On November 6-7, was held a financial educational program for students and teachers of the university and students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism. The event was organized by Ibraeva Rakhima Zhaudanovna, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. The initiator was the National Bank of Kazakhstan. The seminar “Basic Principles of Effective Financial Management” was attended by more than 70 people, the most active participants received certificates.

On November 7, within the framework of a social project, was held a meeting at the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism with a representative of «Nadezhda Plus» Ltd. Victoria Viktorovna Sherniyazova, who organized a shelter for homeless animals. Viktoria Viktorovna held a small introductory lecture with the students of freshmen’s on the topic “Responsibility to our smaller brothers”. Student group 18-21, led by the curator Shkvarenko N.S. wanted to provide all possible assistance to the shelter and bought dog food.

On November 6, 2018, in the framework of the explanation of the program “Ruhani Zhangyru”, there was a meeting of the head of the project office Balgabayeva Gaukhar Zakariyanovna with the 1st year students of the specialty “physical culture and sport”. During the meeting, Gaukhar Zakariyanovna shared information about the main directions implemented under this program: competitiveness, pragmatism, preservation of national identity, the Cult of knowledge, Evolutionary development and openness of consciousness. We also announced projects that are being implemented on the basis of our university.

On November 6, was held a meeting at the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism with a graduate of the sports faculty, Karatayev A.V. The meeting was attended by 3-year students of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sport" and 1-year students of the specialty "Tourism", Dean of the faculty of PESaT Kifik N.Y., head of the local lore club, dean of the faculty of additional and distance education Samarkin S.V., chairman of department of T&PFKSiT Ogienko N.A., lecturer of the department TiPFKSiT I. Gurskaya. Students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the interesting life and activities of their comrade-in-arms, retired lieutenant colonel of the National Security Committee, scholar, local historian, writer, poet.

As part of the implementation of the program “Digital Kazakhstan” with support educational centre “Edukey” on November 5, 2018y. was a master-class “ICT – school of successful teachers”, activity was done by Yermaganbetova Akbota Zhanalikovna, master of humanitarian sciences, in department of pedagogy and startup project by students that's called “NEWdem developing student's ambitions”. Organized by student startup project 4 th course students of Kostanay state pedagogical university took part in the master class.

On October 2, 2018y. at our Kostanay state pedagogical university passed an event which is called “Kind heart”. The activity was done by Yermaganbetova Akbota Zhanalikovna, master of humanitarian sciences, in department of pedagogy and startup project by students that's called “NEWdem developing student's ambitions”. Purposes of an event to make our students more kind and generous to make them helpful to their environment. In general there are 8 projects that were presented. In projects students learned to get on with their friends, to be polite to adults, to take a care about nature, to help animals.

Teachers of the Department of Natural Sciences Belan O. R. and Kubeyev M. S., as well as 4th year students of the specialties of biology and geography of the natural-mathematical faculty Atroshchenko O. and Kolyada Y. On 30.10 - 2.11.2018, the ‘’Clean City’’ training was conducted among first-year students of the philological and psychological-pedagogical faculties. The purpose of this event is to form a responsible attitude to nature; develop a sense of ownership and responsibility for everything that happens around.

On November 2, 2018, Kostanay State Pedagogical University together with the regional archive, organized a scientific-practical conference "The role of archives in the modernization of public consciousness". Before the event, the photo-documentary exhibition “Archivist Sounds Proudly!” was held, with thematic expositions of documents of the State Institution “SAKR”. The conference covered such topics as: “The state of the Kustanai region residents’ spiritual life in 1936-1939, based on the materials of the State Archive of the Kostanay Region”, “From the history of the Kustanai Real School according to the documents of the State Archive of the Kostanay Region”, “Historical facts concerning the biography of Ahmet Baitursynov”, etc.

On November 2, 2018, the military unit 6697 of the regional command of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Ortalyk” held a round table with the faculty and students of the Faculty of Philology “Modernization of students' moral values”. The meeting discussed the Message of the Head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people: "The main criterion for evaluating the success of a university is the employment of graduates after graduation, their employment in highly paid jobs." An impressive discussion of the facts and events of purposeful work carried out to ensure the security of the country was held during the round table.

The 1st of November of the 2018 year as part of the tutor project “I am intern” was held a round table called “I am intern: my career path” with interns, who graduated in 2017 and 2018 years. The round table was attended by 20 young teachers of Kostanay, experienced teachers-mentors from the University and freelance correspondent of the newspaper “Білімді ел – Образованная страна” Anna Baksaraeva. Young teachers told how the adaptation was in school, what were the difficulties, shared with their successes and achievements.

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