On 18 December 2018 the head of the department of the Russian Language and Literature Isina D.A. was conducted vocational guidance work with students of grades 9-11 KSU "Barvinovsky secondary school of the education department of the akimat of the Sarykol district". The purpose of the visit was to provide vocational guidance to students in the choice educational profiles and the scope of future profession. A photo presentation about the activities of the Russian language and literature department were shown to children, a video about the university’s specialties was shown.

This is the question that was asked by the students of the 1st course of the specialties “Biology”, “Musical Education”, “Geography”, “ Visual arts and drawing”, “Foreign language: 2 foreign languages”. They were participants of the essay “My motherland is Kazakhstan”, It was dedicated to the celebration of 27 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The competition was organized by the head of the department of the Russian language and literature Isina D.A. and senior lecturer of the department Brimzhanova K.S.

December 14 in the College service areas of Kostanay city held a roundtable on the Message of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.. to the people of Kazakhstan on October 05, 2018 "the Growth of welfare of Kazakhstan: increase of income and standard of living of the population" the main document in action through the eyes of youth. The round table was made by the 4th year students of specialty "History" - Saipjanov Murat, Sadyrbaev Temirlan, basanova Zhansaya and senior lecturer of the Department of history of Kazakhstan – Abylmalykov K.K.

On December 14, 2018 at 13:30, an event dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at the Faculty of Natural Mathematics. The purpose of the event - the celebration of Independence Day, the development of patriotic feelings among students. The event was organized by the interesting content of the program, where students read poems about our homeland, presented videos about the modern achievements of our state. Two-year students of the specialty “Biology”, Hamit Bota played the dombra kui “Balbyrauyn”, Sirivlya Diana performed a Kazakh dance.

A first-year student of the specialty “Physical Culture and Sports” Nadezhda Ryabets became a laureate according to the results of the competition “5 new persons in the field of higher education of the Kostanay region”. Nadezhda Ryabets is a master of sports in boxing, a four-time champion of Kazakhstan in boxing, a prize-winner and champion of international tournaments, a bronze prize-winner of the youth Olympic Games. The awarding of winners of the regional competition was held on December 14 in the Kostanay branch of ChelSU.

On December 13 the ceremonial presentation of the best of the best diplomas took place at the concert dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Diplomas were delivered to the winners of the republican competition of scientific student work. 2 students of the specialty "Russian language and literature": Tatiana Agunkina (supervisor - Segizbaeva KK, associate professor, Ph.D.) and Nadezhda Grigorieva (supervisor - Pchelkina TR, Associate Professor, Ph.D.) were pariticipants of this competition.

On December 12, 2018 the meeting of participants of the local historians club of U. Sultangazin KGPU with A.G. Kozybayev - the creator of the website "Kostanay and inhabitants of Kostanay" took place in the History Lab. Armand Gabdrashevich has been working on the website within the last ten years. One of the biggest collection of photo and archival documents in the Republic of Kazakhstan is placed there. There are more than 25 thousand photos, considerable number of materials of the old newspaper, memoirs and other materials which local historians, fans of history constantly address.

On December 12, 2018 students of the 3rd year of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" held a curatorial hour "Love to the Motherland begins with a family". It was dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Independence Day of Kazakhstan is the main national holiday of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Residents celebrate annually this date on December 16. The Republic of Kazakhstan marks the 27th anniversary of the declaration of Independence this year. On December 16, 1991, the Supreme Council of Kazakhstan adopted a law on the independence and state sovereignty of the Republic.

At the Department of Natural Sciences they took with great responsibility the assignment of Kostanay State Pedagogical University the name of our outstanding countryman Umirzak Makhmutovich Sultangazin. A number of events were held that allowed students and teachers to learn more about the biography of the scientist. Thus, teachers and students of the specialties "Chemistry" and "Biology" became the participants of the curatorial hour "WITH A NEW NAME - TO NEW PEAKS!".

The results of the regional competition “5 New Persons”, held among universities of Kostanay region, were announced on December 9. The competition was organized by the Kostanay branch of Chelyabinsk State University. The financial co-organizer was the Zhaydarly Zhastar Public Fund with the support of the Youth Policy Department of the Akimat of Kostanay Region. Amirkhamzin Nauryzbay Kasengaliyevich, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Arts, won the competition in the “Culture” nomination.

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