Department of career planning and government services

The head

Кабдрахметов Нурлан Исмагулович

Kabdrakhmetov Nurlan

  • Office: Reception committee (1 floor), №223
  • Phone: 8 (7142) 54-28-49
  • E-mail:

Department of career planning and government services includes the following structural divisions:

The purpose of Department of career planning and government services creation – is implementation of informational-educational, advisory-methodical work with entrants concerning professional self-determination of the personality, reduction of educational needs of entrants according to the labor market on the basis of the personal-focused approach, creation of conditions for further employment of graduates according to the profession, realization of state policy in the sphere of rendering government services in the field of education within the competence.

Objectives of Department of career planning and government services:

  • ensuring formation of the students contingent according to the nomenclature of specialties of the university;
  • establishment and strengthening of permanent contacts with educational institutions of the city and region;
  • rendering the advisory-methodical help in professional self-determination of graduates of educational institutions of the region and involvement of entrants to the university;
  • coordination of Dean’s offices work, departments of the university concerning career guidance, employments and ensuring communication with graduates;
  • formation of the vacancies databank offered by employers in the corresponding directions of preparation (specialties);
  • rendering government services for the citizens according to the standards of government services in the field of education.

Contact us

110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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