On October 21 at the Kostanay state pedagogical institute, there were the ceremonial opening and the presentation of APK department, devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Within the presentation the opening ceremony of department and a round table discussion «Scientific-educational and upbringing role of APK department in social and political processes of the country», Samarkin Sergey Vladimirovich, the dean of the faculty of Additional education, the candidate of historical sciences, appeared as a moderator of the presentation.

On October 6, 2016 in the assembly hall of Kostanay state pedagogical institute was one of the traditional and most significant holidays for freshmen - "Dedication to Students - 2016". The congratulatory speech was delivered by the Acting Director Abil E .A, and also presented a student ID to Kyzyrinov Aidos and the holder of the "Altyn belgi" sign - Tassanova Gulzira. The event was continued by concert performances of students, where they represented their faculty and revealed all their talents. Those present received a charge of good mood and positive emotions! We sincerely congratulate freshmen on this long-awaited holiday, wish you further success in your studies, science and social life!

In our institute, in the 26th of September in 2016 are held Training hour by the students. In this Training hour of first year students of these faculties, how the faculty Pedagogy and Psychology, the chair of Preschool education and Primary education, elementary level of education and primary education and training gratulate teachers with the day of teachers and held the training hour. In the aim of the gratulations we are helding the Training hour. In this Training hour the teachers of our faculty and their students have a lot of quests. The leader students sing songs, dance and are showed all their creative work for teachers. The Training hour hold routinely. Our teachers thanked them and pleased with them.

On September, 27, 2016 students of the specialty "Basics of law and economics" took part in the intellectual game "Brain ring". The event was attended by students of higher educational institutions (CSU, KSTU, KSPI) and students of the gymnasium named after M.Gorkuy. The event was organized by the Department of the Ministry for civil service affairs of Republic of Kazakhstan and the Association of children's and youth organizations

September 23, students of 1 course of the specialty «Defectology» Russian department under the direction of curator Zhilovа Yulia Pavlovna visited Kostanai Regional History Museum, where they got acquainted with the history of Kostanay region, as well as visited the archeology room. September 27, students visited the museum of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, got acquainted with the exhibition and archive of the history of the institute, its significant dates, stories, achievements and invaluable merits of teaching staff - it photographs, personal items, monographs, research reports, diplomas, medals.

September 22, 2016, students of 1 course of a specialty DOiV, PiMNO, under the guidance of curator Bogdanova T.V. were visited the Regional History Museum. Students showed 13 rooms, each of which was devoted to a particular historical era. The guide Akimbaeva UB fascinatingly told about each room. It was an interesting and memorable event that caused great interest.

September 22, 2016 within Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan the Faculty of additional education has organized a meeting with students of 1-3 courses of specialties "History", "Bases of the Right and Economy" of Faculty of History and arts on the subject "Development of Languages of Ethnic Groups of Kazakhstan as one of activities of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan". During the meeting the Dean of Faculty of additional education Samarkin Sergey Vladimirovich has conducted a tour in the museum of KSPI about history and current work of institute on formation of culture of interethnic communication.

September 22, 2016 in the house of the students met the students of psycho-pedagogical faculty of living in a dormitory with the Dean of the Faculty Aydnalieva NA. Deputy Dean of the Faculty Alipbaeva GA was also in this meeting. During the meeting, students were explained the rules of living in a dormitory, their rights and duties. Also selected were responsible for students 3 and 5 floors.

From September 2 to September 7, 2016 1 Hosts courses of psycho-pedagogical faculty (Zhilova YP, Bogdanova TV, Nurova AK, Shalgimbekova AB, Grigorova YB, Sultanbekova Zh.H .) held in their groups first curator hours in which students completed the survey student KGPI, social, student cards, read a code honor student, elected elders groups, with the plan of curator hours in groups and were able to get acquainted with the credit technology system and the internal Institute regulations.

In September 2, 2016, there were the first classes held by the first-year groups' curators of the History and Art Faculty (Z.Antaev, N.Elkey, D.Kaliev, S.Esmagambetova, N.Amirkhamzin). During the classes the newcomers filled in the KSPI student form, read out the Student's Code of Honor, elected the monitor of the groups, as well as had a possibility to get acquainted with the Credit system and the internal regulations of the Institute.

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