February 15, 2019, in the Students House of KNPU named after Sultangazin U, Kalinichenco O.V. and Akhmetbekova Z.D., Senior lecturers of the Psychology and Defectology department, as well as first year students majoring in Psychology of the Russian faculty and third year students majoring in Pedagogics and Psychology of the Kazakh faculty conducted a training on confident behaviour. Such way of co-operation with the students has found itself constant as long as workshops on stress resistance and communication and personal development are annually conducted among the students residing in the dormitory.

On February 14, was held a round table at the Faculty of Physical education, sport and Tourism on the topic “Issues of interaction and cooperation between KSPU and MGTU named G.I.Nosov on the implementation of joint projects and scientific research ". The participants of the round table were the teachers of the department of TaPoPESaT, the educational center of physical training, the teachers of the department of natural sciences, head of department of Magnitigorsk State Technical University named I.G. Nosov (Magnitogorsk Russia) Tsapov E.G.

On 14th of February, 2019, the trip for the purpose of career guidance work in the North - Kazakhstan region was organized by the Department of career planning and public services of Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after U. Sultangazin. Students of the faculty of natural science and Mathematics Orazgali Aizhan (specialty «Geography») and Olfa Lutsenko (specialty «Mathematics») took part in this work. The official meeting of representatives of Universities with school graduates of the region was held in the village Novoishimskoe, the district of which was named after Gabit Musrepov and which is the native village of these students.

In the framework of the methodical week of the Department of natural Sciences on February 13, 2019 was held a presentation of Professor E. Bragin on field scientific research. This research has been conducted since 2017 in partnership with Dr. Todd Katzner from the research center in Boise, Idaho, USA (Dr. Todd Katzner, Research Wildlife Biologist, Forest & Rangeland science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, and Dr. NIR Sapir, University of Haifa, Israel Nir Sapir, Animal Flight Laboratory Department of Evolutionary and Environmental Biology and Institute of Evolution University of Haifa) on the international project «Study of the steppe eagle».

February 13, 2019 at the Kostanay State Pedagogical University has been presenting a round table on "Modern trends in conductor art in the modern world" with the participation of the Republic of Kazakhstan culture. A round table was held in the frameworks of the II International Forum of conductors organized by the programmable articles of the state NA Nazarbaev. Nazarbayeva "Oriented Origins: Spiritual Renaissance - Looking to Future: Modernization of the Common wealth". The first Forum went to 2018 and was the 10th anniversary of the orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments in the regional philharmonic society Umurzakova.

On February 13, a curatorial hour was held at the Faculty of Philology under the title “Abdilda Tazhibayev - Poet, Lyric”, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the literary researcher, poet, scholar Abdilda Tazhibayev. Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philology Shoshakova Zhanar Karasynovna organized this curatorial hour in order to arouse more interest in literature. In this informative hour with the participation of 2nd year students, young people became acquainted with the biography and work of the poet. Sudenty 2nd year students Kaliyeva Aruzhan and Zhumagali Nuray recited the best works of the poet by heart, and Birimzhanova Aigerim wrote a poem dedicated to the poet’s jubilee.

On February 12, 2019,the regional scientific-practical conference "Trilingual education: approaching global citizenship through 21 century skills development " was organized by the Education Department of Akimat of Kostanay Region in cooperation with Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after U.Sultangazinwithin the frameworkof regional decade"Trilingualism- confident step into the future!" The conference was attended by representatives of the Department of Education of Akimat of Kostanay Region, University teachers, teachers of secondary schools of the region.

In the framework of the initiative theme, the department of natural sciences, students, teachers of the 2nd course of the Kazakh department of the specialty "Biology" under the guidance of curator Syundikova Zh.T. A number of activities aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle. On February 8, 2019 an intellectual game was held on the theme “We are for a healthy lifestyle!” The purpose of the intellectual game: enhancing cognitive activity, providing students with a proper understanding of a healthy lifestyle. 

On February 4 in the conference hall there was held the meeting with Moldagaliyev Sabir Dulatovich, the vice-chairman of the Kostanay regional branch of the youth association of “Nur Otan” on the party project "English for Jastar". The goal of the project is to create the language environment for rural children and teachers, to develop English speaking skills and the volunteer movement. The project is implemented with assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Kazakhstan, akimats.

Our university hosted a blog dedicated to the year of youth. In that activity was organized by Yermaganbetova Akbota Zhanalikovna, master of humanitarian sciences, in department of pedagogy and project by students that’s called “NEWdem” developing students ambitions». On the eve of the youth year, students had to publish posts expressing their thoughts in the Kazakh language. Within the blog, posts about youth, family values, teacher status, Latin alphabet, friendship values, innovations and other topics were published during the month.

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