On September 16, the final conference of the ACADEMICA project was held, which was organized as part of a major international conference entitled “Internationalization of Higher Education: Experience in Implementing Tempus IV, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus + Projects at KSU named after Sh.Ualikhanov” dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the joint European Tempus projects IV, Erasmus Mundus and Erasmus +. The plenary session was held at the Regional Kazakh Music and Drama Theater named after Sh. Kusainov. The plenary session began with a speech by the rector of the university M. Syrlybayev.

On September 15, 2018, the final monitoring took place at Kazakhstan's partner universities for the ACADEMICA project. This monitoring is the third for this project and includes an analysis of the main stages of the project activity. The final project also aimed to show the implementation of all the main stages of the project development, supporting it with concrete actions and at the end of the monitoring the partners had to demonstrate the potential of the project’s sustainable development. The monitoring was conducted by Tasbulatova Shaizada Umurzakovna Director of the National Office of Erasmus + in Kazakhstan.

In the money box of sports trophies of the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism of Kostanay State Pedagogical University there are two more gold medals. He won the 2nd year student of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sport". He was a Master of Sport of the international class, the gold medalist of the VI International Games "Children of Asia", the winner of the Asian Asian Paralympic Games (United Arab Emirates), the bronze World Cup Paralympic Powerlifting Champion, repeated winner of the championships of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Tursynay activist not only in sports - this year the girl became the second vice-miss of the contest "Miss Virtual Kazakhstan-2018".

On September 12th, 2018, monitoring on the finalization of the ACADEMICA project was organized on the basis of Kokshetau State University (ACADEMICA-Project No. 561553-EPP-1-2015-1-BG-EPPKA2- CBHE-JP (2015 - 3552/001 - 001). The partners of the ACADEMICA project, as well as the coordinators and the coordinator of the National Office of the Erasmus + program in Kazakhstan S.U.Tasbulatova took part in the monitoring process. As part of the monitoring, reports on the areas of work packages (WP) were reported.

From 6 to 10 September in the Russian city of Sasovo hosted the World Polyathlon Championship! On September 10, international polyathlon competitions in sport disciplines rsh-hex-rrs (shooting, strength training, race on skis) and rsh-hex-cr triathlon (bullet shooting, power gymnastics, cross) ended. In the competition took part two states - Russia and Kazakhstan. Russia was represented by fifteen subjects. Competitions were held among boys and girls, men and women and veterans.

High sports and coaching achievements are shown by the teachers of the Faculty of the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism, even during the holidays! So: On July 13-16, the first historical championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the asykat among the veterans took place in the city of Yatan-Qaraqai of the East Kazakhstan region. The women's team of the Kostanay region took 1st place, the men's team - 2 place. The trainer is the senior teacher of the department Kakashev K.T.

The 9th September marks the 190th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy. The Kostanay's library of his name has devoted event for this day on September 21. The students of the first year of “Russian language and literature” specialty were all invited for this event as guests. The aim of this event was to show the young readers that works of Tolstoy is admired and appreciated for versatility, freedom of thought, deep philosophy of life. A lot was said about Lev Nikolayevich himself and about his bright and rich destiny. As A.M.Gorky said “Tolstoy is the whole world”.

05 September 2018 in the classroom A-201 a creative meeting of students of the specialty "Music education" with composer Erciyes by Narymbaev. Ersiyn of Narymbaev from four years living in Uzunkolskiy district, Kostanay region. He graduated from Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute im. You. Altynsarin. He graduated from Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute. Y. Altynsarina. His songs are known far beyond the Kostanay region. He wrote music to the words of the poet M. Makatayev «Алдыңнан терезеңнің жүріп өттім», «Бір-ақ күн еді», «Жанарсыз адам келеді», as well as many songs of other authors, «Cырласқан қыздар қайда екен?, «Ерте солған гүлдер», «Бұрым туралы баллада».

Students of the specialty "Russian language and literature" are active readers and participants of the events held annually by the Regional universal scientific library. L.N. Tolstoy. On September 18, 1st and 4th year students took part in the literary evening "from the silver age to the iron age", dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of the poet Anna Akhmatova. The event was held in a very unusual format and was an online tour of the house-Museum of Anna Akhmatova in St. Petersburg. The work of Anna Akhmatova, the guests were presented by the artist theatre Studio Nelly's Jolamanova Unosawa Laura.

The celebration of the Day of Knowledge at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism was held under the auspices of the veteran of the faculty Zotova Lydia Dmitrievna. It was on September 1, veteran Zotova Lidia Dmitrievna celebrated her 90th anniversary. She was invited to the line, where she addressed the freshmen students with parting words and wished them a happy journey on the road of knowledge.

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