our certificate in 35 countries of the world, including France, Israel, Japan etc.

The establishment of SMK let the institute improve inner processes, put real goals in front of the personnel, analyze achievements of the goals and systematize documents, increase the level of responsibility for preparing specialists.

SMK - iqnet magna charta


The system of education in Kostanay province, then in region, has always had rather good outlook for preparing and developing specialists in pedagogy. It was conditioned by consistent increasing of number of schools. It needed the reinforcement with new teachers. Lack of teachers was a usual situation for Kazakhstan and Kostanay region. It came from pre-revolutionary Russia. Especially there was a lack of national specialists. Pedagogical educational institutions just began to appear. New period of time put new objectives in the realm of education to the government of the republic. It was necessary to form higher educational institutions for preparing teachers of different profiles. In 1921 there worked only four institutes of national education in the republic. But they didn't satisfy needs for schools. Teachers for these schools were prepared in other higher educational institutions of USSR. In 1923 twenty three people from Kostanay province were sent to higher educational institutions of USSR and Kazakhstan to study pedagogy. The number of schools was still increasing in the province. There was a fight for liquidation of illiteracy so the need in teachers was systematically increasing. In order to solve the problem of providing schools with teachers, and especially Kazakh teachers, Pedagogical technical school (college) was opened in Kostanay in 1923. But that wasn't enough. The number of schools was still increasing. In 1923 - 1924 school year there were just 234 schools. In 1927 - 1928 school year the number of schools doubled and became 431.

The problem of preparing teachers has always been in the centre of attention of Kazakhstan's government. In 1936 in the republic there were 25 pedagogical technical schools with plan of admittance 2365 people. In Pedagogical technical schools the preparation was going in the following directions: preparatory classes, school, pre-school, physical education, library study.

It is known that in 1930 in the country obligatory elementary education for all people was introduced. The period of its introducing was considered. Corresponding documents were adopted which defined regime of school work and its structure. The number of schools in the district was increasing very fast. The need in teachers was going on. Attitude to them was changing. Their status, financial conditions were getting better. In 1936 the personal title "The teacher of elementary and secondary school" was established. Honorary title "Meritorious Teacher" appeared. Teacher's salary was increased till the level of payment of engineers at the factories. In 1938 there were already four pedagogical colleges in the region. They were Kostanay Kazakh Pedagogical College, Kostanay Russian Pedagogical College, Temir Kazakh Pedagogical College and Fedorov Pedagogical College. At the same time there worked Kostanay Institute of Public Education (Kazakh Institute of Public Education). It was a complex, realizing different functions. But there wasn't constant teaching of students. There wasn't a high-educational institute in the region though there was already a base for opening it. Kostanay region was formed on July, 29th in 1936. It got some young specialists graduated Central Higher-educational institutions for example, in Leningrad, Moscow or Almaty. But the lack of teachers was still increasing because of public education being more and more popular. There worked already 550 primary, 73 incomplete secondary and 18 secondary schools in the region. About 65000 pupils were studying there. There appeared a question of opening educational institutions which would prepare teachers - specialists in different subjects and disciplines for a short period of time.

Presidium of Kostanay executive committee of Soviet of Deputies with Soviet Public committee of Kazakh SSR and Public committee of Public Education of the republic on 21st of August 1939 adopted a decree "About Organization of Kostanay Teachers' Institute and it's departments", where it was said:

  1. To organize Kostanay two-year institute with two departments - physic-mathematical and natural-geographical from the 1st of September (on base of Kostanay Pedagogical college)
  2. To organize a preparatory department and sector of correspondent course
  3. To make an admittance of students till the 1st of September
    1. On general departments - 120 students
    2. On correspondent course - 50 students
    3. On preparatory course - 70 students
    Total: 240 students.

In 1939 Pedagogical staff of the institute was formed from local specialists, except formed director of Opera Theater of Almaty I. P. Naidenov, appointed director of Kostanay Teachers' Institute by order of NarComPros Kaz SSR № 2504 from the 1st of October 1939. There were considered four sub-departments (basis of Marxism-Leninism, Pedagogy, physics and mathematics, natural history geography) and 13 teachers-specialists. But they appeared not at once. Almost nobody had work-experience. There weren't specialists with scientific degrees and knowledge. General work-experience was from one to three years. The Holder of the chair of basis of Marxism-Leninism was H.F. Yumankulov, former party worker. The Holder of the chair of the natural history and geography was M.B. Grenader. The teacher of chemistry was Kadushkina. The Holder of the chair of physics and mathematics was the former director of Kostanay Russian Pedagogical College I.I. Moscovkin. At the same sub-department there worked P.P. Kim, A.F. Du, B.N. Shibaev. The Russian language was taught by Sizova, Kazakh - G. Asanov. Military subject was taught by Olihovskii.

