B011 Teacher training in informatics

Code and classification of educational sphere: | 6B01 Pedagogical Sciences |
Code and classification of training areas: | 6B015 Teacher Training in Natural Science Subjects |
Name of groups of educational programs: | B011 Teacher training in informatics |
Educational program: |
Degree awarded | Bachelor |
Training period | Full time education: 4 years / 3 years/ 2 years |
Entrance examination | Applicants pass UNT on the history of Kazakhstan, mathematical literacy, reading literacy (language of instruction) and two core subjects - Mathematics and Physics |
Those entering the field of education “Pedagogical Sciences” will pass a special exam, which consists of a pedagogical test and a pedagogical situation, aimed at determining the tendency of applicants to pedagogical activity.
What will happen if you do not pass a special exam?
When students are not allowed to enter the teaching profession, they are not entitled to choose an educational program to participate in the competition for the award of an educational grant.
In case of inadmissibility to the teaching profession, applicants have the right to participate in the competition for the award of an educational grant for other groups of educational programs in accordance with the subject of choice.
Accordingly, all applicants applying for admission to the university in the field of education "Pedagogical Sciences" (graduates of schools of the current year and previous years, college graduates), it is necessary to pass a special exam in the specified period.
Persons with secondary, technical and vocational or post-secondary education who are enrolled in educational programs of higher education, providing for shortened periods of study (2 and 3 years), pass an additional exam for admission to the university on a paid basis.
Acceptance of documents and a special exam for admission in the field of education "Pedagogical Sciences" are carried out from June 20 to August 14 of the calendar year.
Computer science is a science that studies laws and methods of accumulation, transmission and processing of information with the help of electronic computers (computers). Information technology must reflect a more universally valid, fundamental concepts and details that reveal the essence of science, arming students' knowledge and skills necessary for the study of the foundations of other sciences in school and to prepare young people for future practice and life in today's information society. The penetration of informatics into all spheres of human life and activity is closely connected with the production and distribution of personal computers (PCs) in the sphere of work and everyday life. The emergence of informatics industries is a natural stage in the development of modern society.
Informatics - a specialist in computer science and programming data, information, digital, knowledge of strategic importance in accelerating innovation and industrial, socio - economic development of the country.
Educational Program 6B01503 Computer Science
Sphere of professional activity of graduates
Bachelors in specialty 6В01503- "Computer science" are prepared for organizational pedagogical activity in the field of education and science:
- employees in public administration in the field of education
- scientific employees of the Research Institute of Education and Science
- heads of various educational institutions
- Computer sciences teacher.
Functions of professional activity:
- Teaching the discipline "Informatics" in various types of secondary schools, gymnasiums, colleges, lyceums, including using modern pedagogical and information technologies;
- participation in all stages of designing, implementing and maintaining software, mathematical, information support;
- Conducting scientific research in the chosen direction and in related fields;
- organization of their own work on a scientific basis using the latest technologies.
Typical tasks of professional activity:
- implementation of the social order of the society for the formation and development of the individual trainees;
- improving the quality of education in accordance with the requirements of domestic and world standards;
- mastering of advanced pedagogical technology and its introduction into practical activity;
- development of methodological instructions and manuals on computer science for studying this discipline in secondary and specialized secondary educational institutions;
- development of specialized courses in informatics to expand and deepen students' knowledge, taking into account their further professional orientation;
- use of modern educational and information technologies;
- organization and conduct of a computational experiment.
Opportunities for continuing education
Graduates of the faculty, who showed a tendency to scientific activity, have the opportunity to continue their studies in the magistracy in the direction chosen by them.
The curriculum for the training of specialists provides for broad general educational, general pedagogical and special training.
General education is represented by the obligatory component: History of Kazakhstan, Philosophy, Kazakh language, Russian language, Foreign language, etc.
General pedagogical and psychological training is carried out on the disciplines: General Psychology, Pedagogy, etc.
Educational Program 6B01510 Computer Science, Robotics and Design
Types and scope of professional activity of graduates
- employees in government in the field of education
- Scientific research institutes of the Ministry of Education and Science
- heads of various educational institutions
- teachers of computer science, additional education.
Objects of professional activity
- the pedagogical process in secondary education organizations of all types and types, regardless of ownership and departmental subordination;
- pedagogical process in organizations of technical and vocational education.
The content of educational programs on the specialty 6B01510- Informatics, robotics and design
The curriculum for the training of specialists provides for broad general education, general pedagogical and special training.
Comprehensive education is represented by an obligatory component: Information and communication technologies, History of Kazakhstan, Philosophy, Kazakh language, Foreign language, Ecology, etc.
General pedagogical and profiling training is carried out in the disciplines: Educational robotics, Circuitry, Fundamentals of creative design and management of mobile robots, Visual programming, Computer architecture and computer networks, 3D - modeling, Workshop on the manufacture of robots, etc.
In all specialties for the delivery of UNT / KTA within the framework of the Institute, preparatory courses are conducted, for information, contact the telephone of the selection committee.
The department pays much attention to the organization of research activities of students.
Students take an active part in the Republican competition of student scientific and practical works, student scientific-practical conferences, olympiads, contests, projects, start-ups.
Educational work with students is focused on the formation of citizenship, patriotism, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, overcoming the negative phenomena that exist in the youth environment. Various events are held, both within the department, and at the faculty and institute.
Every year the department holds meetings with law enforcement agencies, employees of the center on problems of formation of healthy lifestyle, where students take an active part.
The head of the department is Master of Science, Radchenko T.A.
Address: Kostanay, st. Tauelsizdik 118, 403 office
Phone: 8 (7142) 54-25-89 #.121 (dean's office), 54-58-74 #.115 (department)
Phones of the selection committee: 8 (7142) 54-28-49