On April 26, 2018 the staff of office of career guidance and public services of the university together with the regional center of testing "UStudy" on Kostanay have organized an excursion in the Kostanay pedagogical university for pupils of 11 classes of high schools with a state language of training of Altynsarinskiy (4 persons), Auliyekolskiy (6), Zhangeldinskiy (1), Kamystinskiy (1), Kostanay (2), Mendykarinskiy (1) and Naurzumsky (2) areas. Further receipt of children in the university on specialty of natural and mathematical faculty became a main objective of holding a fact-finding excursion of school students. In total have visited the University of 17 School Students.

April 26, 2018 at the Department of Natural Sciences was the celebration of the anniversary associate professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences Natalia Veniaminovna Vazheva. Natalia Veniaminovna began to work as a senior laboratory assistant at the Kostanay State Pedagogical University since September 1972, she worked as a teacher, senior lecturer, dean of the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, head of the department, currently she is an assistant professor of the department.

In the life of every man there comes a time when you have to decide where to study and where to work, i.e. to choose a profession, his way of life. What does the right choice of profession mean? First of all, you need knowledge about the professions themselves, the requirements they impose on the person of the worker and the ability to assess their own abilities, identify their interests and aptitudes. On April 26, 2018 senior teachers of the Department of psychology and defectology of Kostanay state pedagogical University KairovaB.К. andUsembayeva A.H. was found with the purpose of career guidance and outreach to graduates of secondary school № 8 of the city of Kostanay. 

On April 26, 2018 in a conference room of the Kostanay state pedagogical university there has taken place the meeting with Youth Anti-corruption Initiative club which is an important element in development of patriotism, civil activity and formation of the principle of "zero" tolerance to corruption offenses and helps chosen him as vigorous activity, to develop such abilities as critical thinking, the logician, active a civic stand and an ideal of honesty and justice. The meeting purpose - association of not indifferent pupils of Higher education institutions.

А round table was organized on April, 26th, 2018 on the basis of the economic faculty of KSU named after A. Baitursynov under the topic "Digitalization in the educational process: theoretical, methodological and practical aspects". The moderator of this event was N.T. Sartanova, a candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Banking of KSU. Participants of the round table were teachers and students of the Faculty of Economics.

In the colorful atmosphere of colorful suits and east’s confections, Caucasian fire dances, Uzbek songs and theatricalized production of the Greek myth "Orpheus and Eurydice" passed Festival "Birligimiz zharaskan!", organized by the department of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan and project office of April, 25 in eve the day of Unity of people of Kazakhstan. So, in one of auditorium of university students acquainted an audience with traditions, folklore, national cuisine, literature, by the way of life of one of ethnos inhabiting multinational Kazakhstan.

April 25, 2018 at the Department of Preschool and Primary Education by senior teachers Mukalieva B.Kh., Salamatova A.B. a methodical seminar was held on the theme "The use of modern pedagogical technologies in the teaching of the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle" The aim of the seminar was: to improve the quality of education by forming a modern model of education. Target audience: teachers and students of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education.

April 24, 2018 senior teachers of the learning English training language center of philological faculty Abisheva S.K. with Serzhan- Abdrakhmanova was organized meeting of the 1st year students of psychological and pedagogical faculty with head of the Department of public events of Kostanay friendship house Nabieva Zulfiya Rafikovna. The main activity of the regional house of friendship is aimed at implementation of state programs, implementation of the Strategy of the Assembly of people Kazakhstan.

On April 24, 2018 in a conference room of the Kostanay state pedagogical university there has taken place the meeting with the naib imam of the regional mosque Balakhmet Alisher Yertaiuly and the chief specialist of youth policy of akimat of the Kostanay region Indira Dauletkhankyzy. The meeting was held for the purpose of increase in religious literacy at students before a month Ramadan. During the meeting students asked questions on a subject "that such aspiration to knowledge whether it is important to receive knowledge of Islam before a month Ramadan", on everything they asked questions have received answers.

From 09 to 20 April 2018the III year students of the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" of the Department of Philology, Abdigapparova Aisara Baltabekkyzy and Nurmakhambet Balgul Beibitzhankyzy went to the branch of Université Sorbonne Paris Cité in Almaty, the Institute Sorbonne-Kazakhstan for the French educational module "Methodology of scientific research" by the academic mobility. The two-week module was conducted by Juliet Denis, Associate Professor of History, specially invited from France.

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