High sports and coaching achievements are shown by the teachers of the Faculty of the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism, even during the holidays! So: On July 13-16, the first historical championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the asykat among the veterans took place in the city of Yatan-Qaraqai of the East Kazakhstan region. The women's team of the Kostanay region took 1st place, the men's team - 2 place. The trainer is the senior teacher of the department Kakashev K.T.

The 9th September marks the 190th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. The Kostanay's library of his name has devoted event for this day on September 21. The students of the first year of “Russian language and literature” specialty were all invited for this event as guests. The aim of this event was to show the young readers that works of Tolstoy is admired and appreciated for versatility, freedom of thought, deep philosophy of life. A lot was said about Lev Nikolayevich himself and about his bright and rich destiny. As A.M.Gorky said “Tolstoy is the whole world”.

05 September 2018 in the classroom A-201 a creative meeting of students of the specialty "Music education" with composer Erciyes by Narymbaev. Ersiyn of Narymbaev from four years living in Uzunkolskiy district, Kostanay region. He graduated from Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute im. You. Altynsarin. He graduated from Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute. Y. Altynsarina. His songs are known far beyond the Kostanay region. He wrote music to the words of the poet M. Makatayev «Алдыңнан терезеңнің жүріп өттім», «Бір-ақ күн еді», «Жанарсыз адам келеді», as well as many songs of other authors, «Cырласқан қыздар қайда екен?, «Ерте солған гүлдер», «Бұрым туралы баллада».

Students of the specialty "Russian language and literature" are active readers and participants of the events held annually by the Regional universal scientific library. L.N. Tolstoy. On September 18, 1st and 4th year students took part in the literary evening "from the silver age to the iron age", dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of the poet Anna Akhmatova. The event was held in a very unusual format and was an online tour of the house-Museum of Anna Akhmatova in St. Petersburg. The work of Anna Akhmatova, the guests were presented by the artist theatre Studio Nelly's Jolamanova Unosawa Laura.

The celebration of the Day of Knowledge at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism was held under the auspices of the veteran of the faculty Zotova Lydia Dmitrievna. It was on September 1, veteran Zotova Lidia Dmitrievna celebrated her 90th anniversary. She was invited to the line, where she addressed the freshmen students with parting words and wished them a happy journey on the road of knowledge.

September 1 in Kostanay State Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism held a meeting with veterans of the Faculty of Physical Education, graduates of the faculty. This meeting was organized by Egorova Anna Moiseyevna, Senior Teacher of the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, on the occasion of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of veterans of the Faculty of Zotova Lydia Dmitrievna.

The students of the specialty "Physical culture and sport" are eligible to take exams on "General physical preparation" and "Examination of profiles for the preparation". By the order of the Kostanay State Pedagogical University, the Commission will be commissioned and commissioned by the creative exams involving the faculty of the faculty. July 9 was held in the team, where the entrants will be divided into sports and will be examined on the exam for the exam.
First qualification - professional training (football, hockey, volleyball, basketball, boutiques, boxing, track and field, powerlifting and so on) July 10. The entrants showed themselves in a video sport, proving their identity in terms of specialization.

From 28 June to 1 July 2018 in Aktobe, student of 3 courses specializing in "Tourism" Abdrakhmanova Dina presented the contest and talent "Tatar girls 2018". At the same time, the girls demonstrated their talents in Tatar language, cauchinaria, defile, intellectual, smart language and handicap competitions. At the time of the contest, the contest was organized for the all-time excursion on the TV channel "Kazakhstan Aktobe", in which they were able to communicate and to recognize the Friend of Friend. Additionally, the girls went to the classroom with a cup of tea and packaging.

June 20 there was the graduation ceremony at the faculty of physical education, sports and tourism!!! Graduates approached this event in a very responsible manner, they prepared special invitation cards and all the teachers who had been with the our graduates all 4 years were invited. The tutor of the group Samoilov A.A. with assistance of graduates wrote the script of the graduation ceremony and event program. And here he is the most exciting day for graduates and their parents.

During the period from June 4 to June 15, 2018, the Summer Language School worked at the Polylingual Center of the Philological Faculty. Within the framework of the Summer School, about 30 teachers and staff of the KSPU had the opportunity to improve their level of English. Classes were held daily, using computer technology and innovative teaching methods. The program of the school was diverse and designed to consolidate linguistic and professional skills, expand the horizon, including knowledge of English-speaking countries.

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