The first admittance of students was generally formed by youth of Kostanay region, though zone of service of the institute incded also Akmolinsk, partly North-Kazakhstan and Aktubinsk regions. The preparatory department worked only for a year. It's graduates entered the institute in 1940. And new admittance for this department wasn't hold.

In 1940 - 1941s the pedagogical staff increased in two times. There was a competition, published in "Teacher's newspaper". And some specialists from other educational higher institutes were hired: for being a Holder of the chair of natural history and geography - F.K. Stashevskii from Tomsk University, a lecturer of sub-department of physics - Alitman from Odessa etc. The graduate of Leningrad University, B.K. Ivanova came to be a teacher of Russian and literature. According to the conclusion of Narcompros of Kaz SSR during the 1st year of it's existence the institute became "Pedagogical factory" including: teachers' institute, preparatory courses, 1-year courses for teachers of 5 - 7 grades, courses for workers of socialistic building". The leaders and teachers of all the departments were in general the workers of the institute. They were organizers of constant seminars of directors of schools, also lectures were read for school teachers. The second year of work of the Teachers' institute was the first graduated year. It also became the last peace. Students - graduates got their diplomas when the Second World War began.

On the 27th of July 1941st graduates of Kostanay Teachers' institute passed state exams and got the diplomas. On the 28th of July at 6 a.m they went to the front to protect their Motherland. Most of them didn't come back. Teachers with diplomas died as heroes.

To the beginning of the Second World War the institute just started to grow, and it's development didn't stop. It's life and conditions of work changed a lot. The pedagogical and students' staff became absolutely different. During the first year of war 22 students and 8 teachers joined the army. They were: I.P. Naidenov, H.F. Yumankulov, T.M. Musakulov, M.B. Grenader, B.N. Shibaev, G. Asanov, Popov and Bisembaev. Also many students and teachers joined the army during the next years of war. Just some of them came back. A lot of those who left the institute died as the braves. For example, former teachers - mathematician B.N. Shibaev, physician - Popov, the teacher of Kazakh - G. Asanov, Bisembaev, Kiselev and many others, whose names are unfortunately still unknown.

Teachers' staff was much increased with the help of evacuated workers of higher-educational institutes. The Holder of the chair of physics and mathematics was professor P.G. Kulikovskii, natural history and geography - professor L.I. Nokonov, pedagogy - professor b.B. Reznik. Different lectures were read by Matlin, Spinoza, Egorin etc. A famous Jew writer and dramatist L.B. Reznik worked on sub-department of the Russian language literature. In autumn 1942 the appearance of new specialists let open a department of the Russian language and literature and corresponding sub-department. Kostanay Teachers' institute was the only institute in the region for a long time. It's history is the very important part of the history of enlightening in the region. It is also an example of preparing specialists during one of the most difficult periods in the country.

In 1944 the institute was given the name of Amangeldi Imanova. The leaders of the institute changed during the war. After I.P. Naidenov joined the army, O.L. Belinskaya took his place, then V.I. Suntsov replaced her. The assistant of director of the institute was F.K. Stashevskii. He was the first person from Kostanay region who got a degree of Bachelor of Science. During the first year after war the institute was 1,5-floored building on the corner of Pushkin and Tashkent street. In 1946 the institute had a domentory for students with the area of 145 sq. m. The institute got more and more specialists. So, in 1948 young specialists from KSU came to the sub-department of the Russian language and literature. They became the veterans of the institute. They were I.T. Kirdyaev, V.I. Kandalina, O.D. Pavlova. That year N.I. Kandalina started to work in the institute, lately he became the head of the sub-department of the Russian language and literature. In 1949 one more department was opened in the institute - the historical department. In the beginning of 1950s the leaders of teachers' institute were appointed. S.P. Terentiev became a director, N.I. Kandalin became an assistant in educational and scientific work. I.T. Kirdyaev remained in being the head of correspondence course. In August 1955 the was the first admittance to the departments of Pedagogical institute. There were more that 400 applications. The exams were passed well. So 300 students began to study in the classrooms of the institute. Among new students there were some medalists. The number of students of the institute was increasing with each next year. In 1954-1955s there were already 731 students. Each year there were more than 100 graduates.

According to the order of Sovet of Ministers of Kazakh SSR from the 1st of July 1955 in order to improve the quality of preparing teachers for secondary schools, ministry of enlightening of the republic made a decision to organize kostanay Pedagogical institute on the base of teachers' institute. There were two departments - of the Russian language and literature, and physics and mathematics. The plan of admittance was about 125 students. In September of 1956 there were established the following specialities: the Russian language, literature and history; mathematics, physics and drawing (corresponding to the departments). In 1958 the competition let invite candidates in science K/G/ Gazizov, B.M. Wolfson and N.P. Makushin to the institute. In 1959 - 1960 school year two more departments were opened: the department of pedagogy ang methodology of elementary education, and the department of physics and general technical disciplines. The next year the first department was changed into the department of the methodology of elementary education (MEE). The Head of it was a famous teacher of Kostanay, the director of a school, then the director of the institute of improvement of teachers, B.D. Melehin. The system of correspondent studying was completely established. In 1960 it had 4 departments: mathematic, literature, historical and MEE. The Head of it was G.D. Djanturin for some years.

