On April 13-15, 2018 in the sports complex of Chelyabinsk State University held traditional volleyball competitions among women's teams. These competitions were held in honor of the memory of the Honored Worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Master of Sports of the USSR Alexandr Mikhailovich Rodnov. All higher educational institutions of Kostanay region, as well as colleges, took part in the competition. As a result of the stubborn struggle, the women's team of the KSPU became the winner of the XVI traditional volleyball tournament.

April 11-15 in Almaty hosted the RK Championship in sport climbing in the disciplines of speed, difficulty and bouldering! Bouldering is a new kind of climbing, one of three kinds! Bouldering route 2, 5-3 meters in height, which takes into account the time, and the number of attempts, how much you will do in the allotted time and reach the summit! The athlete comes to the track without seeing it, the time is 4 minutes, and in 4 minutes you have to get through, making fewer attempts, which climbed all the routes and made less attempts and won!

On 14st April the city stage of the Republican contest of scientific projects on general subjects was held on the basis of the State Institution Gymnasium named after M. Gorky of the Department of Education of the Akimat of the City of Kostanay. Goals of the competition: a stimulation of research and educational and cognitive activities of students; a search and a support of talented young researchers; an assistance in the formation of the intellectual potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Teachers of the KSPU took part in the work of the sections of the Russian language and Russian literature.

The program of the department week was as always rich and interesting. Many activities of the department are already traditional, but new formats were used.  Information sheets on modern achievements in physics, astronomy, technology, mathematics (new concepts, their meanings, applications, discoveries, hypotheses, problems-difficult situations) were hung on the doors of the auditoriums. In the hall of the timetable, the poster "The Party" was posted - a fictional story in which "famous scientists" took part, the discoveries of which were listed in comic form.

An important place in the professional training of future teachers is the process of mastering students by the technology of business communication. The culture of management communication in the teaching staff of the school is an integral part of the teacher's professional skills. In order to form the competence of future teachers in matters of business communication, professional ethics, constructing effective communications at the interpersonal and professional levels, an open practical lesson in the discipline "Management in Education" with students of the second year of the specialty "Defectology" was held within the framework of the methodological week of the chair of pedagogics.

Within the framework of Department of Pedagogy week, from 9th to 13th of April, 2018 professors' scientific papers exhibition was organized. It was aimed at helping students in the self-educational process and the formation of interest to study pedagogical science. The exhibition included publications released in recent years. Department professors' monographs, schoolbooks and scientific articles were presented at the exhibition stand: Monographs Developing education and upbringing: theory and practice. B.Utegenova, N. Aidnaliyeva, T.Shumeiko, A.Shalgymbekova; Ethnotolerant competence education in senior students, B.Utegenova, B.Daumova.

The Regional scientific and practical conference called “Lesson Study: The experience of schools in Kazakhstan”, held on the 13th of April, 2018 and conducted by the branch of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence in Kostanay and the Kostanay State Pedagogical University, was held in KSPU. Aims of the conference were: To identify and disseminate an advanced Pedagogical experience according to the implementation of the lesson and the Lesson Study; To exchange the knowledge and experience between participants; To expand the access to the information within the framework of the Lesson Study.

On April 12, 2018, the opening of the personal exhibition "Inspiration Palette" of the member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, member of the Union of Theater Workers of Kazakhstan, laureate of the Club of Maecenots of Kostanai Region in 2017, senior lecturer of the Department of Arts of the Social and Humanitarian Department Anuar Sartaevich Sapiev was held. At the exhibition were presented more than 40 paintings and graphic works - landscapes, etude compositions, paintings on historical themes. In the compositions of A.S. Sapiev vividly expressed images of the legendary heroes of the Kazakh epic, the inimitable beauty of her native nature.

According to the work plan of the Department of Physics and Mathematics and General Technical Disciplines April 12, 2018 at 16.30-17.20 in the lecture hall A-203 was held a Meeting with graduates of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and specialists of the education Department of akimat of Kostanay city (responsible for the event Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, associate Professor Kalzhanov M. U.). The meeting was held in Roundtable format, to which were invited: Zhakibaeva Saule Kuanyshbaevna – head of sector of the Department of education of akimat of Kostanay city, Kiyakbaeva Aizhan Laikovna – head of sector of the Department of education of akimat of Kostanay.

April 12, from 09.30-15.00 on the natural-mathematical faculty student scientific-practical conference "Teaching natural-mathematical and technical subjects at school", devoted to Day of workers of science (Executive Kalzhanov M.U., associate Professor, Shevchenko I.M., senior lecturer). The main purpose of the conference was to attract students to research work, promoting the full disclosure of the abilities of students in the field of scientific activity. Conference participants: students of 2-4 courses of natural-mathematical faculty.

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