LLP "Project Office Ruhani zhangyru" together with the business incubator of KSPU "U SMART" are organizers. The start of the project "Business Lectures from entrepreneurs of the Kostanay Region" is carried out in the universities of the Kostanay region with the aim of motivating students through real examples. The first lecture on the topic "Business as Lifestyle" was given on April 5, 2019 by Zarina Kokzhanova for the Kostanay state pedagogical university’ students. Zarina Kokzhanova is a young, active, hardworking businesswoman who was able to unite thousands of young entrepreneurs in the club “Zhas Atameken”, started business fairs, founded the ballet school “Prima”. 

On April 5, the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism organized a meeting of students of our university with winners and participants of a grand world sporting event - the 29th World Winter Universiade! The meeting was attended by Vice-Rector for Academic Work and Social Issues Musabekova Gulvira Aidarkhanovna, Dean of the Faculty Kifik Natalya Yuryevna, Chief of Staff Bekmagambetov Ruslan Kabdugaliyevich, Head of the Project Office Balgabaeva Gaukhar Zakariyanovna, Moderator – Deputy Dean Nikita Shkvarenko.

As part of the week of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education, on April 5, 2019, an auction of methodological ideas “Development of children's speech activity in a multicultural language space” was held. A young English teacher in primary schools of Timiryazevskaya secondary school in Sarykol district Musainova Albina Bagdatovna made a brief review of school activities that were held during the decade “Trilingualism is a confident step into the future” and showed video clips of multilingual situations in the educational process.

At the invitation of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and tourism was invited by the professor of marketing in the tourism industry Lina Anastasova, who since April 3 has been working with students of the specialty "Tourism". She considered the main topics of tourism marketing, including: Strategic marketing planning - the basics and stages of development; Strategic marketing analysis tools - SWOT and portfolio analysis; Marketing strategy development; Setting marketing objectives: long-term and short-term, quantitative and qualitative goals for the future.

On April 2, 2019, a round table was held in the conference hall of the KSPU to discuss the implementation of the Message of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev in the activities of students. The roundtable participants were the head of the KSPU administration, Bekmagambetov R.K., deans, deputy deans of faculties, and students of the KSPU. Тhe Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Master of Pedagogical Sciences Ch. A. Tauakelov made a presentation on “The activities of students in the light of the Message of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan on October 5, 2018”.

Kostanay entrepreneur Galina Schneider was one of the first in the region to use the energy of the sun and wind for business needs. On April 2, the owner of a restaurant and hotel complex shared her experience with aspiring entrepreneurs and students, organizing a tour for them as a part of the course “Design Training with Mentoring Principles”. KSPU students became interested in the excursion to the Golden Pheasant. First, because the university has recently opened a business incubator "U - SMART". 

April 2, 2019 at the Department of Natural Sciences held an event dedicated to the International Day of Birds, which is celebrated around the world on April 1. This event was prepared by the asset of the club “Fifi” for the students of 1-3 courses. The event was traditionally opened with words of congratulations by the initiator of the creation of a bedvocherov club, the director of the Research Center for Problems of Ecology and Biology, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Bragina TM The meeting was also greeted by the club’s deputy curator and scientific consultants E.A. Bragin, E.A. Valyaeva, M.M. Rulyova.

A virtual meeting with representatives of the partner countries was organized within the framework of the international project of the European Union Erasmus + “KUTEL” on April 2nd , 2019. The members of the research group of the KSPU named after U.Sultangazin are Kifik N.Yu., Bezhina V.V., Gridneva V.M. - took an active part in the discussion of the organization of the upcoming monitoring at the Almaty Institute of Power and Communications (Almaty, Kazakhstan). During the online meeting (hangouts), each participant was assigned work sections and a series of tasks for presentation.

Within the week of the Department of preschool and primary education was held a video contest "Inclusive education - education for all!" among the students of 2-3 courses of specialties "Preschool education", "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education". Videos were presented on the following topics: "You are special!", "Dream no matter what!", "When we are together – we are invincible!", "Inclusive education – we are all equal." Competitive videos revealed the essence of inclusive education, the importance of inclusive education for modern society.

April 1, 2019 at 10:30 hours head of the Department of Kazakh language and literature, Ph.D.N., associate Professor of the Department S.G. Kanapina and students of the second year of the specialty "Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of education" in honor of the world day of dissemination of information about autism, was organized and held a scientific seminar on the theme: "The Basic principles of inclusive education in the teaching of the Kazakh language and literature". The purpose of the seminar is to familiarize students with the basic principles of inclusive education and to teach them how to work with special children suffering from such diseases.

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