B041 Psychology

Code and classification of educational sphere: 6B03 Social Sciences, Journalism and Information
Code and classification of training areas: 6B031 Social Sciences
Name of groups of educational programs: B041 Psychology
Educational program: 6B03101 Psychology
Degree awarded Bachelor
Training period Full time education: 4 years / 3 years/ 2 years
Entrance examination Applicants pass UNT on the history of Kazakhstan, mathematical literacy, reading literacy (language of instruction) and two core subjects - Biology and Geography

The profession of «psychologist»

Psychologist is one of the most popular professions in the modern world.

The mission of the educational program "6В03101 Psychology" : to contribute to the formation of human capital on the basis of best practices.

Educational program "6B03101 Psychology" is focused on the preparation of active, creative psychologist, owning a humanitarian technologies in the field of designing, forecasting, organization development, staff selection, optimization of socio-psychological climate of the team, providing advice and psychological support to individuals and the population. Training in this educational program is based on the combination of professional education with the development of humanitarian culture, the formation of a spiritually rich, intellectually equipped, socially responsible person.

Sphere of professional activity

Bachelor of social knowledge in the educational program "6B03101 Psychology" carries out his professional activities in the fields of:

  • psychological support of human factor research programs;
  • psychological study and support of learning and education, career guidance (in the field of education);
  • psychological support of sports organizations;
  • psychological prevention and psychological correction (in the field of health);
  • psychological support of human resources management and personnel certification, professional selection, production activities (in the field of business and marketing);
  • psychological support of operational and investigative activities, judicial proceedings, legal prevention, penitentiary activities (in the law enforcement system);
  • psychological support in assistance services in emergency and crisis situations.

Objects of professional activity

The objects of professional activity of the bachelor of social knowledge on the educational program "6В03101 Psychology" are:

  • preschool organizations of all types;
  • comprehensive schools, including schools-lyceums, schools-gymnasiums, small schools, sanatorium schools, sports schools, orphanages;
  • special correctional organizations (boarding schools, classes for children and adolescents with special educational needs);
  • educational institutions of primary vocational education (lyceums);
  • secondary vocational schools (colleges, colleges);
  • rehabilitation and social adaptation centers for pedagogically neglected children and adolescents;
  • research institutes and research centers;
  • creative organization;
  • health organization;
  • centres of vocational guidance and vocational training,
  • city and Republican social services, employment centers;
  • centers for the study of public opinion and political technology;
  • production enterprises and business organizations;
  • law enforcement organizations penitentiary institutions.
  • psychological support of operational and investigative activities, judicial proceedings, legal prevention, penitentiary activities (in the law enforcement system);
  • psychological support in assistance services in emergency and crisis situations.

Opportunities for continuing education

Graduates of the faculty, who have shown a tendency to scientific activity, have the opportunity to continue their studies in the master's degree in their chosen direction.

The content of educational programs in the specialty 6B03101-Psychology

The curriculum of training of specialists provides wide General and special training.

General education is represented by disciplines: Modern history of Kazakhstan, Philosophy, Kazakh language, Foreign language, Basics of law and integrity, Information and communication technologies, Community Service, etc.

Special training is carried out in the following disciplines: Basics of professional activity of a psychologist, Psychology of social interaction, Modern approaches in psychoconstruction, Psychology of extreme situations and States, Psychology of gender relations, Psychology of conflict management, activity of a psychologist in the system of law enforcement agencies, art therapy Techniques, etc.

And within the framework of the University, preparatory courses are held, for information, please contact the admission Committee by phone.

The Department pays great attention to the organization of research activities of students.

Students take part and take prizes in competitions of student scientific and practical works, student scientific and practical conferences, Olympiads, competitions, projects, startups both in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad. Provide all possible assistance in conducting psychodiagnostic and training work in schools, colleges and lyceums of the city and region.

Educational work with students is focused on the formation of citizenship, patriotism, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, overcoming the negative phenomena existing in the youth environment. for this purpose, the Department annually holds a competition of student works on the theme "Day of the First President", "Independent Kazakhstan", "world AIDS day", "world mental health Day", as well as a musical competition of military Patriotic songs. Psychology students are actively interested in the life of their native University and are members of various interest clubs.

Every year, the Department holds meetings with representatives of law enforcement agencies, employees of the center for the formation of a healthy lifestyle (HLS), of "Association of practicing psychologists of Kostanay region", KSU "center for adaptation of minors of the Department of education of the akimat of Kostanay region", in which students take an active part.

KSPU named after U. Sultangazin, PPF
The head of the department is Ph.D., Likhodedova L.N.
Address: Kostanay, st. Тuуелсіздік 118, 625 room
Phone: 8 (7142) 54-83-44 (dean's office), 54-58-74 - 225 (department)
Phones of the selection committee: 8 (7142) 54-28-49.

Contact us

110000, Kostanay, Tauelsizdik street, 118

  • Tel./fax: +7 (7142) 51-11-57

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