Department of Natural Sciences, a scientific hearing on the topic “Social Geography - Applied Research” was held among students of the specialty “Geography”. The purpose of a scientific hearing is to introduce students to research work. The organizers of this event were the teachers of the Department of Natural Sciences Baimaganbetova K.T. and Akhmetova E.B. The prepared scientific reports were made by fourth-year students KairatAyaulym, EsenalinaAigerim, Julia Mitrofonenko and second-year students Anna Bazilevskaya, KadishaMakanova. This event was held for students of 2-4 courses of the specialty "Geography".

n order to implement the project "Tugan Zher" in the framework of the program article of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev's “Look into the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness” and the implementation of the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan KK Tokaev on the celebration of the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbaev, Kostanai State Pedagogical University named after Umirzak Sultangazin on February 19, 2020 held a regional contest "Abaev readings" among students of universities and colleges.
The aim of the “Abaev readings” competition was: to popularize the literary heritage of the Kazakh people, to promote Abai’s works, to increase students' interest in studying classical literature, to identify translated Abai’s works into languages ​​of other nationalities, to develop literary reading through Abai’s works, to develop language culture, aesthetic taste and personal qualities in the works of Abai, the cultivation of love for the work of the great, the spiritual heritage of the nation.

On February 18 and 20, 2020, within the framework of the Department of Natural Sciences week, the teaching staff represented by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor T.M.Bragina, Master of Biology, Senior Lecturer, Head of the Research Center for Management of Science and International Relations M.A.Bobrenko and Master of Biology, Senior Lecturer M.M.Rulyova a master class “Innovative molecular genetic methods for the study of biological diversity” was held for teachers, senior students of the lyceum school № 2 of the education department of the akimat of Kostanay and third-year students of the educational program “Biology”.

From January 20 to February 08, 2020, educational pedagogical practice of 3rd-year students of the specialty 5B011700 "Kazakh language and literature" and 5B012100 "Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction"was held. On February 20, students defended their reporting documents.Purpose: organization of protection of students ' reporting documents, summing up the results of professional practice, discussion of ways to improve it. The event was attended by the head of the Department of Philology, Ph.D., associate Professor Nurmukhametova Karlygash Turganbekovna and teachers of the educational program Kazakh language and literature: candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor Myrzagalieva K. M., candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor Mamieva B. O., candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor Isova E. A., master of arts, senior teacher Seysembay T.T., senior teacher Seysembay G.A., and methodologist in pedagogy Abdirkenova A.K.

In the period from February 20 to March 19, the winter student universiade in winter sports starts. The following sports are declared in the program: cross-country skiing, relay race, all-around, curling, biathlon. Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after U. Sultangazina regularly exposes the team to the student universiade. This year was no exception. The first type of competition - all-around started on February 20. And the first competition day brought good results to our students in the all-around.

On February 19, 2020, Open Day was held, which gathered a large number of students from schools of the city. The event was attended by more than 50 students of such schools as: №9, №6, №20, №16, GSM, the purpose of which was to implement one of the main priorities of student recruitment strategy. Due to the speeches of the Head of Department Nurmukhametova K.T., heads of educational programs and the Head of Office of Recruitment and Public Services Department Kovaleva N.V., this event helped pupils to learn more about the procedure of passing UNT, the right choice of the university, and in general to make the right decision in choosing the future profession.

Within the discipline of «Community Service» the 1st course students of the educational program «6В01502-Physics» conducted laboratory work «Study of the law of Archimedes» 17 Feb 2020 in 7th «А» (cadet) grade GA «Kostanay city’s the Education Department № 28 School-gymnasium». The «Physics Cabinet» devices of the Umirzak Sultangazin KSPU the Department of physical and mathematical disciplines were used to conduct the lesson.

February 13, 2020 at the Department of Natural Sciences of KSPU named after U. Sultangazina in aud. 814, an explanatory lecture for 1-3 year students of the educational programs “Biology, ”"Computer Science", " Physics», “Сhemistry” and “Geography” on the prevention of coronavirus was held. The lecture was conducted by the head of the department of epidemiological surveillance for especially dangerous infections (OOI) and tuberculosis of the Department of quality control and safety of goods and services of the Kostanay region of the Committee for quality control and safety of goods and services of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Lyudmila Vladimirovna Nalobina.

February 7 summed up the essay contest "My place in the future of my country" as part of the week of the educational program "Russian Language and Literature". It was attended by students of 1-2 courses, students of grades 8-11 of secondary schools. Total participants – 70 people. During the event, a recruiting campaign was conducted to promote the educational program and its achievements. The purpose of the event is to contribute to the formation of a comprehensively developed personality with an active lifestyle.

On February 7, 2020, senior lecturer of the Department of history of Kazakhstan, master of history Nurpeisova E. T. held a meeting with graduates of Auliekol high school. Sh. Ualikhanov in the framework of career guidance work.During the meeting, the students were shown a video presentation with General information about the KSPU. U. Sultangazina and provides full information about educational programs, the timing of the UNT, etc., as well as excerpts from the Law "on the status of a teacher".

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