On February 8, 2016 psychologist of KSH "Hospital No.1 Kostanay" Zabudskaya E.S. I have provided training on the subject "Prevention of Behavioural Risk Factors" for students of the 1 course of FFL. Students took part in situational games, shared the emotions received during training. Training has helped students to know each other better and to become tolerate.

The consent and stability are priorities of domestic policy of Kazakhstan and necessary conditions of development of our state and improvement of welfare of citizens therefore at faculties of the Kostanay state teacher training college the meetings devoted to prevention of religious extremism are organized.

The girls of faculty of foreign languages have taken active part in a competition of female hairdresses which is organized by dean's office of FFL on February 5, 2016. There were a lot of girls wishing to show beauty of the hair, and the jury had to award prize-winning places.

As a part of the celebrations dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Y.Altynsarin, 2nd year students of specialties «Preschool training and education» and «Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education» February 5, 2016 visited the creative living room "Ybrayʼs clean spring" in the regional junior library of Altynsarin. The thematic discussions librarian Yu.B. Shevchenko stressed that s. Altynsarin - the great educator and teacher of the Kazakh people, did a lot for the development of education in Kazakhstan, one of the founders of Kazakh written literature and literary language. At the end of the event was a quiz among students on knowledge of the important pedagogical innovations made by s. Altynsarin.

On February 4, 2016 teachers of Faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism and 3 year students have participated in a seminar "Features of estimation for training with use of ICT" which was carried out in Nazarbayev Intellectual school of the physical and mathematical direction.

Within the limits of an anniversary date of the 175 years of I.Altynsarin on January 4, 2016 On a psycho-pedagogical faculty of has passed action « The first teacher, wise ancestor». « I. Altynsarin has become history of a public idea and the literature of Kazakhstan as the wonderful teacher-educator, the writer, the specialist in folklore and the ethnographer ».

On February 1, 2015 wall newspapers competition "We are students of FFL", devoted to the birthday of the faculty took place. The strict jury has estimated at first the design of works, and then has attentively listened to representatives of the groups which have explained sense of photocollages, the represented symbolics, drawings.

On February 1 at faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism among students 3 courses discussion on an explanation of the article "The Plan of the Nation — the Way to the Kazakhstan Dream" which had been prepared by Batyrguzhin Amir the 3 year student. Conversation has turned out very warm and confidential. Students were actively interested in plans of the leader of the nation and formation of the new "Kazakhstan dream".

On January, 30th, 2016 in a conference hall the round table «Problems of preventive maintenance of suicide behaviour in work of the school psychologist» in partnership with prosecutor's office Kostanay area, a department of formation Kostanay regional psychiatric hospital has been lead. With reports Karimov R.A. managing psychological service Kostanay of regional psychiatric hospital of Isljamova G.A., the senior teachers of faculty of psychology of Belogo N.V., Tashenov А.А have acted the senior assistant to public prosecutor Kostanay area. During discussion problems of search of new forms and methods in preventive maintenance of suicide behavior of pupils were considered, the idea of dual preparation of the future teachers-psychologists rose.

On January 30, 2016 second-year students of FFL joined the discussion of article of the President N. A. Nazarbayev "The plan of the nation – a way to the Kazakhstan dream". Having listened to the report of the dean Doroshok E.L. and having seen the presentation of the deputy dean Umarova A.B., students with enthusiasm answered the questions posed on a youth role in modernization of the country and performance of institutional reforms. Students listened to interesting performances of speakers of Sugirbayev Ә, Slobodyuk A., Asembai M., Elemesov D., and chairman of "Serpin" Erkinbek A.

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