The Personnel Department
The head

Smagina Olga
- Office: 112
- Phone: 8 (7142) 53-11-72
- e-mail:
The Personnel Department is the oldest structural subdivision of the Pedagogical Institute which began its work together with the Institute itself. In the annals of the history of this department the names of Volsky Anatoly Romanovich, Isetova Rosa Kabdylkaparovna, Konvisareva Lyubov Trofimovna and many others whose long, fruitful activity has earned respect and kind attitude of colleagues can be written.
During its 79-years history, its personnel department was called as the Devision of Personnel as the Personnel Service Currently. Three employees work there. The head of the department is Smagina Olga Anatolievna. The inspectors are: Bekbosynova Kunsulu Baritbekovna and Mustafina Gulnara Duisenovna.
The Personnel Department in its work is guided by «The Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan», «The Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan», «On Education», «On Science» and others normative documents.
In the Institute «The Regulations on the procedure for replacing of current position of the professors´ teaching staff of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute», «The Collective agreement», regulations on the departments and job descriptions for employees are approved by the rector´ s order. The labor relations between the Employer (the Rector) and the Employee concerning the implementation of certain work activities are formalized on the basis of an employment contract developed at the Institute within the framework of «The Labor Code».
The Personnel Department cooperates wich many structural divisions of the Institute, prepares the orders for personnel and staff, keeps the quantative and qualitative staff´s accounting, prepares all documents deal with the work of the Institute´s employees, participates in the preparation and conduct the meetings of the attestation and commetitive commissions for professors´ teaching staff.