6 Mar specialist of the Department of history of Kazakhstan Abilmalikov K. K. was found with students Mikhailovskaya school in Mendikara district on the topic "Concept of state policy of Kazakhstan in the sphere of religions", during which students learned about when man began to establish the first religion and beliefs associated with shamanism, animism, magic. In today's world, a very popular variety of "Battle of psychics" show magicians and sorcerers, saying that modern man retains a primitive view of the world.

On the eve of International women's day on 8 March, the students of the specialty "Fine arts and drawing" in the framework of the social project "Ainalain" held a festive event in the children's home family type children. Students held master classes. Flower arrangements handmade, made by students, pleased the children. Head of social project Casebolt A. J. and the students of 1-3 courses gave the children sweets. Akvagrim has already become a tradition for the children of the orphanage.

Since 2.26.2018 to 3.03.2018 there has been a methodical week of the department of foreign languages. The theme: "Innovative technologies in foreign languages training in conditions of polylingual education". The events were held in the Kazakh, Russian, English, French and German languages, had different forms – competition, open occupation, round table, master class, theatrical performance, Internet – competition. Modern technologies have been used for their preparation.

March 5, 2018 at the Psychological and Pedagogical Faculty held a photo exhibition of posters dedicated to the International Day of March 8. Students of the specialties "Defectology, Pedagogy and Psychology", "Preschool Education and Upbringing", "Pedagogy and Methods of Elementary Education" presented over 24 works. The purpose of this event is to enhance and support the prestige, status of grandmother, mother, woman in the social environment, development and promotion of family traditions and values, and the formation and strengthening of the family institution.

On March 5, 2018 the specialist of the Center of multilingualism Paul Lyudmila Yuryevna has held the game “Jeopardy Game”, with the purpose of checking and consolidation the knowledge of listeners of the Pre-Intermediate group in the field of country study of Great Britain and also increasing the motivation and interest in learning English. This game consisted of 2 rounds, on the following categories: English Literature, Music, Food, Holidays, General Facts, Royal Family, Contractions, Famous Englishmen, Films, and Sights.

Students of the specialty "Russian language and literature" pass professional practice in the schools of the region. Practice is an opportunity to see work of teacher, see real opportunities, understand the existing gaps in their knowledge and skills. Grigorieva N. is passing the practice at the school-lyceum № 2 in Kostanay. When teachers asked about the results of the practice, the student said that it was possible to correlate knowledge with the ability to use it in practice at school. Is there any frustration in the teaching profession? The student answered: "The profession of the teacher is complicated, but interesting and necessary".

Teachers of the Department of Russian Language and Literature Pchelkina T.R. and Matershova A.I. had worked on the preparation and signing of a contract with the St. Petersburg School "Bereginya". The goal of his conclusion is to organize joint scientific activities. Teachers prepare joint scientific project. Students, pupils and teachers of the school and institute, the principal of the St. Petersburg school Maltseva E.Yu. will take part in the preparation of project. The project is aimed on the development of Russian-Kazakh literary connections.

On March 4, 2018, within the framework of the Week of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, a round table was held on the theme "Model of teaching history in a modern school through the prism of the updated content of education", organized by the teachers Bekmagambetova M.Zh., Anasova A.B., Isenov O.I. The purpose of the event: discussion and analysis of the correspondence of the contents of textbooks on the history of the renewed cycle and the training program, as well as the use of methods and technologies of instruction. The dean of the social and humanitarian faculty Shahaman Z.B., took part in the work.

March 3, 2018 in accordance with the current plan of the Education Department of Akimat of the city of Kostanay and the city center for work with gifted children "Daryn" and the Department of Preschool and Primary Education, a city complex Olympiad for students of grades 2-4 was held. The objectives of the Olympiad were: the awakening and development of students's ustainable interest in educational subjects, the expansion and deepening of knowledge of the native language, mathematics, knowledge of the world, the development of younger students' cognitive abilities, ability to think independently and creatively.

From February 26 to March 2, 2018 during the week of department of foreign languages of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute there was held the Internet competition of compositions on the topic "Thank you for everything…" devoted to International Women's Day. The goal of the competition is to promote development of polycultural personality, moral and family values of the younger generation and also further interaction with educational institutions of the city and region. The students of KSPI and pupils of Kostanay region schools took part in the competition.

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