In the period from March 29 to March 30, in Kostanay State Pedagogical University in the gym №2, as part of the open day, were held football competitions for the rector's cup among schoolchildren of the city’s colleges dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the KSPU. 6 teams participated in the competition: Secondary School No. 10, Secondary School No. 22, Secondary School No. 3, ZSL, Sports School, IPK. The teams divided 2 groups. On the day, the teams played matches in the group, 1 place guaranteed a place in the final, teams that took 2nd place play 3-4 places each other, the remaining 2 last teams took off from the tournament.

On March 29, 2019, the final conference on the practical training of 4th year students of the philological faculty of the specialty Kazakh language and literature was held. The main purpose of the final conference: hearing reports, suggestions of 4th year students on professional practice, exchange of views, discussion of ways to improve practice. During the conference, the students shared their experience, acquainted the participants with the results of the practice. The event was attended by school teachers, teachers of the Department, 3rd year students.

As part of the KSPU mentoring project, Amirhamzin Nauryzbay Kasengaliyevich, senior teacher of the Arts Department, Master of Pedagogy and Psychology, held an open lesson on the subject “Famous Works of Nurgisa Tlendiyeva”, which was dedicated to the birthday of the composer, conductor, dombra player and teacher. received at the training courses of the Orleu Scientific-Technical Center. The open lesson was held within the framework of the subject of “performance skills”, so the main part of the lesson was conducted with playing the musical The instructor dombra.

One of the main activities of the project is the presence of feedback from participants in the educational process. To this end, partner universities have developed a questionnaire for interviewing teachers and employers. The purpose of this survey is to identify the general awareness of the faculty on the main issues of ensuring the quality of the educational process at the university. Knowledge of the basic processes of organizing the educational process, the preparation of work programs, syllabuses, individual student plans, etc. In addition, the survey provides an analysis of the situation where possible changes in quality assurance procedures.

On March 29, 2019 in the city of Nur-Sultan the National Innovative Research and Development Center "Bilimὀrkenietἰ" organized the awarding ceremony of the republican review "The Best Student of the Year". For a special contribution to the fields of education, science, sports, and art during their studies, students were awarded with a pectoral medal and letters of goodwill. The winner of the republican review was a 2-year student of the specialty "Chemistry" of the natural-mathematical faculty of the KSPU Edres Tozhan Nurlankyzy, and she also entered the republican collection of gifted students "Zhas Kyran".

March 29, 2019, the Department of Natural Sciences in the framework of the regional scientific-practical conference "The mission of the young generation in science and education: traditions, innovations" in conjunction with the trainers of the branch of the Private Enterprise "Center for Teaching Excellence" AOO NISH Kostanay: Murzagaliyeva AE, Sagadiyeva B.K., Ardabaeva B., K., Buraga O.V. organized and conducted a training seminar on the topic: “From the teacher’s research skills to the student’s research skills”. The event was attended by 4-year students of specialties in natural and mathematical faculty.

Teacher of the Department "Preschool and primary education" Guchshina U.V. was held an open lesson at the 3rd year students of the specialty "Preschool education" on the topic "Methods of work with blocks Z. Dienes". During the lesson, the teacher used the method of analysis of the case on the topic of the lesson. The use of this technology allowed students to analyze the problem situation of the case, to Express their opinions. Students' answers were based on the knowledge of didactic principles of organization of educational activities of preschool children.

On March 28, 2019, the Department of Natural Sciences held a Regional Scientific and Practical Conference “Mission of the Young Generation in Science and Education: Traditions, Innovations”. She brought together young researchers - students, undergraduates, novice teachers - from Almaty, Uralsk, Petropavlovsk, Aktobe, Kostanay, Rudny, Arkalyk, wishing to state the directions, results and prospects of their activities. The aim of the conference was to promote the creation of conditions for the development and practical realization of the innovative potential of the younger generation of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On March 28, 2019, the Festival of Pedagogical Ideas took place in the framework of the project “I am an intern” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after U. Sultangazin. The purpose of the Festival is to assist graduates of the Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after U. Sultangazin in mastering the profession, introducing innovative pedagogical ideas and their development in the context of updating the content of education. Participants of the festival were teachers and instructors of the KSPU and teacher interns (graduates of 2017-2018) of Kostanay schools and the region.

From March 25 to March 28, 2019 took place the University Games of the city on volleyball among girls on the basis of KEEU and ChelSU. The team of KSPU girls stubbornly went to victory, in the last match they met with the team of KSU, where they defeated the opposing team and won first place. Our institute was represented by students: Navalova Vitalina (3 course, PESaT) Tyurina Anastasia (3 course, PESaT) Aspandiyarova Damira (3 course, PESaT) Chumbareva Ekaterina (1 course, PESaT) Gert Ksenia (1 course, PESaT) Fedosova Valeria (1 course, PESaT) Elena Voznykh (3 year, FF) 

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