On October 25, 2018, students of the 1 course of specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" philological faculty together with the teacher of department of foreign languages Zhaukina S.A. have visited KGU "The Kostanay Special Complex "Children's Garden-school-boarding School" for children with Special Educational Needs" of Department of education of akimat of the Kostanay region. Students together with pupils of school have decided to makethe information stand at school on "In the World trinity of languages".

On October 24, 2018, a traditional tour of first-year students of the specialty “Geography” of the Russian and Kazakh departments to the Geological Museum of the MD “SevKaznedra” took place. The head of the museum, Vera Petrovna, acquainted our students with the history of the creation of the museum, the diversity of its exhibits. So students learned that the geological museum was created in 1956 for purely professional purposes - accounting and storage of geological collection materials. It contains tens of thousands of samples, including rare minerals.

On 23 of October 2018 the Office of science and international relations organized a training seminar on improving the quality of scientific works by means of using Scopus & Science Direct. The representative of Elsevier company, Dina Shaykhislam, spoke in detail about the possibilities and rules of publication in journals indexed by Scopus. The seminar covered the issues of improving the efficiency of search in Science Direct, accessing the necessary material regardless of the used search engine.

On October 22, 2018, the Center for international relations and academic mobility together with the Faculty of additional and distance learning of KSPU held an online discussion on "Innovative approaches in the methodology of teaching English: the development of reading skills". The discussion was attended by students of the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages", teachers of the Department of foreign languages of KSPU (Podawac O. D., Asanov A. B., Kudritskaya M. I., Ouali A. I.), teachers and students of Arkalyk state pedagogical Institute.

22 October, 2018, students of the 3rd year of the specialty «Fundamentals of Law and Economics» of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Gappar Ayzere, Matylov Dәekirzhan, Kuanysh Symbat, Omirbayeva Urmankul, Mukhamedrahimova Zhansulu, Ospanova Kamila, Rahimgaliyeva Anara together with their students and their team of students and students. and Razuvaeva M.V. took an active part in the work of the focus group on preparing for the youth scientific-practical conference on the topic “Anti-corruption modeling of social processes as a factor of stability of the state and civil society”..

Teachers of the Department of Psychology and Defectology of Kostanay State Pedagogical University: Smagliy TI, Demisenova Sh.S., Toyimbetova DS they acted as members of the jury of the regional stage of the republican contest “Zerde” competition of research projects and creative works among students of grades 1-7. The competition is held on October 20, 2018 in order to develop the skills of children and adolescents to research activities and to stimulate the intellectual and creative potential of young and middle schoolchildren.

October 20, 2018 the Dean of the faculty of Philology, candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor Esirkepov K. K. gave an interview to the correspondents of the TV channel Kazakhstan-Kostanay position of the Latin alphabet. The purpose of the interview is to inform about the transition to the new Latin alphabet. To date, a lot of work has been done to translate the Latin alphabet. One of them is the project Of the Institute of linguistics. Akhmet Baitursynov and national scientific-practical center "til-Kazyna" JSC named after sh.

In Kostanay, work continues on the discussion of the Message of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev dated October 5, 2018 “Growth of the welfare of Kazakhstanis: improving incomes and quality of life.” Teachers of our faculty also participate in the discussion of the Message, including Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Esirkepova Kenzhegul Kabygazinovna. To this end, Esirkepova K.K. visited the military unit 6697 of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Kostanay

October 18, 2018 in the framework of the study of the cycle of pedagogical disciplines and taking into account the topics of classes for students of the psychological and pedagogical faculty, 4 courses of the specialty 5B010200 - "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" head of the department "preschool and primary education" Ph.D. Lee E.D. and senior teacher Zhandauova Sh.E. a lesson was organized on the basis of the "center of support for children in difficult life situations of the city of Kostanay" of the Department of Education of the Akimat of Kostanay Region.

On October 18 students of Philology faculty took part in public hearings on the results of project «Implementation of a set of activities aimed at the formation of family values in the youth environment, support of young families» SI «Management of youth policy of Kostanay region akimat» implemented project in cooperation with NGO «Society for support of disabled citizens with of   musculoskeletal system dysfunction «U'mit-Nadezhda». The aim of the project: Revival of moral values and positive image of family and marriage (matrimony), mainstreaming the status of family, demonstration and wide promotion of family values among young people, care of adult children and disabled and elderly parents.

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