On March 28-29, the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism was visited by representatives of the Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after G.I. Nosov in the person of the dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports Excellence, the Honored Coach of the Russian Federation Roman Kozlov, the Deputy Dean for Research, Vakhitov Roman Rennatovich and head of the Department of Physical Education Tsapov Eugene Gennadievich.

On March 28, 2018 in the State Institution "School-gymnasium No. 5A of the Department of Education of the Akimat of the City of Kostanay" teachers of the Department of Arts Ph.D. Sapieva MS, art. prep. Kasabolat A.Zh., prep. Amirkhamzin N.K. participated in the work of the jury of the city stage of the competition of research works and creative projects for schoolchildren of the 1st and 4th grades "Steps of discovery". The organizers were the city center for work with gifted children "Daryn" and the State Institution "Education Department of Akimat of the city of Kostanay".

On March 28 /2018, the 3rd year course students of the philological faculty of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" visited the creative public function of the novice poet Igor Rulev. Also special guests of the event were Natalia Zakora and Vladimir Aleksanin. This event took place in the walls of the library by I. Altynsarin. The young poet presented his first collection «Red rose". The poetry ofRulev is imbued with a tragic mood. The main theme of his poem is unrequited love. The author read his poems, answered the questions of listeners.

On the basis of the State Institution "School-gymnasium № 5A Education Department of Akimat of the city of Kostanay" on March, 28, 2018 the city competition of research works and creative projects for junior students "Steps of discovery" was organized. The jury for the section of the English language was presented by the following teachers: N.A. Solovyova, cand.ped.sc., associate professor, head of the Department of Foreign Languages; V.V. Danilova, Ph.D., senior lecturer, and O.D. Podavets, senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages.

27/03/18 solemn meeting of the Paralympic champion Alexander Anatolyevich Kalyadin! Students of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism came to meet the Sarykol skier at Kostanay airport! Alexander Anatolyevich won the first gold medal in the history of Kazakhstan at the Winter Paralympic Games and has already entered the history of Kazakhstani sports! In total, 6 sportsmen from Kazakhstan representing two kinds of sports-ski races and biathlon came to the paralympic sport.

26.03.2018 docent Vazheva N.V. held an open lecture on the theme "Biosynthesis of DNA on the DNA-matrix–areplication" in the discipline "Biochemistry" for chemistry students of the 3rd year. The topic of the lecture is related to the processes of transferring hereditary information before cell division; it touches the innermost secrets of the living.The lecture was held in the form of a discussion with the students on the problem of DNA biosynthesis. In the reports of students, the history and the episodes of the first studies on the mechanism of DNA replication, the work of A. Cornberg and R. Okayama were presented.

March 26, 2018 within the framework of the methodical week of the Department of Arts was held a round table "Methodical work of teachers of additional education in terms of updating the content of education." The aim of the round table is to consolidate the efforts of educational institutions at all levels to address the problems of methodological work of teachers of additional education. In the round table participated: Methodist KSU "School children's art education Department of akimat of Kostanay city" Endimione Kulpash Saitbekova; Executive Secretary REDUO Kostanay branch of "Zhas Ulan" Zubkova Natalia; teacher of additional education Nazkhanov Aygerim Sovathana; teacher of additional education Torgaev Raushan Bolatbekovna...

On March 23, 2018, the results of the Miss Virtual Kazakhstan 2018 contest were summed up. According to the results of the voting, our student Kabyl Tursunay, a master of sports of international class in powerlifting, took second place at the contest! The contest was held from November 1, 2017 to March 23, 2018, there was a strict selection of contestants, applications were submitted by more than 3000 contestants. Tursunai, among the five finalists of the contest, presented our Kostanay region at this contest. From the bottom of the heart we congratulate her on this victory and we wish the big successes in creativity, sports and study!

Social initiatives proposed by the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev and received wide publicity in the media, society and world politics. So, on March 20, 2018, students and teachers of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute discussed a new presidential program document on the dialogue platform:” Five social initiatives of the President are a major step on the way of social modernization”, which organized and conducted by the Chair of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. These initiatives of the President have affected the sphere of housing, education, business and gasification.

On the basis of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Philological Faculty of the Eurasian National University after L.N. Gumilyov (Astana) on the March, 20th, 2018 the Republican Student Olympiad in English was organized among students of 1st and 2nd year of non-linguistic specialties, dedicated to the revival of the spiritual values ​​of the youth of Kazakhstan. According to the results of the Olympiad, the third place was taken by the second-year student of the specialty "History" - S. Kozhamberdiev with the technical support of the 3rd year student of the specialty "History" - Adyrbaeva Zh.

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