In the framework of the cooperation agreement and the project discipline of «Service learning» during the current semester by students of 1 course of a specialty «Pedagogy and psychology», and 2 courses of a speciality «Psychology» under the leadership of teachers of chair of psychology of speech Grigorova Y. B., Kalinichenko O. V., Akhmetbekova Z. D. had conducted a diagnostic study of suicidal tendencies, the level of adaptation to educational activity, the level of development of motivation of achievement of success and avoidance of failure students KGKP «Kostanaysky College consumer services».
On November 20, 2019, an open lesson (SROP) on the discipline "Practical biology with the basics of soil science" (senior lecturer – M. M. Ruloyva) was held in the group of the multilingual Department, 4th year of the educational program "5B011300-Biology". Topic: Study of soils of Kostanay region and assessment of their suitability. Protection of the project. For 10 weeks, students carried out research projects in which they had to master a number of techniques and conduct a study of soil samples taken from the area of residence, to determine the mechanical, physical and chemical properties of the soil, as well as to give suggestions to land users. The students themselves had to evaluate the projects according to the criteria and descriptors developed by the teacher. The work of the experts was also evaluated according to the criteria.
November 20, 2019 subscription Department of Kostanay regional universal scientific library L. N. Tolstoy held a literary and historical evening «Сreative heritage of Margulan», dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of the Kazakh scientist-archaeologist, orientalist, historian, literary critic, art historian Alkey khakanovich Margulan. The event was organized in the framework of the program article of the First President Nursultan Nazarbayev «Looking to the future: modernization of public consciousness».
On November 5 and 19, 2019, at the Department of Natural Sciences for 4th year students of the specialty “Chemistry”, senior teacher M. Gubenko held classes at the training seminar “Using Screencast in Professional Activities”. There were teachers of the specialty: Vazheva N.V., Taurbaeva G.U., TauakelovCh.A., Ardakova E.A. The first lesson provides a theoretical justification for the issue, talks about the use of screencasts and the technical intricacies of organizing the process of recording them. Students got acquainted with a digital video recording of information displayed on a computer screen and accompanied by voice comments. In a practical lesson, a demonstration of the “screencast” recording was held, after which the participants worked out the technique of creating screencasts.
On November 15, 2019, students of the Department of natural Sciences, specialty "Geography" and "Chemistry" took part in the Republican student scientific-practical conference "Zamannyn zerdeli jastary", held by RSU "Kogamdyk kelisim" among higher educational institutions of Kostanay region in order to strengthen and preserve interethnic harmony. The competition was held in three stages. In the first qualifying round of the competition following scientific projects of students of the Department of natural Sciences passed to the second stage: "Ethnic respect – a pledge of prosperity of Kazakhstan", "Development of tourist routes Aktobe region", "Development of business tourism in the framework of the new silk road", "Socio-demographic profile of the student "Serpin – 2050", made under the direction of Baubakova G. K., master of pedagogical education, Omarova K. I., master of geography.
November 15 at SKSU M.Kozybaeva international scientific and practical conference «Kozybaev readings-2019: spiritual modernization and trends in the development of scientific and educational space in the modern world» was held. Before the event, participants and guests laid flowers at the bust of academician Manash Kozybayev and honored his scientific heritage. He developed a new concept of historical consciousness, revised history, opened previously unknown documents that do not have the prism of Soviet dogma. His works are characterized by evaluation and objectivity.
November 14, 2019 in KSPU at the Department of physical and mathematical disciplines was curatorial hour «How to develop and change the tenge» dedicated To the day of the national currency. Students of the 4th year of the specialty «5B010900 Mathematics» (in Russian) showed a video and told about the history of the emergence and development of tenge, Anastasia Yunusova told about the production of the first national currency, starting with the first banknotes of the Republic of Kazakhstan, nominated in tiyns, but were withdrawn from circulation in 1995.
Second- year students of the department of Philology on November 13 were on a tour in the direction of "Eco-City". They visited such organizations as “Sharua”, “Atameken”, “Tazalyk”, “Enterprise for the processing of medical waste”. This excursion was attended by 31 students in the subject "Service Training". The most miracle in the trip was that they saw those places that many do not know, but they have a lot of benefit.
On November 12, 2019, the head of the Department of Philology, candidate of philology, associate professor Nurmukhametova Karlygash Turganbekovna and the head of the educational program «Foreign language: two foreign languages», senior lecturer Kinzhibaeva Aigul Serikpaevna took part in the extended meeting of EMA REMC «Training of teachers in languages and literature», which was held at the Kazakh University of international relations and world languages.
On 11th November, 2019, a creative meeting of 2nd year students of the EP “Russian Language and Literature” (a curator is Pchelkina T.R.) with a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, author of poems Demisenov B.N. was held. Demisenov B.N. introduced his poems, told the story of his passion for poetry during the meeting. The meeting participants asked questions, which were related to the beginning of poetic activity, favorite authors, features of the creative process.