2019 жылдың 6 желтоқсанында Қарағанды қаласындағы Е.А. Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды мемлекеттік университетінде «Рухани жаңғыру» бағдарламасы аясында Қазақстан тарихы және ҚХА кафедрасы базасында «Қазақстан менің отаным» атты V Республикалық студенттік конференция өтті.Аталмыш конференцияға Е.А. Бөкетов атындағы ҚарМУ, Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы ЕҰУ, Ш.Уалиханов атындағы ҚМУ Павлодар мемлекеттік педагогикалық институтының, М.Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университетінің, Қ.А. Яссауи атындағы Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университетінің және Өмірзақ Сұлтанғазин атындағы Қостанай мемлекеттік педагогикалық университетінің студенттері қатысты.
6 Dec 2019 senior lecturer of the educational program of the Department of Philology (training of teachers of Kazakh language and literature) Zhumashev Murat Duisenovich and 4th year students of specialty "Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language learning", "Russian language and literature" D. M. Ihsan and J. Sobol conducted professional work at the "school№ 15" of the akimat of Rudniy city. Students in the 11th grade of the school asked questions of interest to them, asked questions of interest to them.
5 Dec 2019 senior teachers of Department Philology educational programs (training teachers of the Kazakh language and literature) Sholponbaev G. A.,. Baimenov B. Zh. held a competition of essays among students of 1 course of the specialty «Mathematics», «Preschool training and education» on the topic: «I am the son of an independent country». The purpose of the essay contest: education of students ' love for the Motherland. Students, having shown creative abilities, competently presented their views on a given topic in the Kazakh language.
It is our duty to honor the heritage of our poets and writers who sincerely describe the truths of their time, our heroes, zhyrau, public figures who sacrificed their own path to independence. One of them is a poet and writer - Beymbet Zharmaganbetuly Mailin. On December 4, 2019, in the framework of the week of the specialty “Kazakh language and literature”, a philanthropic competition of readers “Beyimbet murasy - duir shezhiresi” was held on December 4, 2019, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Beymbet Mailin.
On December 4, 2019, associate Professor of the educational program of the Kazakh language and literature Department of Philology, Ph. D. Bezaubekova Almagul Danenovna held an open lesson on the Kazakh language with 1st year students on the topic «Kamshat Donenbayeva». The purpose of the lesson: to repeat the grammatical theme «Semantic forms of adjectives», to study the lexical theme "Kamshat Donenbaeva". Students consistently read the assigned reading method «Oimonshak», worked with the dictionary worked with a chronological table. Tasks by subscription - writing adjectives from the text, training work.
On December 3, 2019, within the framework of the week of the Department of Philology, a methodological seminar on «Actual problems of teaching the Kazakh language and literature in accordance with the updated content of education» was held. The purpose-orientation of students of 3-4 courses before professional practice, exchange of experience of teachers of school. The seminar was attended by teachers of the Kazakh language and literature of secondary school No. 8 of the Department of education of the akimat of Kostanay Salykova Asel Dariyanovna and yerzhanova Mahabbat Maratovna, counselor of the gymnasium named after S. Maulenov teacher of the Kazakh language and literature Mirkamil Ainur Muratovna, educator-expert in secondary school №11 Kurmanova Aiganym the planning and controlling studies. School teachers explained to future colleagues the content, goals and objectives of the updated education, features of criteria assessment, methods and techniques for developing short-term plans.
28 ноября на социально-гуманитарном факультете прошел ежегодный традиционный чемпионат по футболу среди студентов 1-4 курсов, посвященный празднованию Дня Первого Президента РК. В чемпионате участвовало 7 команд: «ФК Polus», «Торпедо», «Орел», «Kostacity», «Боруссия», «Ливерпуль», «Зенит». Среди команд играли также и преподаватели социально-гуманитарного факультета. Команды боролись за звание победителя чемпионата и обладателя кубка Чемпиона СГФ по круговой системе, когда каждая команда играла со всеми остальными, где каждая команда имела шанс на победу.
November 28, 2019 in KSPU at the Department of physical and mathematical disciplines was curatorial hour «Day of kindness and tolerance». Students of the 4th year of the specialty «5B010900 Mathematics» showed a short video about kindness, and Victoria Mufaharova conducted a small test about the degree of kindness. Students wrote wishes for teachers, presented each other and present balloons with thanks. The participants of the curatorial hour learned that if hundreds of thousands of Kazakhstanis do good deeds at the same time, it will unite our people, and this is so important for our country. The event was attended by 3rd year students of the specialty «5B010900 Mathematics» and teachers of the Department.
On November 28, as part of the celebration of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Department of history of Kazakhstan organized and held an open lecture on the topic: "Modern Kazakhstan. The leadership lessons of the Nation". The lecture was attended by the head of the Department of culture of akimat of Kostanay region Erlan Kalmakov, Hero of Labor of Kazakhstan Sairan Bukanov, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Amanzhol Kuzembaiyly and 1st year students. Sairan Bukanov, hero of socialist Labor of Kazakhstan, in the history of formation and development of a sovereign state, has a serious "case".
Based on the results of the courses on the formation of entrepreneurial skills, students of the 3rd and 4th year of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism and students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences organized the defense of projects developed by students on November 21-22, 2019. Students defended projects in which they presented their ideas for organizing and running their own business. The scientific supervisors of the student projects were N. Ogienko, head of the department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture. Sports and Tourism, Malshakova V.V. and Bekmukhambetova L.S. teachers of the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture. sports and tourism. The commission for the protection of student projects included: the head of the apparatus of the KSPU Bekmagambetov R.K., dean of the PESaT faculty Kifik N.Yu., dean of the EMF Shumeyko TS, deputy dean of the PESaT Shkvarenko N.S.