8-9 December 2018 in Karaganda in the framework of the program "Ruhani zhangyru" at the Department of history of Kazakhstan and the ANC Karsu named after E. Buketov INEA passed IV Republican student conference "Kazakhstan - Menin Оtanym". It was attended by students of Karsu named after E. Buketov, ENU named after Gumilev, Arge named Ibrai Altynsarin, Pavlodar state pedagogical Institute, Institute of foreign languages named after Abylai Khan, International Kazakh-Turkish University named Hodzha Akhmed Yassaui and Kostanay State Pedagogical University named Omirzak Sultangazin.

The conference was held by the Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Leader of the nation and the Institute of state history of the Committee of science Department of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Among the participants were state and public figures, heads of diplomatic missions, deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of political parties and public organizations, domestic media, cultural and art figures, famous scientists from Turkey, Russia, China, Ukraine, Azerbaydzhan, Tadzhikistan.

The State Archive of the Kostanay region, specialists of the archival service, together with scientists from leading universities in Kostanay, discussed the article by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev. “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe” and made proposals on the development of the subject of identifying documents in the republican program “Archive-2025” on the history of Kazakhstan in foreign archives. KGPU names after U. Sultangazin was represented by S.V. Samarkin. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Distance and Additional Education, Yarochkina E.V. candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Social Disciplines, Basics of law and economics, O.I. Isenov candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan.

It has already become a good tradition at the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism to hold the traditional subject Olympiad for students of the 3rd and 4th courses of the specialty "Physical Education and Sport" in the discipline "Theory and Methods of Physical Culture." The Olympiad was held in two stages in theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The first round was held on November 30 in the form of testing, over 100 students of 3.4 courses took part in this round. Results of the 1st round: the 3rd course of the Russian department scored 36.2 points; 3 course Kazakh branch scored 29.8 points.

On 5st December seminar “Cooperation of the school and the university in the context of the renewal of the education system” was held by teachers and students of 3-4 courses within the framework of the week of the Department of Russian Language and Literature. The following issues were discussed during the work: New requirements for a contemporary class in the context of updates of the education system: difficulties and positive experience. The role of the teacher in the formation of the student's creative personality. Criteria assessment of students.

November 22 and December 5, 2018 y., students of the specialty "Psychology" 3 course kazakh department and 4 course russian department under the guidance of teachers of the Department of psychology and defectology Demisenova Sh.S. and Akhmetbekova Z.D. for students of 1 and 4 courses of specialties "Defectology", "Pedagogy and Psychology" and "Psychology" a training was held on the International Day for Tolerance. The training is aimed at stimulating students' imagination in search of their own understanding of tolerance and the development of the ability to communicate with people.

On 5 December 2018 a competition of student projects “Startup Battle - 2018” was held by senior teachers Brimzhanova K.S. and Koval O.V. in the framework of the Week of the Department of Russian Language and Literature. The competition was held within the framework of the implementation of the “Ruhani zhangyru” program among students of 1-4 courses of the specialty “Russian Language and Literature” Philological faculty. The program “Ruhani zhangyru” is aimed at the development of competitiveness as a success factor. This competition is testament. Students offered their ideas on solving scientific problems in the regional market.

In the period from November 19 to December 5, the Department of Arts held an international creative project in the Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after U.Sultangazin - a competition among students of the specialty "Fine Arts and Drawing".Two formats of the competition were held: remote - via online voting on the information portal of the KSPU official website and online competition. The remote format of the competition on the nominations painting and graphics. The voting took place from November 19, 2018 to December 3, 2018.

In order to implement the program "Digital Kazakhstan" in KSPU them.U.Sultangazin from 28 November to 05 December 2018, we conducted training workshops on AIS "Kundelik" for graduates of all disciplines. System "Kundelik" is a unified e-learning environment and online diary, a journal for teachers, parents and students. The seminars were held head of the Department of computer science, robotics and computer technology Radchenko T. A. seminars students razyasnyalis basics AIS "Kundelik": log teacher, subject teacher, rules for filling in scheduling, working with the magazine in the role of the class teacher.

On 4 December 2018 a seminar entitled “Intensification of the educational process in the context of a renewed education” was held by senior lecturers Arsayeva S.B. and Konvisarova L.A. within the framework of the week of the Department of Russian Language and Literature. The seminar was weld after they had been completing refresher courses at the NIS of Astana and the NTPK “Orleu”. The purpose of the seminar is to familiarize teachers and students with the peculiarities of the content of the updated training and to develop skills of using the latest information technologies in the framework of the updated content of education.

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