April 12, 2018 in Astana, the 20th Inter-University Scientific Conference "Science and a new generation - 2018", organized by the Eurasian Institute of Humanities. During the conference the organizers identified the best reports, as a result, the students of the Faculty of Philology were awarded the following places: Amanbek Aozy, 3rd year student of the specialty "Kazakh language and literature", diploma of the third degree, 2nd year students of the specialty "Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction" Ihsan Daniyar, Sultanova for a joint-author's report with a diploma of the third degree.

12.04.2018 year first-year students of the University of PPF, the participants of the experimental site "Psycho-pedagogical support of children with deviant behaviour" under the leadership of senior lecturer, Chairboy B. K., visited the Center for adaptation of minors in the Kostanay region. They held an educational event on the theme "Kindness will save the world". The purpose of this event was to promote the development of good relations with parents, friends and people. Students, using interactive techniques, together with the children played, painted, solved crossword puzzles about "Kindness."

On April 12 on the TV channel «Qazaqstan Qostanai» in the information and entertainment program release «Tobyl tany», a meeting was held with the teachers of the KSPU and KSU named after A. Baitursynov Telegina O.S. and Poezzhalov V.M., Bainyashev A.M. The conversation was about what gives space to the common man. Details can be found on the website http://kostanaytv.kz/ru/archive/programs/programs_morning/kst_tobyl-tany/734650

In today's world it is difficult to overestimate the importance of innovative scientific research. Current scientific developments and technologies are considered a key factor for the progressive development of society. An important role in innovative development is played by education. Today, in the light of new educational tasks, topical approaches, ideas and practices aimed at achieving a new quality of education and personal development are in demand. The leading role in updating the content of kazakh education is acquired by pedagogical science, including research of young scientists.

April 12 at the LN Gumilyov Eurasian National University in Astana at the 13th International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Science and Education-2018" students of the specialty "Computer Science" took part and spoke on the topics of the researches. Topics: Sabit Z., - "Designing and creating short animated films"; Smailova E. - "Ways of using information and communication technologies for distance learning"; Amanzhol B. - "Electronic textbook on the study of the Kazakh language"; Ziyatov A. - "Creating an application" INFO teacher "on Android"; Baibosynova A. - To create an application in Macromedia Flash environment for elementary school students.

On April 11, 2018 Master of Pedagogical Sciences, senior teacher Kulshat Khamzina conducted an open lesson on the topic "Conflict management in inseparable pedagogical process of the school " with second year students, within the framework of the “Week of the department of Pedagogics” on the subject "Management in Education" in the specialties "Kazakh language and literature", "Kazakh language and literature in Russian schools". During the lecture, the teacher clarified and tried to deepen the notion of "conflict management in the inseparable pedagogical process of the school". She focused on types of conflicts arising in the pedagogical staff and ways of their solution.

The annual student scientific and practical conference for students of schools and students of various educational institutions was organized at the department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Philological Faculty on April, 11th, 2018. The conference was attended by students of the 1st , 3rd ,4th courses of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​KSPU, students of the KA "CSU", students of schools and gymnasiums of Kostanay. The conference was held with the aim of creating a positive dynamics of the relationship between future teachers and students, ensuring the dialogue between the subjects of education through a constructive discussion of the state of modern foreign language education.

April 11, 2018 at the Department of natural Sciences in 814 audience 11.30 was held the meeting of students of 1-3 courses of the specialty "Biology", "Geography" and faculty with representatives of the clinical diagnostic laboratory (CDL) of Olimp. The theme of the meeting:" sexually transmitted Diseases "and"the Value and impact of vitamins on human activity." Physician epidemiologist Baimenova Saule Anuarbekovna and manager Nurgeldiev Talgat Aisenovich. in a very accessible and interesting manner told about the importance of healthy lifestyles, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases among youth, the importance of vitamins and vitamins vitamin of health products.

On April 10, 2018, students of the Kostanay State Pedagogical University took part in the student intellectual relay race “Viva, pedagogy!”. Students' intellectual relay race is an annual intellectual and entertaining competition aimed at increasing students' interest in pedagogy, stimulating the process of introducing information technologies into the educational process, revealing the experience of using information technologies for students, forming students' ability to systematize and process information electronically. The event is traditionally organized together with the Regional pedagogical detachment “Rovesnik”.

On April, 9 in 10.00-12.00 in a hall 4 floors passed Masterclass of "Maketon-2018" on the different types of works, organized by teachers working on speciality the "Vocational education": Komissarov S.V., Abdimominova D.K., Shagiakhmetova L.M. and Zhigitov A. B. Master a class was organized in an elucidative interactive form with the purpose of popularization and acquaintance of students of different specialities of KSPU with the specific of speciality the "Vocational education". On workshop corners were arranged: "Burning-out", "Quilling", "Treatment of wood on lathes", "Work with improvised materials", as well as "Educational robotics".

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