Department of physical and mathematical disciplines congratulates associate professors of the Department c.p.s. Demina Nadezhda Fedorovna and c.f-m.s. Demisenov Berik Nurtazinovich with the presentation of Honorary diplomas of the Minister of MES RK E. Sagadiyev's meeting for the progress made on the path of spiritual and social development of Independent Kazakhstan and contribution to the development of education. The staff of the Department wishes their colleagues success in scientific, creative and pedagogical activities.

October 3, 2018 in the auditorium of Kostanay Pedagogical University hosted a concert dedicated to the Day of the Teacher. Host of the evening were 2nd year students, the Faculty of Philology - Zyuban Vyacheslav Nagashibaeva and Madina. 2nd year student Nurdollaeva Makpal Nurakhmet and Dana continued the concert, singing the traditional song "Teacher, my teacher." Rector of the University, doctor of historical sciences, professor Erkin Amanzholovich congratulated the teaching staff, as well as the invited veterans of pedagogical work with their professional holiday.

As part of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of a prominent poet, writer, literary critic, translator, and public figure Kaynekei Zharmaganbetov, the Republican scientific and practical conference on the theme "National spiritual value: the influence of the modern artistic word on spiritual development" took place on October 3, 2018 personality. The purpose of the conference is to identify the influence of the literary, artistic and artistic heritage of the works of Kaynekei Zharmaganbetov on the renewal of the inner world of a person.

On October 1, 2018, a competition of innovative student projects of the Social Faculty of Humanities “Smart team-great dream” was held. 17 GFS students took part in it, under the guidance of 4th year students of the specialty History. The following persons were present as jury members: Dean of the State Charitable Committee Ph.D. Shahaman ZB, Baidaly R.Zh., deputy. Dean Abenov D.E. deputy Dean Ordashev M.Zh., Ph.D. Bekmagambetova M.Zh. The victory in this competition was gained by Ispulov Askhat, a first-year student of the specialty "Visual arts and drawing."

On October 1, 2018 the Birdwatcher Club "Fifi" of KSPU helds traditional celebration “Crane Day” with the support of the SRC PEB/Naurzum. Students of 1 and 2 years of specialties "Biology", "Geography" of natural sciences chair of natural and mathematical faculty, as well as members of the club actively participated in the event. Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical, Taukelov Ch.A., acting manager of the chair Baubekova G.K., Master of Biology, Senior Lecturer Bobrenko M.A. became guests of the event.

Kamila Saktaganova, a 3rd year student of the specialty “Visual Arts and Drawing”, in the framework of her participation in the Just Projekt Youth Development Project, won a grant of 1,000,000 tenge. In the summer of 2018, Saktaganova K., as a project manager, as part of an initiative group, applied for participation in a competition of social projects. The competition was the result of a joint project of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

September 29, 2018 the Eurasian National University named Gumilyov hosted the first Republican Olympiad in sports tourism! Our university at this Olympiad was represented by students of the 2-3 courses of the specialty “Tourism” Rsmukhambetova Alma, Akhmetov Yerlan, Khamatnurov Vlad, Kaztayev Yeldos, Tokseitova Zhanna and the head of the group senior teacher of the theory and practice of physical culture, sports and tourism department, honored instructor of the RK Ogienko Igor Vladimirovich.

On 29/09/18 a were held a charity half marathon, in which participated students of the specialty "Physical Education and Sport" of 1-2 courses, as well as students from other faculties of the university! There were races for 400m, 2.4 km, 5 km and 21.1 km. In total, more than 1,000 people took part in the festival. Among them about 200 students of our university. During all the races, the organizers held contests, and together with partners distributed sweet gifts.

September 26, 2018 within the vocational guidance work and cooperation with the schools our university hosted an excursion of students of the "Physical and Mathematical Lyceum" of Kostanay (the head of the group is a history teacher and a graduate of KSPU Kovalchuk N.V.). The excursion was organized by the faculty of additional and distance education together with the Department of History of Kazakhstan of the Social and Humanitarian Faculty. Samarkin S.V. told the students about the history of the creation and activities of our educational institution, organized visits to the nominal audiences of - Y. Altynsarin, M.K. Kozybayeva, G.D. Ganturin, V.S. Makotchenko and others.

In the period from September 17 to September 28, 2018 in Astana were held training courses for trainers on educational programs for raising the qualifications for teaching staff in the subjects of social and humanitarian and natural-mathematical cycles as part of updating the content of secondary education. Among the course participants are our teachers - Arsaeva, S. B., Baubekova, G. K., Koszhanova, G. K., Kozhanova A.G., Suyundikova, Z. T.

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