November 21, 2014 at the room 210 the supervisor the of 3 course of the specialty "History" Elkei N. N. conducted the explanation of the Message of the President to people of Kazakhstan "Nurly Jol - the way of the future". During the lesson, the teacher explained to the students the Message of the President, outlined the main directions of the message. Students Bekturganov K. B., Mеdibaeva A. A., Aiguzhina A. B., Gangujin J. J. read the reports and expressed their opinions. During the lesson a presentation and a video were shown.

On November 20, 2014 in an educational and methodical office of faculty of foreign languages took place the total seminar of "Enhancing Learning and Teaching in Higher Education" on professional development of the manager of chair of foreign languages Kudritskaya M. I. and the senior teacher of chair of foreign languages Podavets O. D. in Newcastle (London) from June 1 to June 12, 2014

The 20 the of November in 2014 year the department Kazakhstan history Elkey N.N. spend on excursion in museum of institute for students of the first course. By profession English language: two foreign English language. In the discipline of study of local lore. During the excursion was spend lecture on the history of the region. Students were shown the exhibits, archival materials, photographs, stored in the museum.

The meeting of 1 - 3 course students living in the hostel of KSPI took place on November 20, 2014 in the room A-203 at 15.30. The meeting was conducted by Zhakayeva S. A., the Chief of Department on Social and Educational Work and Duysekov O.S., the Chief of Committee on Affairs of Youth. During the conversation The questions of hygiene in the hostel, rules of behavior of students in the hostel, the rights and duties of students were discussed during the conversation.

November 18 students visited the Institute meeting, which was held by the rector of the Institute, doctor of geographical Sciences K. M. Baimyrzaev. The meeting was devoted to discussion of the message of the President of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan "Nurly Zhol" - the way of the future. The students listened attentively to the reports of the akim of Kostanay A. M. Akhmetzhanova, candidate of historical Sciences S. V. Samarkin, and presentations by students.

On November 18 students of faculty visited all-institute meeting which was held by the rector of institute, the doctor of geographical sciences K. M. Baymyrzayev. Meeting was devoted to discussion of the Message of the President of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Nurlyjol" - a way to the future. Students listened carefully akim's reports of the city of KostanayA.M.Akhmetzhanov, the candidate of historical sciences S. V. Samarkin, performances of undergraduates

November 12, 2014 the leaders of the club Dukhin K. c.h.s., docentof KSPI, Samarkin S.V. c.h.s., dean of the Faculty of distance learning,Yarochkina E.V.c.h.s., docent and head of the Department of world history and social sciences, together with the students-members of the club (Bashpaeva Kymbat, Zhikeeva Asel, Abenova Julia, Suleimenova Aigul, Daurenbekova Ilnara, Beysenbekov Miras, Dukeyev Yerzhan, Zholtaev Arman, Saparova Sarah, Sharzhanova Nazira, Squarko Natalia, AlimgazinaAygerim) of specialties "History" and "Law and Economics" held a historic evening devoted to the 75th anniversary KSPI.

The open lesson within the framework of the discipline "Theory and methods of upbringing work" on the 12th of November, 2014 was organised in multilingual group (specialty of Biology, 3rd course). The teacher - Danilova V. V. Students organized an educational spark with the invitation of guests - the manager of department of pedagogic - Utegenova B. M., the manager of chair of foreign languages - Kudritskaya M. I. and the senior teacher of chair of foreign languages - Asanova of A.B. Thematic of action - planning of New year. The spark had informal and friendly character.

October 31, 2014 at 12: 30-14: 20, intheaudience 710 held open lesson in discipline "Cytology and histology". Type of employment: Lab Study subject: The type sand functions of epithelial tissue

October 31, 2014 y. Regional Training Center of additional education of children, Department of Education Kostanay region together with the Department of Arts, Department of History and Art in the educational building workshops held the final stage of the regional competition of young artists in the field of fine and decorative art "Jas Daryn" on the theme of "I and my family.

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