Kifik N.Yu., Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism and Bezhina V.V., Associate Professor of the Department of Philology took part in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Professional Competencies as Integral Qualities of a Personality of a Specialist" based on Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University. The purpose of the conference is the exchange of experience in the formation and development of professional competencies as integral characteristics of the personal qualities of future specialists in various areas of society.
So the VIII winter universiade has ended. With what results did our team come to the finish line? In the period from February 20 to March 15, a winter student winter sports universiade was held. The following sports were announced in the program: cross-country skiing, relay race, all-around, curling, orienteering, biathlon. For all declared sports, the Kostanai State Pedagogical University named after U. Sultangazin put up teams of athletes. In almost all types except orienteering, our students won awards of various merits. Students demonstrated most of the awards and achievements in cross-country skiing, in which for all kinds the entire podium remained with the national team of our university. Especially in cross-country skiing, the university women's team distinguished itself.
On March 13, 2020, the award ceremony for the best young scientists among the CIS countries was held in Nur-Sultan, in the house of ministries. Contestant Satybaldina Raushan Alimzhanovna, the master of pedagogical Sciences, teacher of Department of psychology and defectology was awarded «Young scientist-2020» from the hands of famous people of Kazakhstan, a diploma and a collection of «Best young scientist – 2020» with the personal autograph of the author of the coat of arms Zhandarbek Malibekov.
On March 13, 2020, the V international scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists "Methodology, theory and practice of modern biology"was held at Baitursynov Kostanay state University. The main goal of the conference is to promote mutual intellectual enrichment of countries, regions, scientific, pedagogical and research teams. The conference was held in 6 sections. Students of the 4th year majors "Biology" and "Geography" of the Department of natural Sciences took part and made presentations. Students took part in 4 sections. The topics of the reports are presented by fundamental, applied, and methodological research. In the section "Problems of human relations with the environment", the report "Influence of thuja Occidentalis L. extract on the microbial activity of human oral bacteria" was presented by Torybayev Zhanbolat Serikovich, awarded a diploma of the 2nd degree. In the section "Topical issues of Zoology" with a report on "Economically important representatives of the aquatic malacofauna of Kostanay region", Kim Lyubov Vladimirovna was awarded a diploma of the 1st degree. Scientific supervisor: doctor of biology, Professor T. M. Bragina.
On March 12, 2020 at the Department of Arts a round table "Discussion of the undergraduate educational program "Musical Education", "Visual Art, Art Work, Graphics and Design", "Fine Arts and Drawing" was held. The aim of the round table is to discuss the educational program of the bachelor's degree in accordance with the updated content of secondary education, as well as to analyze the results of students' pedagogical and industrial practice.
«Free speech» - свобода слова. Именно такой позиции придерживается руководство нашего ВУЗа в работе со студентами. В рамках такого «свободного» общения, 12 марта 2020 года состоялась встреча исполняющей обязанности ректора КГПУ им.У.Султангазина Мусабековой Гульвиры Айдархановны со студентами – участниками проектного офиса «Саналы ұрпақ». Эти ребята являют собой неравнодушных к судьбе своего государства людей с активной гражданской позицией, нетерпящих проявлений коррупции как в стенах родного ВУЗа, так и в других сферах общественной жизни.
On March 10, in the city of Ridder, as part of the VIII Winter Universiade, the 10 km race was a classic move. The female part of the KSPU team showed a very decent result, having won the entire podium: 1st place - Ksenia Shalygina, 4th year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports"; 2nd place - Maria Luft, 2nd year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports"; 3rd place - Kinibaeva Laura, 1st year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports".
March 10, 2020 at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, at the Department of Natural Sciences, a round table was held on the "Presentation and discussion of educational programs" Geography "," Geography-Biology "for undergraduate and graduate programs. The aim of the seminar is to discuss educational programs of undergraduate and graduate programs in accordance with the updated content of secondary education. The organizers of this event were teachers of the Department of Natural Sciences: Master of Education, Senior Lecturer Baubekova GK, Master of Geography, Senior Lecturer Omarova K.I., Master of Geography, Senior Lecturer Koval V.V., master of geography, teacher Baimaganbetova B.B.
Under the guidance of a teacher of the department of psychology and defectology, master of pedagogical sciences Satybaldina R.A. students of the department annually participate in republican olympiads and take prizes. This year was no exception for students of the Defectology educational program. 2nd year student Niyazbek B. B. took first place in the national remote competition «Planet of knowledge», received the diploma of I degree in the Republic distance pedagogical Olympiad «My vocation – teacher» in the nomination «Mini-tale» work «Secret mission».
On March 06, 2020, at the Department of psychology and defectology of Kostanay state pedagogical University named after U. Sultangazin, a methodological seminar was held on the topic: «Joint development of the OP «6B01901 Special pedagog»». The purpose of the methodological seminar: exchange of experience, activation of joint activities of all interested participants in the pedagogical process (students, employers, stakeholders) under the Educational program «6B01901 Special pedagogy» to improve the quality of education, training a competitive graduate in demand in the field of special and inclusive education.