On May 4, 2018, in the gym of the KSPU took place open championship on national sports dedicated to the program "Ruhani zhangiru". More than 30 students from different faculties took part on this competition. The competition was held in Togızku malak and asyk atu. All the champions and prize-winners were awarded with the certificates of the KSPU sports club. Our university students showed the following result...1 place - Jappar Aizere Psychological-pedagogical faculty.

On May 4 at department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan the enlarged meeting of Council of veterans of the university in honor of Anniversary of the director of the information and library center Nechiporenko Inna Ivanovna, the worked head of library has taken place more than 25 years. By the rector of the university Inna Ivanovna has been handed the Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the achieved success and a contribution to development of education.

In 2018, to support the youth of our country, the "Bridges of Accord" public foundation organized the project "The Best Student", covering all regions of the republic. Within the framework of the project for the inclusion in the 1st collection of the collection of talented students "Zhas-Kuran", the 2nd year student of the specialty "Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction" of the philological faculty, Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute Ihsan Daniyar was awarded a letter of thanks.

On May 3, 2018 in the universal reading room there has taken place the celebration of home front workers who in difficult years of war were absolutely young, but have felt all its weight, pain and a grief: Zotov L.D., Thorny I.K., Kiselyov A.I. Skrynsky I.M. Veterans shared memories, Kiselyova A.I. I have touchingly read the verses on war. In honor of veterans’ verses and songs performed by students of the university sounded. The book and illustrative exhibition "Also Remembers the World Saved" became addition to an action.

From 26 to 30 April 2018 Petropavlovsk hosted the Republic championship on parapauerlifting. The combined team of the Kostanay region on steam powerlifting successfully completed its performance. At the match Kostanay region in the national team was represented by Kabyl Tursunay, the first year student of specialty PEaS. The young athlete managed to show a good result in this championship: 1st place among juniors; 2nd place among women.

Annually the regional championships in track and field athletics are held. From 25 to 27 April was held the Championship of Kostanay region on track and field athletics under the auspices of the VII small Olympic Games. This time the competitions were held in the city of Rudny. The competition involved universities, colleges, children's sports schools, and other educational institutions of the region. There were more than 250 participants in the Championship. Competitions were held according to IAAF Competition Rules 2017-2018

On April 27, 2018 at department there has taken place the action devoted to a public holiday of Kazakhstan noted annually: curator hour with students 3 courses of specialty "Vocational education" "on May 1 – Day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan" (the responsible senior lecturer Abdimominova D. J). On curator hour there were deputies the manager FMIOTD Telegina O.S., teachers of department Shagiakhmetova L.M., Zhigitova A.B., Dyomina N.F. and first-year students of specialties "Physicist" and "Vocational education".

On 26st April the scientific and practical conference "Youth of the 21st Century and Science" was held for students of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature", students of the Kostanay subsidiary of the Chelyabinsk State University and pupils of schools were invited. 45 people took part in 5 sections. Interesting conversation about the tendencies of modern literature, questions of teaching in schools was held in the section "Contemporary Literature" (Head of section: Pchelkina T.R., Ph.D.).

О мерах по многоаспектной модернизации учебного процесса в вузе выступила Председатель Научно-методического совета Г.Мусабекова. Проект «Новое гуманитарное знание» укладывается в рамки программы «Рухани жаңғыру». Отметила, что выход в свет 18 новых учебников – важное событие в жизни казахстанского образовательного сообщества. Получена возможность обогатить учебный процесс новыми учебниками, переведенными на казахский язык, которыми пользуются в лучших университетах мира.

On April 25-26, 2018 in Astana Congress Center EXPO 2017 the National Cup of student entrepreneurship, start-ups and innovations Enactus Kazakhstan National Expo 2018 began. The First Eurasian Forum ENACTUS was held in the National Cup. It unites teams not only from Kazakhstan, but also from Russia, Tajikistan and Azerbaijan. The championship was attended by teams from 50 universities of the country, which presented more than 100 startup projects.

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