The Convention on Wetlands, which has international significance primarily as habitats for waterfowl, was signed on 2 February 1971 in Ramsar, Iran and has since been known as Ramsar Convention. World Wetland Day firstly was celebrated in 1997. The main objective of Ramsar Convention is the conservation and rational use of wetlands as means of achieving sustainable development throughout the World. At present, 168 countries have joined Ramsar Convention. The list of water-marsh complexes of international importance includes 2186 wetland complexes with a total area of more than 208 million hectares.

On January 31, 2017, Associate Professor of department of the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan of KSPI, PhD Kozybayeva Mahabbat Malikovna participated in the international practical online conference "Multicultural education of the person as one of the priority areas of modern education", conducted on the basis of the branch of JSC "National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu" of the Institute for Advanced Training of pedagogical workers in Kostanay region ". The purpose of the online conference - the promotion of the best pedagogical ideas for ensuring the quality of education in a multicultural environment, the dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience and the professional skills of teaching staff.

On January 28, 2017, 30-hour English language courses for the teaching staff of the Computer Science and Computer Technologies Department of the KSPI were successfully completed within the framework of the ACADEMICA project (Accessibility and Harmonization of Higher Education ACADEMICA Project No. 561553-EPP-1-2015 -1-BG-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), co-financed by the European Union "Erasmus +".

In the period from January 23 to 28, 2017, on the basis of Kostanay state pedagogical institute, the pre-diploma practice for Poluyanova E.A. was organized at Foreign Languages Department. Poluyanova E.A. is the 2nd year undergraduate student of the full-time department of the 626 M group, direction - "Pedagogical education" of the master's program "Language Education" of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Shadrin state pedagogical university" (Scientific adviser of the ShGPU - Suvorova S.L., Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the German language department and methods of its teaching).

On January 27, 2017, on the basis of Kostanay state pedagogical institute at Foreign Languages ​​Department, a training was organized for teachers by a 2-year master's degree program in a full-time department of the 626 M group, directions for the preparation of the "Pedagogical Education" of the Master's Program "Language Education" of the Federal state budget educational institution of Higher Education "Shadrin state pedagogical university". This training was conducted within the framework of an international project between Shadrin state pedagogical university and Kostanay state pedagogical institute (project manager - Danilova V.V.).

On January 26, 2017 in Kostanay, the ceremony of the fire of the 28th World Winter Universiade was held. The main goal of the Universiade - the further mass development of physical culture and sports in higher educational institutions, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Students are the main part of this project, because they organize competitions and cultural events in order to make students and other representatives feel like a single sports student's family. At 14:00 the procession solemnly passed along Taran street, near the building of Kostanay state pedagogical institute. Athletes carried a torch through the streets of the city. Active participation was received by the 2nd year students of the Department of Russian Language and Literature and curator of the group Koval O.V.

The English Course for Lecturers as a Preliminary Training Phase within the international project ACADEMICA (Accessibility and Harmonization of Higher Education in Central Asia through Curriculum Modernization and Development ACADEMICA Project №561553-EPP-1-2015-1-BG-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) co-funded by European Union Erasmus+ Programme based on the department of informatics and computer technologies of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute on the 16th, January, 2017 have been launched.

In cooperation with educational institutions of the region the methodological seminar on the problem "Organization of scientific-research activity of students of secondary schools and colleges" was held. The seminar was organized on January 5-8, 2017 by the Research and Education Center "The perspective" on the basis of Kostanay College of Service. Teachers of general schools of the city of Kostanay and colleges of the region took part in the seminar. The seminar was held in several stages and worked in six sections. Senior teacher of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute Shalgimbekova A.B. was a teacher-moderator in the section for teachers working in Kazakh language. Participants of the seminar showed a creative approach and high activity during the discussion of the problem.

On January 5, 2017, on the basis of Kostanay College of the Service Sector of Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay region, a regional seminar "Organization of the writing of scientific works of students in schools and colleges" was held. Within the framework of this seminar, Danilova V.V., Ph.D., Master of pedagogy and psychology, a senior lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of KSPI, spoke in the "English Language" section. Topic of the section: "Scientific work for pupils: organizing, planning and monitoring".

On January 4, 2017, at the department of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the Faculty of additional education, a meeting between teaching staff of KSPI and the deputy of the Majilis of Parliament Zhumadildaeva Natalia Vasilievna was held. The event began with the presentation of guests by the adviser of the rector Bekmagambetov Ruslan Kabdugalievich. He presented a main guest and noted that Baimenova Zaure Anuarbekovna - deputy head of the Internal Policy Department of Kostanay region, Ibragev Bulat Kairbaevich - the main specialist of the regional Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, Samarkin Sergey Vladimirovich - the dean of the faculty of additional education, candidate of historical sciences, Evdokimova Olga Nikolaevna - Head of the APK Department, Kozybaeva Mahabbat Malikovna - PhD, Associate Professor of APK Department and others..

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