October 8-11, 2018 in the Assembly hall were held installation meetings with students of the faculty of additional and distance education, students of distance education technology. More than five hundred students received information about the features of the credit technology of education in our University, which was presented by the Dean of the faculty of additional and distance education S. V. Samarkin. A training seminar on work in distance learning programs Moodle, Platonus was held by The head of the distance learning Center P. N. Radchenko

October 11, 2018 in the auditorium of Kostanai State Pedagogical University hosted an event "Dedication to Students - 2018". After the opening ceremony a congratulatory speech by the university rector, Professor E.A. Abil also passed ceremony of a student card 1st year student of Social and Humanities Faculty - master of sports of international class in ballroom dancing in a wheelchair Malik Mukhtarova. Together with the Rector of all the students sang the hymn "Under the sky KSPU".

An expanded meeting of the scientific expert group Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of Kostanay region within the framework of the Republican lecture on the promotion of the Kazakhstan model of social harmony and national unity was held on October 11, 2018 at the base of the Chair of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of Kostanay State Pedagogical University. Bekmagambetov A.B, Chairman of the Scientific Expert Group of the Kostanay Region, spoke about the work of the regional Scientific Expert Group and the importance of the project "Kazaktanu" and Evdokimova O.N. activities of the Department of Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan in the framework of state programs on patriotism and spiritual modernization of the consciousness of youth.   

On October 11, 2018 the department of foreign languages organized the training on the unified system of online journals Kundelik.kz. Students of 3 - 4 courses of specialties participated in the training: 5B011700 – "Kazakh and literature", 5B012100 – "Kazakh and literature at schools with not Kazakh language of teaching", 5B011800 – "Russian and literature", 5B011900 – " Foreign language: two foreign languages".

Teachers of the Department of Psychology and Defectology of Kostanay State Pedagogical University: Demisenova Sh.S., Bisembaeva AK, Moldakhmetova GM, Grigorova Yu.B., Kalinichenko OV they acted as members of the jury of the regional stage of the republican contest “The Best Psychologist of the Year - 2018” among psychologists of educational organizations, organized by the Republican Scientific and Practical Center “Kostanay Daryny” of the Education Department of Akimat of Kostanay region.

October 5, 2018 on the basis of Kostanay State Pedagogical University in the organization "Zhas Otan" KSPU passed inter-faculty debate tournament devoted to discussion of the problem of nuclear weapons in the context of contemporary globalization. The main topic of discussion was the resolution "Elimination of Nuclear Weapons: What we have gained thanks to this decision? What is your attitude to the decision, the refusal of nuclear weapons? We lost by abandoning him? ". Also, members of the intellectual and the discussion of the fight has been affected by such a current topic today as "Positive and negative aspects of urbanization in the world today."

Teachers are mentors of the future: giving all their energy, they light others, direct them in the right direction. In Kazakhstan, this holiday is celebrated on the first Sunday of October. At the faculty of Philology this holiday did not go unnoticed. On October 5, students of the specialty "Kazakh language and literature" organized a festive event dedicated to the teacher's Day. It seemed that this day was the sunniest and warmest in October, and the weather was set by the students who organized the concert " Ustaz-uly ESIM!".

Students’ years - it is time when many want to travel and discover something new, distant, unknown. Academic mobility is a new kind of "tourism" in which students choose not only the direction, but also the country and the city. Participation in the academic mobility program in Kazakhstan and abroad is one of the favourite opportunities for our students! Each student of our University was able to test his or her knowledge for a grant to participate in the programme. Each student of our University was able to test his or her knowledge for a grant to participate in the programme. In the new academic year of 2018-2019, five participants from the Department of Biology, Physics, Foreign Languages have gone to Slovakia and France to study: Baimuhanbetova Inzhu, Murat Aidar, Urmanova Rysaldy, Korganbek Khaknazar, Abdigapparova Aysara.

4 October 2018 guests live «Tobyl tany» «Kazakhstan» RTRC» AK «Qostanai'» became acting head of the Department of physics and mathematical disciplines senior lecturer Telegina O. S. and senior lecturer Koszhanova A.G. The conversation was devoted to the anniversary of the launch of the first artificial earth satellite – «ПС-1». This event, which took place on October 4, 1957, changed the life, including the inhabitants of our region. The conversation concerned the history of the launch of «ПС-1» from the Baikonur cosmodrome, the impact of this event on life, the experiments carried out by astronauts on Board the ISS (International Space Station).

In Kostanay State Pedagogical University has become a tradition to combine the celebration of the elderly and the Teacher's Day Day. Celebrate this day of all: teachers and technicians, laboratory technicians, artists and librarians. Because each of them has contributed to the emergence of tomorrow's teachers. So this year, veterans of the institute - the University were invited to this celebration. Immediately at the entrance each guest was greeted by the students and escorted to the assembly hall in the place of honor. The concert began with the welcome speech of the rector of the university professor Әbіl E.A., who congratulated the participants not only from the day the teacher, but also on the Day of kindness and respect.

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