On September 12, 2019 in the French Center was a holiday dedicated to the beginning of the academic year. The event was attended by: native French speakers the spouse of FC Tobol defender Lu Kassay, the spouse of FC Tobol striker Fatim Senin, students and teachers of KSPU, Chelyabinsk State University, schoolchildren and students of language courses. The purpose of the holiday was to get acquainted with the center and discuss plans for the new academic year. Students had the opportunity to chat in French and English, ask questions and learn interesting facts about France.

September 10, 2019 at the State Pedagogical University of Kostanay State University named after U.Sultangazina In frames of the republican cultural-enlightenment project "Myn Bala" with a plan to move the Kazakh alphabet to the Latin graphic was introduced the general-day open-air dictationThe main purpose of the event is the practical implementation of the project “Basic rules of the Kazakh language”, its comprehensive coverage, accuracy, self-assessment, adaptation of the new Kazakh alphabet in the Latin alphabet. About 50 students took part in the dictation.

3 year students of specialty «Geography» of the natural-mathematical faculty under the leadership of master of pedagogy Baybеkovoy G. K., master of geography, V. V. Koval took part in the contest "Altyn Aymak - Ostannim" dedicated to the 140th anniversary of Kostanay. Among the 22 creative works presented in three categories students Nikita Miller, Adel Musina, Mitrofanenko Julia took honorary first place in the category movies. Summing up of the competition and awarding of diplomas took place on August 16, 2019 in the Park of the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan.

During the period from June 17 to June 25, 2018, the Summer Language School worked at the Polylingual Center of the Philological Faculty. Within the framework of the Summer School, about 30 teachers and staff of the KSPU had the opportunity to improve their level of English. Classes were held daily, using computer technology and innovative teaching methods. The program of the school was diverse and designed to consolidate linguistic and professional skills, expand the horizon, including knowledge of English-speaking countries.

It was decided to hold the final council of the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism at the suggestion of the university administration in the information and library center. In addition to covering the main issues of the faculty council: on the results of the summer session at the faculty, hearing reports from the dean's office, head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, head of the training center for physical training, reports of the chairman of the state certification commission, adoption of work plans for the new academic year, preparation of faculty departments for the new academic year.

On the basis of the State Organization “Organization of Professional Unions in Kostanay Region”, on June,20th, 2019, a meeting was held with government officials working in the field of ensuring the quality of education. Among the participants of the meeting were the heads of the Kostanai apparatus, workers in the field of ensuring the quality of education, employees in the social and legal spheres. The organizer of the meeting is a member of the research group V.V. Bezhina. 

During the period from May 20, 2019 to June 10, 2019 in the Kostanay state pedagogical university of Umirzak Sultangazin the summer school of additional education for students of 1-2 courses of the full-time department was held. 947 students from all faculties of the university took part in it. Training within the module "Psychology and Pedagogical support of Children with Special Educational Needs" contributed to the moral and spiritual development of students, formation of the atmosphere of friendship, respect, mutual understanding and support, formation of the tolerant attitude towards physically disabled people.

Student years are a wonderful time, a symbol of youth, full life with endless possibilities of a successful start to the profession. Students life is significant and expensive as a period of accumulation of knowledge, the development of new horizons of knowledge. Such dominant characterizes many students, but especially distinguishes a number of motivated students of the specialty 5B011200-Chemistry which trace all opportunities to express themselves in intelligent online competitions. Last academic year was rather productive. Students are the winners of the all-Kazakhstani subject Olympiad “Studio3” in which Yerezhepov Yerzhan (3rd year) has a diploma of Ist degree, Moldasheva Zhanel and Chapaksin Ivan (3rd year) - a diploma of IInd degree, Makhmutova Gaukhar (2nd year) - IIIrd degree diploma.

On May 31, 2019, the final competition of young teachers of our university was held. The mentoring project was initiated by Rimma Chingizovna Bekturganova, advisor to the rector. With the approval of the KSPU rector, the project was supported by the Council of Veterans. The chairman of the Council of veterans Abdykalikova KA actively participated in the project as organizers. and curator of the project Vazheva N.V. In the finals of the competition - five teachers. Mentors, teachers, students came to support them. The Vice-Rector for Research and Strategic Development, Ph.D.-M. Medetov N.A.

On May 30, a student informal conference “Students Talks” was held in the co - working center “Boom Space”. This conference was held in the framework of the program “Rouhani zagyru”. The Inter-University Conference “Students Talks” is an interactive platform for representatives of the student sector, where each speaker shared experiences and ideas worthy of distribution. In their speeches the speakers raised relevant and interesting problems that relate to various aspects of life. Among the speakers were students of our university - Sultan Kozhamberdiev, 3rd year student, and Diana Temirkhanova, 2nd year student, who spoke about the results of their project activities, about the Wonder 7 project and U - SMART Business Incubator in particular.

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