February 9-10, 2015 the 1st year students of FFL 14 ER, 15 ER could get acquainted with the history of KSPI under the guidance of the head of the museum Karina G.A. The history of formation of the Institute as the first higher education institution in the region, information about its first prominent personalities, current faculty and students glorifying KSPI far beyond it found their place in the stands and the windows of the institute museum. The students were grateful for the interesting tour and promised that they would visit the museum whenever possible.

February 7, 2015 FFL dean Associate Professor Doroshok E.L.organized meeting with the students enrolled in the program of academic mobility - students visited for one semester in France, Perpignan. Students prepared colorful presentation, videos of daily life. With special warmth students talked about the cultural exchange between students of different countries, a joint program of the academic mobility. A real opportunity to visit the birthplace of Napoleon, to touch the culture and life of the target language.

January 31 the FFL dean, Associate Professor Doroshok E.L. organized a meeting of the first-year students with the students enrolled in the program of academic mobility - Nenashev Gleb (Germany, Bonn) and Ungutbaeva Aisha (USA, Kent). They prepared reports and presentations with photos, and told the students about the opportunities to study abroad. They also expressed appreciation to the leadership of the Institute for the opportunity to learn in foreign universities.

The meeting of first year students of Foreign Language Faculty with Kuatbekov Askar Meyrambekuly, the Naib-Imam of the Kostanay regional mosque "MaralIshan" was taken place on January 26, 2015 in room 320 at 14.30. This conversation was organized according to the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan.

The course meeting of first year students was held on January 26, 2015 in room 320 by the Dean of Foreign Language Faculty, Doroshok E.L., Candidate of Philosophy Science, associate professor. Subject of discussion was a conversion of previous system of knowledge assessment to 100-ball system one. The Dean informed students about changes in criteria of knowledge assessment. Also the attention was paid to the attendance of students and to the level of their training. If you still have questions about the system of knowledge assessment, you can study the instructions about estimation in details on the faculty board.

On January 19, 2015 the conferences on practice for students of the 3rd and 4th courses were held by teachers of the Chair of foreign languages. The senior teacher Burmagina L.A. made a presentation to explain students the practice process and preparation of reporting documentation. The students had many questions, so the teachers Kinzhibayeva A.S., Ungutbayeva G. Sh., Danilova V. V., Asanova A.A., Almukhanova Zh.T. answered them.

The football tournament among teachers and employees of KSPI took place on January 15, 2015 in the sports hall #2. The team of Faculty of Foreign Languages included such participants as Kusainov S.S., Kim V. V., Nenashev G., Abilmalikov K.K., Abenov D.E. The intense game between teams of the Faculty of Foreign Languages and the team of Faculty of History and Arts ended in a draw. However, it was appraised as one of the most solid.

The competitions in darts and asyk were held on January 14, 2015 within the sports contest among teachers and employees of KSPI on skiing lodge. The most active part was taken by teachers of the Faculty of Foreign Languages - Kudritskaya M. I., the head of Department of Foreign Languages, the senior teachers: Ungutbayeva G. Sh., Danilova V. V., Kinzhibayeva A.S., Asanova A.B., Amirova E.L., Deputy Dean Umarova A.B., and also Suleymenova G. M. and Laboratory Assistant Satbayeva A.T.

The competition on table tennis was organized on January 13, 2015 on skiing lodge. It was entrusted to protect a name of faculty to Satbayeva A.T., the laboratory assistant of the Teaching and Educational Center of Language Preparation. The Faculty of Foreign Languages was awarded by the 3rd place in this contest full of passion and emotions. Our congratulations!

The drafts tournament took place on January 12, 2015 in room 619 with in the Games among the faculty and staff of KSPI. The contest was attended byKusainovS.S., a teacher of Foreign Languages Department and KimV.V., the laboratory of the Department of Foreign Languages. The game was difficult for the participants, but it filled them withpassion and desire to become skilled playersin this sport. We wish success toall participants.

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