Disciplines of specialization are the basic for students of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sport". In addition, theoretical and practical classes should be constantly reinforced by participation in competitions of different levels, not only as participants, but also as judges, organizers. Only in this case, students receive complete knowledge and acquire full-fledged skills in their specialization and specialization. Therefore, the ongoing competitions in the Kostanay region are always with the direct participation of students specializing in "Physical Culture and Sports".

At faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism from this academic year is opened “The volunteer wing”. Within this project on October 25, 2017 the students of the first course of “PhC&S” specialty together with public organization GREEN and council of veterans of the Kostanay region have carried out the action “The Computers are for All Ages!” The students have trained pensioners in skills of use of various popular computer applications! This project is intended on several months and brings the big social importance as for students, as for pensioners.

On October 21, 2017 at faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism the open laboratory research on a subject matter has taken place: "Anatomy, fundamentals of sports morphology", the faculty devoted to the 50 anniversary. This action already became a traditional event for students of 1 course which is conducted in the form of the intellectual game "Anatomic Brain Ring". This game develops in the person intellectual ability, ability correctly and quickly to think, to quickly make decisions. 5 teams have participated in a game: "Skeletos", "Atlas", Helios, "Adrenaline", "Optimists". Students have shown the knowledge in anatomy, coordination, ability to work together and to listen to each other.

October 17 in the audience A-201 held a talent contest "Become a star" among students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism. The organizers of the competition are students of the 4th year of the specialty "Tourism". Students of 1, 2 and 3 courses have participated in a competition. There are: Egizbay Almas –1 course specialty "Physical educationand sport", a song; Pokhilyuk Alexander – the 2nd course specialty "Physical education and sport", an art word and other.

From September 12 to September 14, 2017 in Aktobe within the 6th Republican rural games «Ақ бидай» the team of the Kostanay region on «Asyk atu» has taken the 1st all-command place. The senior teacher FPCST Kakashev K.T. directed team. Within 6 - x the Republican rural games «Ақ бидай», which were taking place in Aktobe team of the Kostanay region has borrowed 3 – her all-command place on a togyzkumalaka.

The IX summer Universiade among students is held for involvement of youth to regular trainings by physical culture, and sport; strengthenings of educational work and formation of a healthy lifestyle; every possible use of physical culture and sport as an effective remedy of patriotic education of student's youth and also preparation of the Olympic reserve in national teams of the country and national college teams for participation in the World Universiades.

On October 4, 2017 In the regional center the track and field athletics run devoted to Y. Altynsarin's memory of the great Kazakh educator took place. This track and field athletics tournament became a good tradition of the Kostanay region – a lot of years the athletes from all area and not only participates in this tournament. The main distances in a track and field athletics running were: a distance on 2 km, on 6 km and on 20 km. Students of the Kostanay state teacher training college of specialty "Physical culture and sport" participated in a running on 20 km.

During the period since June 1-4 the regional meeting of tourists has taken place. Students 1-4 courses of the specialty "Tourism" "Physical culture and sport" have held a number of events which they entered: obstacle course; relay; competitive program. All-command places: Tornado (Karasu), Irbis(Rudnii), Solneshko (Kostanay). In separate types prize-winning places were distributed as follows...

From March 24 to March 30, 2016 on the basis of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute there took place the practical seminar for workers of the tourist sphere. Main objectives of a seminar were: creation of the competitive tourist industry for employment of the population; improvement of quality of tourist services; training of qualified specialists in the sphere of tourism; development of tourist activity in the Kostanay region.

The traditional competition among students "The best student" took place at faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism: 1. Slanov A. 3 c. FCS 2. Aknazarova A. 3 Tourism 3. Nurmanova I. 1 Tourism 4. Gumirov V. 4 Tourism 5. Horoshevskaya V. 3 Tourism 6. Rsmaganbetova S. 1 Tourism 7. Angamova I. 3 FCS 8. Melnichenko V. 3 FCS 9. Zhumagulova D. 1 FCS 10. Krut E. 1 FCS

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