On February 12, Fedorov Alexander Ivanovich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, works as an assistant professor at the South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk) at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. From 12 to 16 February, students and teachers of FFKSaT will take a training course "Modern, information and communication technologies in physical culture, sports and tourism". The course is designed for 2 credits, it provides both lecture and practical classes for students.

February 9 at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism held a virtual meeting with representatives of Magnitogorsk State Technical University. G.I. Nosov. From the faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism were present: Dean of the faculty of physical culture of sport and tourism Kyfik N.Yu., Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of FСSiT Ogiienko NA, Senior Teachers of the Department of Theory and Practice of FСSiT Malshakova VV. The management of the Institute was attended by: head of the department of academic programs Chernyavskaya O.M, specialist of the department of academic programs Bermagambet R.

February 9, 2018 in the Ice Palace held a solemn parade dedicated to honoring the members of the Olympic team of Kazakhstan, the natives of the Kostanay region. Students of KSPI, including students and teachers of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, took an active part in the event. 6 students of our faculty took part in the solemn ice show: Melnik Roman - master of sports in speed skating, multiple winner and champion of the Cups of the Republic of Kazakhstan on skates, Yevgeny Bondarenko is a master of sports in cross-country skiing, a multiple champion of republican competitions, a silver medalist of the World Winter Student Games.

From 6 to 8 February in the city of Kostanay in the sports complex "ChelSU" hosted the city championship in basketball among men's teams of higher education institutions. It was attended by the teams of CSU, KinEU, KSU and the team "10 region" of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. Having conceded to the site owners, the team of CSU, the team of the teacher's college took the second place. The KSPI team played: Boyko Vladislav - 2nd year student of FFСSaT; Udalov Vladislav - 3rd year student of FFСSaT; Alexander Gordienko - 3rd year student of FFСSaTT; Valiev Rustam - 1-st year student of FFСSaT.

Within the framework of the work plan of the educational and upbringing center of physical culture and sports, it is planned to hold sports competitions in various sports among the students of the institute. We have opened this direction of the Sambo competition. So, in the period from 02 February to 03 February 2018 in the sports hall No. 1 of the KSPI there were competitions in the Sambo open championship of the KSPI, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Astana. 25 students from three faculties took part in the competition: the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism, the natural-mathematical faculty and the social-humanitarian faculty.

On February 3, 2018, the Day of Science was held in the School-Lyceum # 2 of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay. For the first time in many years, the conference announced the "Healthy Lifestyle" section. and the students showed interest in writing reports on this area. This section was headed by the senior lecturer of the Department of Theory and Practice of the FSSiT, Volkov S.V., as the chairman of the jury. 8 lecturers - senior students, teachers of physical culture, director and head teacher of "School-Lyceum № 2" took part in the work of the section.

From January 22 to January 31, 2018, traditional sessions of the President's message to the people of Kazakhstan were held at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism. Teachers of the Department of Theory and Practice, the educational and training center for physical training and students of the 1-3 courses of specialties "Physical Culture and Sport" and "Tourism" took part in the discussion. The annual message of the President is 10 concrete steps that will lead to the implementation of the new policy course "Kazakhstan - 2050".

Students of the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism, specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" Shamukhanov Yerkebulan 2 year and Zhaksybaev Mersait 3 course joined the Kazakhstan short track team and were licensed to participate in the 23 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang (South Korea) , which will be held from 9 to 25 February 2018. This is the third license that students of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" won. Recall that the first license for the Olympics was won by Anastasia Krestova, 2nd year student also on the short track, taking 3rd place at the World Championships in the distance of 1000 meters.

On January 16, 2017 students of the 1st course of specialty "Physical culture and sport", within the social project, have organized the help to the Kostanay coach, famous in the past, on carting Knyaginina Eduard Aleksandrovich. Eduard Aleksanrovich entering a 10-ka of the best motocross of the USSR the founder of the Kostanay motor club "Whirlwind", is in very difficult situation now. Students of faculty have helped Eduard Aleksandrovich about the house, have touched and have chopped firewood for the winter, left small humanitarian aid.

During the winter holidays of students, from January 8 to January 13, a training and educational center for physical training of the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism hosts a Universiade among teachers and staff of the Institute. The program includes sports competitions in chess, checkers, tozyz-құmalāқu, tennis, asyқ-ata, volleyball, darts, mini football and cross-country skiing. Participation in competitions involves both individual participation and teamwork. .

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