The financial and technical base of the institute was constantly developing. In 1958 - 1959 school year a new building on Tarana street was introduced for studying. It wasn't finished till the end but there were conducted classes already, rooms and laboratories were equipped. There were rooms for study workshops, libraries and reading hall, special rooms for administration, deans' offices, dispensaries and economical department. The building ended in 1959. 14 classrooms, 9 auditoriums for lectures, assembly hall, reading hall, library with the total area of 1662 sq. m. were used. In 1957 a new director was appointed - K.M. Tumanshin, former front-line solder. K.M. Tumanshin was appointed as the dean of historical philological faculty. Later he became a doctor of science and a professor. He also worked at the cathedra of scientific communism, politology etc. in June of 1959 K.G. Gazizov became director of the institute. He worked as a director till 1971. In 1972 Kostanay state Pedagogical Institute was given a name of 50 years SSSR (instead of A.Imanov). In 1979 the department of correspondent studying was changed into faculty of correspondent education. The first dean of this faculty was the candidate of historical science I.K. Ternovoi. In 1982 he became a rector of the institute. In September 1981 a faculty of improving qualification for directors of secondary schools started to work. It was lead by V.I. Ovchinnikova.

The pedagogical staff was increasing in quality and quantity. On the 1st January 1984 there worked 226 people, including 72 people with scientific degrees. Besides there worked 81 people as auxiliary personnel, 29 librarian. There were 9 general institutional cathedras and 21 cathedras at the faculties.

The institute was very famous. In 1984 the personnel of the pedagogical institute was the winner of socialistic competition among educational organizations of SSSR. They got the Red Flag of Ministry of enlightening in SSSR and the soviet of workers of high-educational and scientific institutions.

In 1980 - 1990s the pedagogical institute provided all Northern regions of Kazakhstan with teachers. Each year about 700 - 900 students graduated from it. So the institute was getting bigger. On the 6th of August 1992 according to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan the institute was changed into Kostanay University.

The Pedagogical institute was in the structure of the University for 12 years. Most of the teachers' specialities stayed the same, but part of them was lost or changed. Schools didn't get enough teachers with appropriate education. So the idea of re-establishment of pedagogical institute was met by public with enthusiasm. In 2004 the Government of Kazakhstan made a decision about opening 5 pedagogical institutes in the Republic, including Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. So the pedagogical institute was re-opened on the 1st of April 2004.

Contemporary pedagogical institute is a creative union of scientists and professors, students, aspirants and magistrates.

 They are united by one common aim - professional preparing of teachers, tutors, educational specialists, conductors of knowledge, culture and education. Kostanay State Pedagogical institute is a complex organism consisting of 8 faculties including 4 faculties opened in 1939 and 2 new faculties opened in 2004, also necessary for contemporary schools. They are psychology-pedagogical faculty and the faculty of history of arts. There are different specialities such as psychology, pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methodology of elementary education, pre-school education, musical education, drawing, instrumental play. Totally there are 20 specialities in the institute.

General structural educational and scientific department of the pedagogical institute is a cathedra. It realizes educational, methodological and scientific work, tutoring work among students and preparing scientific pedagogical specialists. There are 24 cathedras, where work 254 professors, including 2 doctors, professors, 53 candidates of science, lecturers. The leading courses are conducted by specialists with much work- experience in pedagogical institute. They are doctors of science K.M. Baimirzaev, A. Kuzembaiuly, V.S. Makotchenko, professors and candidates of science T.J. Taskuzhina, I.K. Ternovoi, Ya.K. Duhin, V.N. Novikov, A.F. Daiker, I.G. Putiev, V.I. Zharkova, L.I. Elfimov, N.F. Demina, T.Sh. Biktasheva, I.B. Marcos, S.A. Zhakaeva, Z.I. utina, K.G. Hanapin, N.V. Vazheva etc.

On the 1st April 2004 the institute got the status of pedagogical institute. It got the second life. It works over the developing of educational process and improving the process of preparing teachers.

On May 26, 2016 on the basis of the Kostanay state teacher training college there has taken place the regional seminar "Standard and legal base of the tourism organization for children and young people", the main topics for discussion were: development of tourism in the Kostanay region and the Republic of Kazakhstan, different aspects of education of younger generation, development of physical qualities, endurance, etc. have been taken up.
Teachers from Arkalyk, Zhitikara, Rudnii, Lisakovsk, Kostanai took part in this seminar.

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