November 20, 2018 The American Corner, together with the teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology, held a popular competition “Spelling Bee” among students of 2 and 3 courses. More than 50 students took part in a competition. The pronouncer clearly pronounces the word two times. The students should pronounce the word and say each letter distinctly. They have two minutes to spell the word. Students may ask the pronouncer to repeat the word, define it, use it in a sentence, provide the part of speech, and provide the language of origin.

On November 19, 2018, in Astana, she participated as a participant in the final stage of the Republican contest for the best research project on the Kazakhstan model of social harmony and national unity, N.A. Nazarbayev, conducted by the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, together with the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan, and The project “Developing a learning application in the Android system” was chosen as one of the top 10 projects based on the selection of a competition.

Since November 19, at the Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism, a poster competition was held, timed to coincide with the International Day against AIDS "Sport against AIDS." World AIDS Day - International UN Day, celebrated on December 1. WHO was first proclaimed in 1988, and since 1996 UNAIDS has been conducting it. The day was established to raise awareness of the AIDS epidemic caused by the spread of HIV, and also as a day to commemorate the victims of this disease.

Thinkathon “Digital Kazakhstan” is a one-day event that takes place all over Kazakhstan, where participants are divided into teams of 5-7 people and offer their solutions to the problems of digitalization of the city. At the first competition held in our city, 11 teams took part, consisting of students from the universities of our city, representatives of the “Atameken” chamber and working youth who wished to take part. From KSPU in this event took part two teams of our faculty. The Astra team includes first year students of the specialty “History” Ainur Yermagambetova, Anna Serous, Vladislav Nikolaenko, Damir Tulegenov, Temirkhan Argimbayev, and the student of the specialty “Fine Art” Dilara Abdrakhmanova, a student of the specialty “Musical education” Kuanyshbek Balaus.

On 16 th November for creative useful life and to acquire some aims was training called «Motivation and confidence». In that activity was organized by YermaganbetovaAkbota Zhanalikovna, master of humanitarian sciences, in department of pedagogy and project by students that’s called ‘“NEWdem” developing students ambitions’. In the training by pleasing motivational actions and students experience with new in spearing books. During motivational training, students learned about seven ways to achieve a goal, how to properly distribute their time and many other motivational exercise.

On November 16, 2018, teachers of the Kazakh Language and Literature Department of the Faculty of Philology and students of this specialty met with the head of the Kazakh Language and Literature Department of Shakarim University in Semey, PhD Jundiyeva Arai Kanapiyakyzy. The purpose of the meeting is to acquaint the literary and philosophical heritage of the poet- translator, philosopher Shakarim Kudaiberdiev in honor of his 160th birthday, and also to provide information about the academic mobility of students.

From 5 to 16 November 2018 at the faculty of psychology and pedagogy was held intra - University stage of the Olympiad in psychology among students of 2-3 courses of specialties "Psychology", "Pedagogy and psychology". The essence of the stage was to perform tasks in psychology, having both theoretical and practical orientation. Students had to answer questions of test tasks on disciplines of a psychological cycle, and also to solve the offered psychological situations with justification of the chosen way of the decision.

According to Decree NO 637 of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 19, 2018 and approved Resolution NO 27 of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 13, 2018 in accordance with the “Action Plan for the Step-by-Step Transition of the Kazakh Alphabet to the Latin Schedule until 2025” on November 14, 2018 11.00 students of the Faculty of Philology, specialty "Kazakh language and literature", "Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction" Kostanay state language took an active part in the national dictation Pedagogical University.

The other day an intellectual game took place on the basis of the regional House of Friendship within the framework of the project “ Spiritual Revival - Eternal Country”. The goal of the game was to increase students' interest in the historical past of the Republic of Kazakhstan, its culture and traditions, identify the intellectual potential of students, foster a sense of patriotism and tolerance among young people. Participation in the game took students of universities of Kostanay KSU named A Baitursynov, KSPU, KF ChelSU, KINEU named M. Dulatov and KSTU.

From November 1 to November 15, 2018, the polylingual center of the Philological faculty of the Kostanay state pedagogical university has held an online Essay Competition "Tugan zher" in the framework of the implementation of the program "Ruhani Zhangyru". The competitive works were accepted in three languages. The main goals and objectives of the competition were: the formation of students' respectful attitude towards their small Motherland, the nurturing of patriotic feelings, and the development of linguistic consciousness, based on mastering state, native and foreign languages.

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