March 4, 2014 at the Faculty of Foreign Languages took greetings of teachers and students of the Faculty of International Women's Day 8 March. The event was organized by the students of the 2nd year, namely: Armand Abdrakhmanov, Nevzorov Vlad , Syundikov T. melting as well as a teacher of foreign languages: Kusainov S.S. and the assistantof department of foreign languages Astashkin V. A.,a Master of the Russian State Pedagogical Institute named after Herzen R.S. Miroshnichenko participated in the organization of the event. Teachers and students of the Foreign Languages Faculty were invited to the event.

On the basis of Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages February 28-March 1 held the Republican Student Olympiad onforeign languages. 358 participants from 23 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part at The Republican Student Olympiadin eightforeign languages. Winners of the institute tour were invited on the Republican Olympiad. Intrahigh Olympiad in foreign language sheld in KSPI 28 November 2013.

February 24, 2014 at 17.00 in the assembly hall of the House KGPI students held a concert program "FFL - 1 year", dedicated to 1 year of the faculty after disconnecting from the philological faculty. 1st year students prepared musical and dance numbers in three languages, a video greeting from the dean and excellent students, substantive information about the history of the Faculty of Foreign Languages KGPI. The event was attended by over 50 students living in the House of students, among them were not only students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages, and the Department of History and Arts.

February 19th, 2014 the Faculty of Foreign Languages organized brain-ring "Trilingualism in Kazakhstan." The game was attended by first-year students - 3 teams: Team FFL, IFE and FF. The game consisted of 3 stages: greeting, the main tour, a creative contest. Students demonstrated knowledge of three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English, as well as awareness of the facts of history, geography, art, sports, the game was held with the fans between rounds sounded musical performances.

February 13, 2014 together with the Centre polylinguism Educational and methodical study FFL invited the creative team Zatobolsk grammar school №3, who presented on the stage of the auditorium of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute musical "Kyz Zhibek" in Kazakh, English and French. Students were invited polylingual groups and students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. The audience was delighted with acting skills, fluency in the language, choreography and vocal young talents. This is a real incentive for the teachers and students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

2014 is special for KGPI. In October, teachers and students will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the university. The staff of the Faculty of Foreign Languages has devoted the anniversary of a loved Institute event - meeting students of the 1-D and 2 courses with an honorary citizen of the city of Kostanay, the head of the NGO "Association of Historians of Kostanay region", the ex-rector KGPI (80s), Ternovoy Ivan Kondratievich. The meeting was also attended by Vice-rector for educational and methodical work to. Th. n., Tolegen Mukhtar Adіlbekuly and FFL Dean, PhD, Doroshok E.L.

Senior lecturer in foreign languages FFL Ungutbaeva G.S. at the seminar "Design of the learning process of a foreign language in a single system of ranking and evaluation of knowledge, focused on the European standard" 3 February 2014. He held a master class on the topic "Implementation of the Cambridge textbooks in the educational process", as well as visiting practical training for teachers of English Kostanay and Kostanay region in the gymnasium named after S.Maulenov

31.01.14 the regular meeting of the Board of the Faculty, which was invited by Vice-rector for educational and methodical work Tolegen M.A. for awarding certificates to teachers, conducts master classes at the seminar "Improving the teaching methodology of the Kazakh language in the framework of the program polylinguism": Kudrytskaya M.I., Ospanova A.S., Ismagulova G.K., Zhakebaeva M.G., Kudrytskaya E.A., Zhumashev M.D.and Zhakupzhanova G.S. It is noted that the faculty was a year since its inception in January 2013. Dean has expressed gratitude to all the members of the Board of the Faculty for the fruitful work in the assigned areas of activity. Particular attention was paid to the issue "on the implementation of measures for the education of the Kazakhstan patriotism" (rapporteur deputy dean Gileva V.N.). The Council decided to continue to focus on the educational work at the Faculty with the aim of familiarizing young people to the values of Kazakh society.

On 27-28 of January in 2014, students of 1, 2 courses FFL participated in discussion of the Message of President N.A Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan's way-2050: common goals, common interests, common future." Vice-rector of educational and methodical work Tolegen M. A. and teachers of the department of Kazakhstan history acquainted students with the basic provisions of the Message, the students focused on the need to "... learn, to acquire new knowledge, to get new skills, to use knowledge and technology skillfully and effectively in everyday life."

On 14 - 22 of January in 2014 the teachers of foreign languages participated in the Olympics among the faculty and staff of KSPI, which was conducted with the aim of promoting healthy lifestyles, promotion of physical culture and sports among the faculty and staff, as well as identify the strongest athletes and teams. Satbaeva M.T, Zhakupzhanova G.S Kusainov S.S, Astashkin V.A participated in the competition of checkers, the results of which Zhakupzhanova G.S received a diploma for the II place. Struchkova N.M showed her talent in the game of chess. Kusainov S.S Astashkin V.A, Danilov V.V, Gileva V.N. Suleimenova G.M Nurahmetova Z.T actively participated in competitions of darts and asyk.

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