Modern youth should love their country, know its heroes, statesmen and obstvennik leaders, educators that have created our history. Everywhere, in all regions of our country, in the framework of the program «Rýhanı Jańǵyrý» measures are being taken to perpetuate the memory of famous personalities of the country. Ybyray Altynsarin Mausoleum was reconstructed in Kostanay thanks to this program proposed by the President of Kazakhstan. Ybyray Altynsarin is a Kazakh educator, writer, folklorist, public figure and scientist-ethnographer. Altynsarin marked the beginning of secular education of the Kazakh people.

On 5th June, the rector of Final International University, Professor Abdullah Oztoprak arrived in Kostanay State Pedagogical University at the invitation of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. The aim of the visit was to meet the Institute Management and determine forms of cooperation and various ways of interaction between the institutions. Eva Smetanova, Doctor of Pedagogy and Philosophiae Doctor, the vice-rector for internalization was closely engaged in preparation of the agreement, the meeting itself and discussion about the issues related.

On June 2-3, the national team of Kostanay State Pedagogical University in volleyball under the guidance of the coach of the team Tashlykov Vladimir Semenovich. - the senior teacher of the Department of Theory and Practice from the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, took part in the regional youth volleyball tournament "Energy of the Future" within the framework of the "One-Faced Sports" project, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Astana. These competitions have been held for the second year. And for the second year, the team of the Institute have taken prizes.

During the school year a lot of work was done by students who are engaged in such sports as power lifting. On the city, provincial and regional competitions sportsmen won 24 medals of different dignity. 12 of this medals are gold; 9 are silver medals; 3are bronze. So on the city Cup which took place on December 9-10, 2017 among juniors, men and women, all out of 9 students who took part in the competition won prizes.

On May 29, 2018 in the Polylingual Centre has taken place the delivery of certificates on passing of a language course. For 2017-2018 academic year teachers, employees and students of KSPU regularly attended English classes. In the course of training listeners were engaged by various techniques, have gained the new knowledge necessary in professional activity, and have also felt more confident in use of English as communication language. In the end of the course has been held final examination which included all types of speech activities: speaking, listening, writing, and reading.

Telegina O.S. senior lecturer of the department of physical and mathematical and general technical disciplines Together with Solopov S.V. Kostanay astronomer-amateur organized evening observations of the star sky outside the city were for students of the third year of specialty 5B011000-"Physics". The purpose of the event: consolidation of knowledge gained in lecture and practical classes in astronomy. Before the trip the students got acquainted with the peculiarities of organizing and conducting observations in the daytime and in the evening in different seasons.

From May 16 to May 21, 2018, the students of the specialties "Physical Culture and Sport" and "Tourism" passed the training practice. In the framework of this practice, freshmen made a 6-day hike along the route Kostanay - sports and recreational base KSPI village Shcherbakovo (Altynsarinsky district) - Kostanay.
In the hike students received many valuable in their own opinion skills: organizing and conducting category routs, cooking at the bonefire, setting up a tent, and most importantly - working in a team.

On May 9, an open track athletics run "Memory" was held for the prizes of the Akim of the city of Kostanay, the newspaper "Our Kostanai", dedicated to the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the WW2. The route ran from Victory Park to Kostanay-2 participants was more than 500 people. At a distance of 10 km, the winner was Kovalev Vladislav, a third-year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" Master of Sports in cross-country skiing, he was awarded a certificate for 10000 tenge, and a 1-year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sport" candidate for master of sports Dunenbaev Ruslan became the third, among the girls at this distance was the third Black Natalya student of the 1st year of the specialty "Physical culture and sport".

On May 8, 2018 the final of the first republican tournament on the Kazakh national fight to "Halyk Barysy" has taken place. The Kostanay region on this competition Talgat Zhiyentayev, the student represented 2 courses of correspondence department of specialty "Physical culture and sport". For a title of the vice-champion it was necessary with the strongest represent of the republic of different types of fight. According to the athlete, fight for getting into the final in which he has met the fighter of freestyle became the heaviest duel for him.

On May 4, 2018, in the gym of the KSPU took place open championship on national sports dedicated to the program "Ruhani zhangiru". More than 30 students from different faculties took part on this competition. The competition was held in Togızku malak and asyk atu. All the champions and prize-winners were awarded with the certificates of the KSPU sports club. Our university students showed the following result...1 place - Jappar Aizere Psychological-pedagogical faculty.

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