Department of Military Registration
The head

Zhekibayeva Kymbat
- Phone: 8 (7142) 54-58-74 (вн. 139)
- Office: 107
In order to organize the military registration of the working and studying persons liable for military service and conscripts, the Department of Military Registration was established at the university.
In its activities the Department of Military Registration is guided by legislative and regulatory documents on the organization of military registration of the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the “Rules of military registration of persons liable for military service and conscripts in the Republic of Kazakhstan” of June 27, 2012.
The purpose of military registration is to determine the quantitative and qualitative composition of conscription and mobilization of human resources in the interests of their effective use to provide the country's defense and state security.
The main tasks of the military department are:
- to establish if citizens who are employed (study) are on military registration;
- to provide the completeness and quality of the military registration of the citizens from the number of employees and students in the university;
- to compare at least once a year information on the military registration of the citizens in personal cards with documents of military registration of the Administration of Defense of Kostanay city;
- annually to submit the certificates, giving the right to army respite to the Administration of Defense of the city for each student;
- to submit lists of students subject to the record to the draft office and registration for the next year;
- to provide the conscripts the possibility of timely appearance on the agenda in the Administration of Defense of the city, district;
- to inform the Administration of Defense of the city about persons liable for military service and conscripts accepted for employment (study) or dismissed from the work (expelled from the university).