On October 18 students of Philology faculty took part in public hearings on the results of project «Implementation of a set of activities aimed at the formation of family values in the youth environment, support of young families» SI «Management of youth policy of Kostanay region akimat» implemented project in cooperation with NGO «Society for support of disabled citizens with of   musculoskeletal system dysfunction «U'mit-Nadezhda». The aim of the project: Revival of moral values and positive image of family and marriage (matrimony), mainstreaming the status of family, demonstration and wide promotion of family values among young people, care of adult children and disabled and elderly parents.

On October 13, 2018, 1st year students of the specialty «Pedagogy and psychology» under the guidance of the curator Satybaldina R. A. visited the Kostanay regional memorial Museum named after I.Altynsarin. Purpose: to get acquainted with the history of the people of our region who have made a huge contribution to the development of education in Kazakhstan. During the excursion, the stories about the life and work of the outstanding Kazakh teacher and educator Y aroused great interest among the first-year students.

On 12th of October, 2018 for the 1st year students of all specialties of the faculty of psychology and education was held an event dedicated to the explanation of the program «Modernization of Kazakhstan’s identity»: «Рухани жаңғырудың жарқын жолы». This event was held with the purpose of outreach, exploring all major projects of the program «Modernization of Kazakhstan’s identity», the formation and education of Kazakhstan patriotism. Active participation was taken by the 1st year students of the specialty "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education» Egizekova Diana, Dyakova Natalya, Atabayev Bakhit, Nurbayeva Nurgul, who performed information about the programs «Modernization of Kazakhstan’s identity».

On October 12, 2018, the first meeting of the KSPU club of local historians took place. The activities of the club interested students majoring in "Tourism", "History", as well as 2nd year students of Kostanay pedagogical College. In total, 20 students and teachers took part in the first meeting. Among them – the teacher of chair of foreign languages, Kostanay pedagogical College Shagataeva Zauresh Jurasbaevna, senior lecturer of the Theory and practice of physical culture, sport and tourism Gurskaya Irina Feodorovna.

From 5 to 12 October 2018, the choir of students of the OP “Music Education” of the KSPU under the direction of Ph.D. Zhakayeva S.A. took part in the International festival of choral groups “Astana - Alem Dausy” in Astana. The festival was held in the framework of the VI Congress of World and Traditional Religions. The student choir of the university received an invitation to participate in the concert program of this festival in September 2018. The concert program consisted of works by Kazakh and foreign classics.

As part of the republican lecture on the promotion of the Kazakhstan model of social harmony and general national unity, the chair of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan of Kostanay State Pedagogic University was held on October 12, 2018 with a distinguished cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a member of the Writers 'Union of Kazakhstan, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, laureate of international literary award and the owner of the gold medal named after Konstantin Simonov, the winner of the literary award and the owner of the Order and Gabriel Derzhavin, the author of ten books of poetry and prose Chumakova Zinaida Supyanovna.

On October 12, 2018, teachers of the Kazakh language and literature department of the Faculty of Philology participated in an outreach event on the topic: “Prerequisites for the introduction of the new Kazakh alphabet and public discussion of the spelling rules”, organized by the National Scientific and Practical Center “Tіl-Kazyna” named after Shaysultan Shayakhmetov of the Language Committe. The purpose of the event is to familiarize with the work carried out at the stages of the transition of the Kazakh letter to a new national alphabet based on the Latin script, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev from February 19, No. 637.

An expanded meeting of the scientific expert group Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of Kostanay region within the framework of the Republican lecture on the promotion of the Kazakhstan model of social harmony and national unity was held on October 11, 2018 at the base of the Chair of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of Kostanay State Pedagogical University. Bekmagambetov A.B, Chairman of the Scientific Expert Group of the Kostanay Region, spoke about the work of the regional Scientific Expert Group and the importance of the project "Kazaktanu" and Evdokimova O.N. activities of the Department of Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan in the framework of state programs on patriotism and spiritual modernization of the consciousness of youth.   

On October 11, 2018 the department of foreign languages organized the training on the unified system of online journals Kundelik.kz. Students of 3 - 4 courses of specialties participated in the training: 5B011700 – "Kazakh and literature", 5B012100 – "Kazakh and literature at schools with not Kazakh language of teaching", 5B011800 – "Russian and literature", 5B011900 – " Foreign language: two foreign languages".

Teachers of the Department of Psychology and Defectology of Kostanay State Pedagogical University: Demisenova Sh.S., Bisembaeva AK, Moldakhmetova GM, Grigorova Yu.B., Kalinichenko OV they acted as members of the jury of the regional stage of the republican contest “The Best Psychologist of the Year - 2018” among psychologists of educational organizations, organized by the Republican Scientific and Practical Center “Kostanay Daryny” of the Education Department of Akimat of Kostanay region.

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