28.02.2019 With the participation of the Department of the Kazakh language and literature of the faculty of Philology held an open day " Quality education from us-the choice from you" The open day was held by the teachers of Department Alievа D. A., аnd G. Sеistmbai and students of the 3rd course. At the open day, graduates of the humanitarian College together with school graduates were introduced to the specialties "Kazakh language and literature" and "Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction". 

The open lesson Tauakelov Chingis Aydargazievich (Department of Natural Sciences) held on February 28, 2019 on the subject: «Development of methods of complicating the educational material of the course of chemistry in accordance with the age characteristics of students» сaused a lively discussion. The lesson was devoted to the development of methods for studying inorganic acids, designed to reflect the principle of helicity in learning. Excellent technical support of the seminar (presentation, video clips), along with a demonstration experiment, left a good impression on those present.

28.02.2019 year to implement the program, "Rouhani jangyru" and of the President's Article "the Seven faces of the great steppe" in the project office of the Kostanai state pedagogical University named after U. Sultangazin hosted an evening historical movie. Students-historians and faculty of the Department of History of Kazakhstan reviewed and discussed the documentary historical film Zhanbolat Mamay "Zulmat". Before the show, head of project office of the University, Professor in the Department of history of Kazakhstan, candidate of historical Sciences Balgabaeva Gauhar Screenone acquainted with the works of the author of the film take place of mom.

February 27, 2019 in the framework of the week of the Department of History of Kazakhstan held an intellectual game "Learning history", dedicated to the year of youth. Participants of the game were students of the city and region: Gorky gymnasium, school-Lyceum №1, Lyceum "Bilim-innovation", Michurinskaya high school. The game consisted of three rounds, where the participants demonstrated knowledge of the national history of different periods. The tasks were prepared by the 3rd year students of the specialty "History", using modern digital technologies. 

27.02.2019 regional Corporation Teleradio was held the next edition of the program "AK ormal" on "As in Kazakhstan CRS day or Amal gets to a new level?". The program was attended by senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakh language and literature of the faculty of Philology, master of pedagogical Sciences Aliyev D. A, 3rd year students of the specialty "Kazakh language and literature", as well as natives of the Western region, where this holiday and the traditions of its celebration are fully preserved. The program discussed a large amount of information on the topic, the participants shared their views on this tradition. 

February 27 at the social and humanitarian faculty of Kostanay state pedagogical University of Umirzak Sultangazin with in the educational and methodical week of the Department of history of Kazakhstan held an event on "Historical events in the period of totalitarianism". The purpose of the round table is to explain to future historians the concept of totalitarianism and to assess the historical events of 1920-1930. The moderator of the round table were made by doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Amanzhol Kuzembaiuly.

February 26, 2019 Kairova B.Kh., Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology and Defectology and Lecturer, Department of Psychology and Defectology, Master of Pedagogical Sciences Satybaldina R.A. met with vocational guidance and explanatory work with students of the specialty «Pre-school education» of the KGKP «Kostanay Pedagogical College». College graduates were invited to enter the U.Sultangazin Kostanay State Pedagogical University and receive higher education in the following specialties: «Psychology»; «Pedagogy and Psychology»; «Defectology»...

February 26, 2019 Tatyana M. Bragina, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, celebrated her anniversary. Students and teachers of the department of natural sciences organized and held a solemn event, to which honored guests were invited. Among them: Vice-Rector for Academic Work and Social Affairs G.A. Musabekova, Vice-Rector for Research and Strategic Development N. Medetov, Head of the Entomological Museum of Kostanay State University. A. Baitursynov Marinenko TG, chairman of the trade union committee of the KSPU Shalgimbekova A.B., as well as graduates and students of the department of natural sciences.

In the period from February 25 to February 26, 2019, the first meeting on the Erasmus + European Union KUTEL international project was held on the basis of the University of Guglielmo Marconi (Rome, Italy). This meeting was attended by representatives of 13 partner universities from both the Republic of Kazakhstan and from abroad (Finland, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy). The meeting discussed issues of further work plan for the project, the appointment of responsible partners for the implementation of sections of work (WPs).

February 25, 2019 Kairova B.Kh., Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology and Defectology and Lecturer, Department of Psychology and Defectology, Master of Pedagogical Sciences Satybaldina R.A. conducted vocational guidance and explanatory work with students of 11th grades of the State institution «Secondary school No. 9 of the education department of Kostanai Akimat».Graduates of the school are invited to enter the university, full information is given about the specialties of Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after U. Sultangazin, information booklets are distributed.

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