On 5 December 2018 a competition of student projects “Startup Battle - 2018” was held by senior teachers Brimzhanova K.S. and Koval O.V. in the framework of the Week of the Department of Russian Language and Literature. The competition was held within the framework of the implementation of the “Ruhani zhangyru” program among students of 1-4 courses of the specialty “Russian Language and Literature” Philological faculty. The program “Ruhani zhangyru” is aimed at the development of competitiveness as a success factor. This competition is testament. Students offered their ideas on solving scientific problems in the regional market.

In the period from November 19 to December 5, the Department of Arts held an international creative project in the Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after U.Sultangazin - a competition among students of the specialty "Fine Arts and Drawing".Two formats of the competition were held: remote - via online voting on the information portal of the KSPU official website and online competition. The remote format of the competition on the nominations painting and graphics. The voting took place from November 19, 2018 to December 3, 2018.

In order to implement the program "Digital Kazakhstan" in KSPU them.U.Sultangazin from 28 November to 05 December 2018, we conducted training workshops on AIS "Kundelik" for graduates of all disciplines. System "Kundelik" is a unified e-learning environment and online diary, a journal for teachers, parents and students. The seminars were held head of the Department of computer science, robotics and computer technology Radchenko T. A. seminars students razyasnyalis basics AIS "Kundelik": log teacher, subject teacher, rules for filling in scheduling, working with the magazine in the role of the class teacher.

On 4 December 2018 a seminar entitled “Intensification of the educational process in the context of a renewed education” was held by senior lecturers Arsayeva S.B. and Konvisarova L.A. within the framework of the week of the Department of Russian Language and Literature. The seminar was weld after they had been completing refresher courses at the NIS of Astana and the NTPK “Orleu”. The purpose of the seminar is to familiarize teachers and students with the peculiarities of the content of the updated training and to develop skills of using the latest information technologies in the framework of the updated content of education.

On December 4, the College "Zerek" held a round table with the participation of representatives of traditional religious denominations of Kazakhstan and Kostanay region – Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Islam. The theme of the round table "Religious and national accord in Kazakhstan" United representatives of all religious organizations, state bodies and teachers of educational institutions. At the invitation of the organizers of the round table from the Kostanai state pedagogical University named Sultangazin was invited by the senior teacher of Department of Kazakhstan history Abylkalykova K. K..

The Kazakhstan education system is in a condition of continuous modernization of basic elements: contents, technologies, organization, providing, and management. An important problem of our country facing teachers of all educational institutions is the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process. Innovative activity creates a basis for the creation of competitiveness of the educational institution in the education market, defines the directions of professional growth of the teacher, his creative search, promotes the personal growth of pupils.

At the end of November, took place the scheduled meeting of Caspian Academy General Director Kamran Aliyev with students of the specialties of Tourism, Physical Education and Sport and Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages ​​regarding internships in Turkey in the luxury hotels of Antalya. Kamran Aliyev presented the avenues for the luxury hotels in Antalya. He told what is included in the internship program in Turkey, what are the living conditions, working conditions. What are the additional opportunities for staying in the Turkish Republic?

From 26 to 30 November 2018, the week of the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism was held. As part of the celebration of the week of the department, an international tourism festival "Europe-Asia" was organized, the program of which included: International conference for teachers, Participants KSPU named after U. Sultanganzin, Turan University, Almaty, Slovakia; festival of tourist and patriotic songs; subject Olympiad, which took place over a period of two days and included a test of the theoretical and practical knowledge of students.

On November 30, took place an inter-faculty comedy game, with the participation of 6 teams from different faculties and a student hostel team. The Faculty of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism was represented by the “Khrushchev Team”, which included students of the group of 18-21 Vishnyakov Ilya, Korschikov Anton, Nafikov Ruslan, Kaipov Adil, Turchenko Semyon, and 3rd year student Abdrakhmanova Gaukhar. At the game, our team showed a decent level of acting, excellent style, sense of humor and self-irony, which won the hearts of the fans.

On 30th of November, was a curatorial hour held for students of the specialty "Chemistry" on the theme "The Seven Facets of the Great Steppe" under a new article by the Leader of the Nation N.Nazarbayev. The great interest of students of our specialty was caused by the fact that our land is the place where many objects of material culture come from. There was a lively conversation about the history of Kazakhstan, the role of the people and the great discoveries that the Kazakh steppe presented to humanity.

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