"200th anniversary of the birth of Russian writer and poet, singer of love and Russian nature Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was marked on 9st November» The evening under the name "Two hundred years have passed ..." was began with those words in the library named after L.N. Tolstoy on 14st November 14. The 1st year students of the educational program Russian Language and Literature were invited. The participants had a spontaneous conversation about many things that could not be finding in school textbooks: about the features of Turgenev’s works, but also about an individual and citizen, about the depths of his works.

November 13-14 at Kostanay state pedagogical University.O. Sultangazina held a Republican round table on "Turkic Genesis and the Golden Horde", dedicated to the 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde. The moderator of the round table was Amanzhol Kuzembaiyly. The event was attended by doctor of historical Sciences, Professor Erkin Amanzholyly, Director of the Research Institute of Altai Studies and Turkology of the Eurasian national University. L. N. Gumilev, doctor of philological Sciences, Professor of Sartkozha Karzhaubaiuly, Secretary Shezhire public enterprises Tugbungan, a member of the Union of journalists, local historian Salterbeck Karabayev, head of the Internet project "History of Kazakhstan", the excellent information of Kazakhstan Altynbek Umirzakovich, head of information of Public enterprises Tugbungan were attended by a member of the world Association of Kazakhs and the Congress of historians of Kazakhstan Bahithat Soltani, a member of the Public Association Mogorola Erlangen Daniyar.

November 12, 2018 at a meeting of the Council of veterans held a discussion of the law "on the status of the teacher." The law on the status of teachers in Kazakhstan will be approved in 2019, now at the stage of public discussion. The law will provide incentives to improve the social status of teachers, to reduce the workload, protection from unnecessary inspections and other measures.Members of the Council of veterans were offered wishes. Active participation in the discussion took Utegenova B. M., Ph. D., head of Department of pedagogy.

Year after year Student’s startup projects count are developing in our university. This year, under the guidance of a master of humanitarian sciences, in department of pedagogy and startup project by students that's called Yermaganbetova Akbota Zhanalykovna, the startup project ““NEWdem” developing student's ambitions”. The advertising project in the projects of developing media-education of students, established a direct contact with the regional television.

November 9, 2018 according to the results of refresher courses for faculty members of higher educational institutions who provide training for teachers in the context of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed by the center of pedagogical skills of the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AOO, teachers of the Department of Natural Sciences Suyundikova Zh.T. Baubekovoy G.K. a methodical seminar was held on the topic “The use of methods for formative evaluation within the updated curriculum content”.

November 9, 2018 3-year students of the specialty 5B011200 - “Chemistry” at the Department of Natural Sciences of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences held a meeting with the writer, poet, candidate of philology, professor Serikbay Ospanov on the topic “Altynsarin әlemі” in the framework of the program “Ruhani Zhangyru”. During the meeting, the students were active in their creative plan: a 2-year student of chemistry specialty Aysina Aidana sang the song “Sagyndym Almatymdy”, as well as 2 and 3 year students of the same specialty Zhamalbek Ansagan, Zhunaeva Maftuna and Kapezova Ayakоz, read the poems of our main guest - writer akyn S.Ospanov.

On November 6, 2018, students of the Department of natural Sciences, specialty "Geography" Kairat Ayaulym, Esenalina Aigerim took part in the student scientific and practical conference: "The role of tenge in the formation of sovereign Kazakhstan", held by Kostanay branch of RSI "National Bank of Kazakhstan". The subject of the claimed report on the topic: "Analysis of natural objects reflected in the design of the tenge,"performed under the direction of Baybakova G. K., master of pedagogical education, Omarova K. I. master of geography, go through the qualifying stage among the 32 scientific papers presented by the Universities of Kostanay region.

A regular meeting of the local historian club took place in the walls of our University On November 9, 2018. As a guest and the main speaker of the meeting Alekseenko Marina Aleksandrovna - the head of Department of the state account and ensuring documents safety of the State archive of the Kostanay region was invited. The theme of her archival and scientific search is the fate of deported people in Kazakhstan. She is a frequent participant of international and national forums on the problem of deportation, the author of publications about the German Diaspora in the Kostanay region.

Teachers of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of Kostanay State Pedagogical University Pchelkina T.R. and Isina D.A. were members of the jury of the regional stage of the republican competition «Competition of research projects and creative works «Zerde» for grades 1-7». On 9th November the competition was held with a view to developing the skills to research activities and to stimulate the intellectual and creative potential of younger and middle-aged pupils.

The Department of natural Sciences of the faculty of natural Sciences and mathematics organized and held a round table on the theme: "Priority of youth-education" within the framework of discussion of the directions of the article of the Head of state "Look into the future: modernization of public consciousness"on 08.11.2018. The event was organized with the purpose of the opportunity to discuss the modern reforms in the educational process - the updated program of secondary education on the example of the Nazarbayev intellectual school of physics and mathematics in Kostanay, the role and importance of teachers in Kazakhstan, the effectiveness of educational practices.

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