From Almaty with excellent results returned 2nd year student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages Aldabergenova Dana. During the 4 semesters she studied at the Kazakh Women's Pedagogical Institute on the program of academic mobility of students. Dana confirmed expectations KSPI administration, passing summer exams only on "A". In addition, she participated actively in the social and academic life of the Institute, took 3rd place in the linguistic competition received great reviews the Kazakh Women's Pedagogical Institute teachers not only knowledge of English but also French.

On the fifth of May, 2014 at assembly hall of KSPI was carried out a festive event dedicated to the Day of Victory. At the event were invited veterans and front workers WWII: Sagandykov Shaydulla Sagandykovich, Kiseleva Anna Ignatyeva, Noskova Vera Stepanovna, Ternovoy Ivan Kondratyevich, Skrynskiy Ivan Mikhaylovich, Artykov Marat Abdievich. Vice-rector on training and methodological work, associate professor, PhD, Tolegen M.A. congratulated veterans with this great holiday, thanked them for the feat, accomplished but them in hard war time. Ternovoy I.K. appealed to students with the words of edification, with a request to keep the peace without war, a world that has got to cost millions of lives.

April 20, 2014, students of the 38th AR group of foreign languages department visited the veteran Labour Masyukova Mariya Artemovna. The initiative of the meeting came from the students themselves, and was organized with the aim of preserving the historical memory and connection between generations.

April 17th, 2014 at the Faculty of Foreign Languages annual regional scientific-practical conference for teachers and teachers of educational institutions "From innovation to the daily practice" was organized. The conference was attended by teachers of Physics and Mathematics Lyceum, High School № 5, high school №11, high school №2, high school №1, Kostanai College of Medicine. The conference consisted of three main blocks - plenary meeting, workshops and round tables. At the plenary session there were heard the report-report, "From our experience in the English language center of the University of Macau, China" (Kudrytskaya M.I,. PhD, head of the department of foreign languages; Kudrytskaya E.A., master of psychology and management education, teacher of foreign languages).

11th of April there was a meeting of a representative of the Embassy of the USA in Kazakhstan, teacher of the English language Bee Jenkins with the vice-rector on educational and methodological work Tolegen M.A., dean of the faculty of foreign language Doroshok E.L., and head of the chair of foreign languages Kudritskaya M.I. During the meeting with a representative of the Embassy of the USA were discussed terms of development of a program of students and teachers' academic mobility between KSPI and Kent state university, Ohio.

The 10th and 11th of April 2014 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute met representatives of the French partner university «VIA DOMITIA» Perpignan - Director of the Center for the Study of the French Pascal Casanova and Vice-Rector for International Relations, Jean-Louis Marty. The University is a partner KGPI since 2010, and all the while there is a constant fruitful exchange of both students and teachers. At the last meeting with the administration of the Institute reviews, led by the rector K.M. Baymyrzaev was decided to expand the cooperation between the two universities, exchange students not only the faculty of foreign languages, but also to include in this process the students of other faculties. In the future, the institute plans to pay for his studies of the best graduates in the master partner university.

The 10th of April 2014 At the Faculty of Foreign Languages hosted the annual student scientific-practical conference "Science through the eyes of young researchers." At the plenary session were: - Head of the Department of Science, International Relations and innovative development BaymuhambetovaB.Sh. - Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages – Doroshok E.L. - Associate Professor WAC, professor KGPI - Ospanova A.S. - Head of the Department of Foreign Languages - Kudrytskaya M.I. - Acting head of the department of practical linguistics - Bikenova G.S.

April 3, 2014in the educational-methodical study of foreign languages department held a meeting with students of the German branch ofthe Berlin University under graduates Humboldt Claudia Spielmann. The guest presented to the audience a presentation about the culture of Germany on scholarship programs DAAD, invited the students to visit the FFL"Clubof the German language." Similar meetings will be regular, it is also planned to organize a series of lectures on regional studies in Germany for students of 2-3 courses.

There was developed a project "English on the move" by a student of foreign languages faculty Jumabayeva Asia Muratovna. It is dedicated to EXPO-2017. This project is nothing else as a cell phone application. The main aim of the project is to learn English on move. It doesn't matter where you are, walking in a park, driving your car or whatever. You switch on "English on move" in your cell phone instead music and enjoy learning English language.

March 17, 2014 Teaching and methodical study of the Facultyof Foreign Languages, together with the Centre polylinguism organized quiz "National Games", devoted to the holiday"Nauryz". At the event were invited: French under graduate of the University of Grenoble, a teacher of the French Center of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute Anais Mure, a volunteer from the United States Caroline Barrow.

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