Printing office

The head


Khudyakova Svetlana

  • Office: 15
  • Phone: 8 (7142) 54-58-74 (ext. 160)
  • e-mail:

The printing office has been created in April, 2004 as structural division of institute. The main objective is timely and high-quality providing divisions of institute with necessary blanks and printed materials, educational and methodical manual.

The printing office carries out the following functions:

  • edition of educational and methodical manual and recommendations;
  • edition of materials and programs of conferences;
  • issue of the scientific and methodical magazine «Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute Zharshysy»;
  • production of diplomas, banners;
  • reproduction of necessary blanks production.

General goal in the field of quality: providing a quality assurance of typographical services and also processes of activity for satisfaction of inquiries of structural divisions.

Objectives of printing office:

  • full and qualitative satisfaction of requirements of divisions of institute for typographical works;
  • improvement of the work organization of employees, introduction of the advanced methods of work with the purpose of decrease in expenses on implementation of applications, improvement of quality of work;
  • improvement of material and technical resources of printing office.

Типография Типография

Contact us

110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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