Congratulations and best wishes in honor of March 8, prepared students of the specialty "Geography" March 6, 19, for teachers of the department of natural sciences. On this day, the guys showed a festive concert: Dandybaev Zhangeldy played on the dombra of the kuy “Aday”, Tobolov Almas read his poem “Nәzіk zhandylar”, dedicated to the female half of the group. Kairatova Nargiza, Orazgali Aizhan, Nurhadiluly Galymbek, Evzhanova Madina lifted the spirits of interesting and fun games.

From March 1 to March 3, regional sports tourism competitions were held (ski tourism techniques). The event was organized by students and teachers of the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism. The organization of the event was supported by the sports department of the akimat of Kostanay region and the regional center of PE and youth tourism. In general, 13 participating teams competed for top places, a record number in a long time. Competitions were held on the basis of Children's and Youth Sports School №3 for 2 days: 1 day - relay race; 2 day - obstacle course.

From March 2 to March 12, will be held student competitions within the framework of the International Universiade in winter sports in the Krasnoyarsk (Russia). These competitions have been held since 1992. During this period, the student team of Kazakhstan won over 84 awards at various levels. This year 95 athletes are represented at the International Universiade from Kazakhstan, and 10 of them are students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism! More of us, students-sportsmen presented only the Academy of Sports and Tourism of Almaty.

1 March at the natural-mathematical faculty held an open day for pupils of graduation classes of schools of the city and Kostanay region. To students were made by the Dean of natural-mathematical faculty Shumeyko T. S., office of career planning and public services of the University, heads of departments of EMF. The guests were presented an exhibition of art creativity of students majoring in vocational training, shown the work of students majoring in computer science. Of particular interest to students caused a demonstration of the robots and the master class on transplanting plants.

On the first of March, 2019 the chair of Pedagogy of Psychology and Pedagogical Faculty traditionally organized and carried out an event to celebrate the Day of Gratitude in KGPU after U. Sultangazin. The leader of the event solemnly opened and informed the present students, teachers, employees, guests of information. Since 2016, in Kazakhstan there has been a new holiday on March 1 – the Day of Gratitude determined by the decree of the President of the Republic No. 173 of January 14, 2016. The initiative of establishment of this Day was taken by the President of Kazakhstan – Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Future teachers received a unique opportunity to express themselves with the announcement of the Republican remote pedagogical Olympiad "my vocation is a teacher" organized by the scientific and educational center "Inn & Sciense Asia". The preparation of creative works itself was become an event for students: there was a need to rethink the usual and unusual things, finding a better perspective of self-expression, revealed creative resources the atmosphere of creation captured the guys. And here are the results.

On February 28, 2019, the Natural-Mathematical Faculty conducted an intellectual game “We are the Children of the Great Steppe”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the KSPU, as part of the Year of Youth. It was held among the students of the departments of the Natural-Mathematical Faculty with the aim of popularizing local history knowledge and history of the KSPU. The game covered the following topics: history of Kostanay region (architectural and historical monuments, culture, art), interesting events, famous personalities and traditions, geography of Kostanay region, history of the formation and development of Kostanay State Pedagogical University and Natural-Mathematical Faculty.

28.02.2019 With the participation of the Department of the Kazakh language and literature of the faculty of Philology held an open day " Quality education from us-the choice from you" The open day was held by the teachers of Department Alievа D. A., аnd G. Sеistmbai and students of the 3rd course. At the open day, graduates of the humanitarian College together with school graduates were introduced to the specialties "Kazakh language and literature" and "Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction". 

The open lesson Tauakelov Chingis Aydargazievich (Department of Natural Sciences) held on February 28, 2019 on the subject: «Development of methods of complicating the educational material of the course of chemistry in accordance with the age characteristics of students» сaused a lively discussion. The lesson was devoted to the development of methods for studying inorganic acids, designed to reflect the principle of helicity in learning. Excellent technical support of the seminar (presentation, video clips), along with a demonstration experiment, left a good impression on those present.

28.02.2019 year to implement the program, "Rouhani jangyru" and of the President's Article "the Seven faces of the great steppe" in the project office of the Kostanai state pedagogical University named after U. Sultangazin hosted an evening historical movie. Students-historians and faculty of the Department of History of Kazakhstan reviewed and discussed the documentary historical film Zhanbolat Mamay "Zulmat". Before the show, head of project office of the University, Professor in the Department of history of Kazakhstan, candidate of historical Sciences Balgabaeva Gauhar Screenone acquainted with the works of the author of the film take place of mom.

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