April 25, 2018 at the Department of Preschool and Primary Education by senior teachers Mukalieva B.Kh., Salamatova A.B. a methodical seminar was held on the theme "The use of modern pedagogical technologies in the teaching of the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle" The aim of the seminar was: to improve the quality of education by forming a modern model of education. Target audience: teachers and students of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education.

April 24, 2018 senior teachers of the learning English training language center of philological faculty Abisheva S.K. with Serzhan- Abdrakhmanova was organized meeting of the 1st year students of psychological and pedagogical faculty with head of the Department of public events of Kostanay friendship house Nabieva Zulfiya Rafikovna. The main activity of the regional house of friendship is aimed at implementation of state programs, implementation of the Strategy of the Assembly of people Kazakhstan.

From 09 to 20 April 2018the III year students of the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" of the Department of Philology, Abdigapparova Aisara Baltabekkyzy and Nurmakhambet Balgul Beibitzhankyzy went to the branch of Université Sorbonne Paris Cité in Almaty, the Institute Sorbonne-Kazakhstan for the French educational module "Methodology of scientific research" by the academic mobility. The two-week module was conducted by Juliet Denis, Associate Professor of History, specially invited from France.

On April 21, 2018 students of Kostanay state pedagogical University of the second year of psychological and pedagogical faculty visited Kostanay Adaptation Center. They have held an educational event on the theme "Friendship". The purpose of this event was to promote the development of friendly relations between children and teach children the ability to make friends and appreciate friendship. The program of the event included competitions, games and art therapy, in which all the children together and actively participated.

On April 19-20, 2018, the IX Republican subject Olympiad in the specialty was held among the students of higher educational institutions of specialty 5B010100 - "Preschool education and upbringing" on the basis of the Women's State Pedagogical University of Almaty. Students of the third year of the specialty "Pre-school education and upbringing" of the Psychological and Pedagogical Faculty, the Kazakh branch of Asanova Aliya, Әkimbek Aizat, Ytebai Nyurgl, Umirkulova Mahira took part in the Olympiad under the guidance of the senior teacher of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education Sultanbekova Zh.H. and took third place.

On April 18, 2018, within the framework of the leadership week with the activists of the 1-3 courses of the Psychological and Pedagogical Faculty of all specialties, a meeting was held with the leaders of youth organizations in Kostanay. The meeting was organized with the aim of implementing the state youth policy, the development of partnership relations between the students of Kostanay State Pedagogical University and youth organizations of the city. As the chairman of the youth wing "Zhas Otan" of the Kostanay region Tuletayev Yerlan Serikovich, youth today is not only the future of the republic, but also the most initiative part of the population, aimed at the development of the region.

On April 17, 2018, within the framework of the week of leadership among the elders of the 1st and 3rd courses of the Psychological and Pedagogical Faculty, the contest "The Best Head PPF" was held for the first time. The purpose of the competition is to build the leadership potential of students, identify hidden leaders, support strong, strong-willed students. The event was attended by teachers and students of the Psychological and Pedagogical Faculty. At the beginning of the event, a salutatory word was given to the senior lecturer of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education, Salamatova A.B.

On April 17 within a week of department "Public disciplines, a basis of the right and economy" was the senior teacher Antayev Zh.T. I have carried out a round table on a subject "Problems and the prospects of carrying out pedagogical the practical by students of specialty "Bases of the Right and Economy". Students of specialty "Bases of the Right and Economy" 2, 3-4 courses, heads of practice and methodologists Dukhin Ya.K. Have taken part in him., Kifik N.Yu., Amantayeva A.B.

On April 17, 2018 Kostanay on TV channel "Alau" in the television show "the actual interview" meeting with guest Studio, senior teacher of psycho-pedagogical faculty of Kairova Bayan Kusainovna. The following issues were discussed: Suicide: disease or fate? What are the causes of suicide? Do you agree that the solution to the problem of suicide is the spirituality of the individual? Compared to women, men are more susceptible to suicide. Why? How to explain to children that suicide is not a way out of difficult life situations? Ways to prevent suicide.

On April 16, 2018, within the leadership week for students of the first and third years of the Psychological and Pedagogical Faculty of all specialties, curatorial hours were devoted to the 20th anniversary of the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "EL JREGI-ASTANA". The main goal of the curatorial hours is to acquaint students with the history of the city of Astana, with its sights, to promote the development of a sense of patriotism and love for the Motherland. Main goals: demonstration of Kazakhstan's achievements, promotion of Astana's positive image as a modern and safe city, a historical, cultural, scientific, educational and business center of the Republic, attractive to investors as the leader of the country's economic development.

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