"November 22, 2018, teacher of the Department of Arts of the SFS Babich SS with students of the educational program "Music Education", the trajectory of learning "Musical education with the basics of choreographic art" with the 1st year students held an open lesson on the subject "Theory and Practice of Classical Dance I", the topic "Classical Dance. Exercise in the middle of the hall.The session was devoted to learning Tempslie (tanliy) - an interconnected exercise. During the lesson, the teacher used verbal and visual teaching methods.

On November 20 and 22, 2018, a seminar on the theme “The development of emotional intelligentsia among students as a condition for successful employment” was organized and conducted for 4th year students of the psychological-pedagogical faculty. The seminar was conducted by Andrea Baranovska, PhD, a psychologist, a doctor of psychological sciences from Slovakia, and St. Cyril and Methodius University of Tarnav. The purpose of the seminar: to teach students to effectively use emotions to control themselves and influence in a positive way on the result of relationships.

On November 22, 2018 teachers Baimaganbetova K. T., Baubekova G. K., students of 2.3 courses of specialty "Geography" of the Department of natural Sciences Of the natural mathematics faculty took part in the event "Presentation of the series "Akzhanal-Mashani" dedicated to the scientist-geologist, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor, writer, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, honored scientist of Kazakhstan Akzhan al-Mashani, organized by the staff of Kostanay Regional library L.Tolstoy.

On November 22 at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism was held a discussion on the article “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe” written by president of the state N.A. Nazarbayev. The teachers got acquainted in advance with this article. During the discussion, the teachers of the department expressed their opinions on all the main sections of this article. The event on the discussion of the article held the head of Department Ogienko N.A., who gave the floor to teachers to express their own opinions on this issue.

The present stage of development of the social and human sciences is associated with the search for solutions to the global problems of mankind, which also have a complex interdisciplinary character. The range of problems is also expanding: along with the problems of international security, the struggle for disarmament, demographic and environmental problems, the problem of “vandalization” of culture has appeared. The article by NursultanNazarbayev “7 facets of the Great Steppe” is about the continuation of the “Rukhany Zhangyru” state program, about specific projects that the achievements of the national culture will be presented at a new level.

Students of the Department of natural Sciences, NMF KSPU specialty "Geography" November 22, 2018 took part in the international youth scientific and practical conference organized by the Rudnyi industrial Institute. The purpose of the conference is to attract young people to consider the transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to a new model of economic growth. The program of the scientific-practical conference included 4 sections, where topical issues of youth potential contribution to the modernization of Kazakhstan were discussed. As a result of the work of each section of the conference was awarded diplomas for the best reports on research topics.

November 21, 2018 at the Department of natural Sciences of the faculty of natural Sciences and mathematics was an intellectual quest "journey of resourceful geographers", dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event was organized by the master of geography, the teacher of Baimaganbetov, the Participants of the game were the students of the 2nd and 3rd courses of the specialty "Geography". Carrying out such a geographical quest was aimed at identifying the intellectual potential of students, their knowledge of geography, as well as the disclosure of creative abilities.

On November 21, 2018, a meeting of students of the specialty 5В011300 - Biology, 5В011200 - Chemistry with Doctor of Chemistry, Professor of the Perm State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University Kozminykh Vladislav Olegovich was held at the Department of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. A lecture was given on the topic “Chemical education and scientific research in the field of synthetic and structural organic chemistry: main directions, achievements and prospects”.

In the framework of a healthy lifestyle 21.11.2018 the Department of natural Sciences, Faculty of mathematics and natural Sciences organized a meeting of students of 1-3 courses of specialty "Biology", "Geography" with the head of Department of epidemiological supervision of management of protection of public health, doctor of the highest category Kostanai Dunkaroos Raushan Aydarhanova. The lecturer discussed the main causes of SARS, AIDS diseases and measures for their prevention. During the conversation, the lecturer increased the level of awareness of students about the spread of HIV/AIDS in the world and Kazakhstan, focused the attention of students on reliable information about the ways of HIV/ AIDS transmission, as well as responsible attitude to their own safety and the safety of others.

November 20, 2018 The American Corner, together with the teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology, held a popular competition “Spelling Bee” among students of 2 and 3 courses. More than 50 students took part in a competition. The pronouncer clearly pronounces the word two times. The students should pronounce the word and say each letter distinctly. They have two minutes to spell the word. Students may ask the pronouncer to repeat the word, define it, use it in a sentence, provide the part of speech, and provide the language of origin.

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